Double Trouble

double dip


One of the most popular reports on the BBC website is that the UK economy is in a double dip recession…a story from 2012.

Even then it wasn’t a true story:

There was no UK double dip recession, ONS data suggests

Britain’s double-dip recession may be erased from the history books after the Office for National Statistics said the construction industry grew more strongly than thought at the start of last year.


Even the BBC admitted as much:

UK double-dip recession revised away


Could it be union activists trying to distort the news?  Or perhaps it could be all those lefty Daily Mirror reporters doing their research trying to cook up an anti-Tory story such as they did with this: (From the Telegraph)

Brooks Newmark sex scandal: How a tabloid newspaper tried to snare Tory MPs

The Telegraph’s report delves into the Mirror’s entrapment of the Tory MP and its attempts to snare others and looks at the rules in regard to ‘Public interest’ journalism.


The BBC isn’t very interested, limiting its exploration of the issues on the Labour supporting Mirror’s actions to this:

Asked whether he thought Mr Newmark had been entrapped, Mr Fallon said he was unable to comment as he “hadn’t seen the details”.


Looks like a very dirty election….and think about it…this is a Labour paper setting out to trick a Tory MP into doing something for which he is then forced to resign his position.

If that had been a Murdoch paper the BBC would have been all over this questioning the malign influence of the right wing Press on UK politics.







Crying All The Way To The Second Home


Evan Davis was so upset about the homeless migrants in Calais living hand to mouth in makeshift shelters that he cried all the way to his second home in France.

He could of course give some of them a room in one of his homes if he cares so much about them.

Next time anyone reading this is passing through Calais I recommend you hand out Evan Davis’ email address, along with his fellow pro-immigration advocate’s and tell the migrants to give them a call.

Don’t suppose Davis and Co would be all that keen on immigrants then…. the ones that take your job, your home, your kids place at the school, your place in the queue for medical treatment, the ones that rob and rape and kill you…they don’t mind so much about.

BBC employees like Davis are well insulated from the downsides of immigration with the money to keep the unpleasantry at a distance…though of course they do their bit for the immigrants by employing them…cheaply…at the expense of the local workers.

And no surprise the BBC often uses Davis to front its programmes and interviews on immigration.





I see the BBC are bigging up this welcome news.

Hundreds of people have taken part in a protest led by France’s leading Muslim cleric against the beheading of a French hostage by jihadists in Algeria. Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, told the crowd outside the main Paris mosque that the killers had no claim to Islam. He said French Muslims were united against “barbarism”.

However, the BBC seems unaware of this…

Up to 15 percent of French people said they have a positive attitude toward the Islamic State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The share of ISIS supporters is largest among France’s younger generation,

So, maybe not ALL Muslims? I wish they would give us balance, but they won’t.


Well, it must have been such a tough one for the Comrades. I am referring to Red Ed’s absolutely woeful keynote speech at #lab14 and that unfortunate business of “forgetting” to discuss the Deficit and Immigration! How to spin THAT one, then? As we get closer to next May, the BBC are going to have their work cut out portraying Miliband as the next Prime Minister. It’s a bit like Michael Foot all over again.

Oh Brothers Where Art Thou?



The BBC’s Dominic Laurie laments the British union’s lack of commitment and fervour when compared to the Frenchies:(50 mins)

What we know is that workers for French companies are willing to go all out in industrial action and to prolong it and do it for a long time…Air France will have to back down if the pilots are this adamant.

As we know in the history of France when you strike for a long time you tend to win…it works!’

Peter Allen interjects….‘It used to in this country…we should remember that’.

Presumably Allen was looking back nostalgically to the era before Thatcher and the days when there was no legislation to control the wildcat strikes that destroyed British industry….good old unions in the 70’s…the interests of the workers at heart not their paymaster’s in the Kremlin….LOL.


It did seem that Laurie had just a little bit too much admiration for the French strikers and was more than a little bit rueful that such belligerent attitudes didn’t manifest themselves more here in the UK.

Good for the BBC…standing up for the oppressed and downtrodden worker!




Here’s What We Think…..

Oh…Just seen it…beats dancing outside Buck House I guess.


The BBC has been making up the news and doing it in a way that paints David Cameron in a bad light….

From the Telegraph:

BBC criticised over coverage of David Cameron’s Queen gaffe

BBC accused of ‘speculation’ after claiming David Cameron said that the Queen cried when told about Scottish Independence

The BBC is facing criticism after suggesting that David Cameron said it was great to hear the Queen ‘tear up’ after he told her Scotland had voted against independence.

Peter Hunt, the BBC’s Royal Correspondent, said on Twitter that the BBC’s “finest ears” believed he had said: “I’ve never heard someone tear up like that. It was great”.

Channel 4 News subsequently claimed the words were “cheer up”, significantly changing the meaning of his comments.


The BBC’s interpretation seems more wishful thinking than reality…I doubt the Queen would ‘tear up’, she has after all been around the block a few times, can’t see her blubbering down the phone, and Cameron’s comment after, ‘It was great’, doesn’t really fit the BBC’s interpretation…why would Cameron think it ‘great’ to hear the Queen ‘tear up’?  Great to hear her ‘cheer up’?  I’d have thought so.

Pure speculation from the BBC…..and why don’t they make so much of Salmond’s reaction…when he wishes more stomach ulcers upon David Cameron…..just after having called Cameron ‘pathetic’ for talking about his royal conversation….the BBC cuts short his comments with this ‘final’ one…“That’s absolutely pathetic and he should hang his head in shame.” No embarrasing comment about wanting Cameron to suffer medically then.


By coincidence this morning I was thinking the BBC was indulging us with their speculative thoughts a bit too much as I listened to the BBC’s James Shaw (38 mins) reveal his impressions of the probable next, and female, leader of the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon.

First of all we heard the no vote dismissed as merely the women of Scotland being irrational and scatty beings influenced by shallow, inconsequential, trivial things such as Alex Salmond’s Shrek-like appearance and abrasive personality.

Somewhat patronising on the good women of Scotland who voted no.  Perhaps they had rational, well reasoned and sound grounds for voting the way they did and it wasn’t just a case of PMT, girlish immaturity or whatever nonsense the BBC has gallantly decided put the skids under Salmond’s crusade….though of course the BBC’s lack of rigorous challenge and questioning of Salmond and Co might well mean that a lack of genuinely informed debate meant having to make decisions based upon less objective measures.

Pure speculation from the BBC….and are they building a case for the SNP to have  another, ‘real’, ‘representative’, referendum?…the last one obviously being not legitimate due to those irrational women….and the BBC does like to emphasise that 45% voted ‘Yes’…and are telling us that…‘Two Scotlands have emerged’…  and you know what?….. 45% voted “Yes”. I think the three main parties at Westminster should be worried about that.’

It ain’t over and the BBC are happy to keep stirring things up.  So much for maintaining civic society and social cohesion.



Then we were told the beauteous and charming Sturgeon will have the men of Westminster eating out of her hand in the negotiations for new Scottish powers…Cameron and Osborne will be putty in her hands, purring with delight perhaps,  practically surrendering the keys to the kingdom, and will in fact move themselves and their families, lock, stock and barrel, up to Scotland to live under the enlightened and fair rule of that Nicola Sturgeon lassy.

Once again pure speculation from the BBC.

Still, it fills the schedule up with something I suppose.