This is from the far the BBC has refrained from being drawn in….
2014 on track to be one of the wettest years on record
Unusually rainy November and December could make 2014 the wettest year since records began
The Telegraph is quoting the Met. Office and that old fraud Bob Ward (who isn’t a scientist) who tells us…..
Mr Ward said the trend for wetter weather was being caused by climate change.
“The very wet and warm year we are experiencing is part of a pattern, with the seven warmest years and four of the five wettest years on record so far have all occurred from 2000 onwards. Climate change means the UK is now about one degree warmer on average than in 1970, and the warmer atmosphere holds more water, leading to heavier rainfall,” he said.
However even the Met. Office says…
“As we head into December there are signs that rainfall amounts should become nearer normal.”
But what do the numbers say? Do they, as Bob Ward claims indicate one of the wettest years ever? Do they indicate a trend towards wetter weather?
No. of course not. You didn’t believe the paid up peddler of climate propaganda did you?
In the years 2000-2014 in England and Wales the wettest year was 2012 with 1244.4 mm.
That’ll be less than 1768 then, with 1247.3 mm…
or 1879 with 1284.9 mm.
The trend is definitely there then.
But surely 2014 is heading to be the second wettest on record….
Well so far there has been 900.1 mm…..and with December looking to be average, and even if it wasn’t, the rain would have to be totally extraordinary to be above the levels seen in the years quoted above.
Even if you add in Scotland and Northern Ireland there is no trend towards wetter weather…and you have to take into account records there only start in 1931 not 1766 as in England and Wales….
The wettest year in Scotland since 2000 being 2011 with 1668.2 mm…but 1990 had 1720.4 mm, 1954 had 1675.7 mm and 1948 had 1669.9 mm.
In NI in 2002 there was 1193.6 mm, but 1958 had 1197.1 mm, 1954 had 1315 mm and 1950 had 1238.2 mm.
That trend for wetter weather is shaping up nicely…but only in the mind of climate fraud Bob Ward.
Shame the newspapers, and all too often Roger Harrabin, give him any credence at all.