John Humphrys yesterday (08:10) blamed the invasion of Iraq in 2003 for the rise of ISIS, choosing a moment in time and a particular event that Humphrys’ world seems to revolve around, and making that the sole trigger for events that occurred subsequently.
Humphrys is anti the Iraq War and so any chance he gets he tries to pin some blame for world calamities upon the invasion.
Two can play at that game of course…a good argument could be made to say John Humphrys is solely to blame for the rise of ISIS and the spread of Islamic terrorism around the world…having made false allegations about Tony Blair and having misled the world into thinking that the war was illegal he has ensured that governments now are very reluctant to engage in military action or suppression of Islamic terrorism…..leading to a free for all in the Middle East….never mind the rise of ‘conservative Islam’ here in the UK.
But let’s not be judgemental…let’s be more generous and merely ask why Humphrys limits his historic blame game to events in 2003? He has always opposed the Iraq War and was prepared to mislead the listener and spread misinformation when broadcasting on the subject…perhaps his editor or producer should reconsider when choosing who to front a piece on Iraq, Humphrys being seriously compromised, damaged goods.
Wy not choose to go back to say 1914?…..the BBC are after all always ready to blame the British in WWI for the creation of Israel, which as we know is the cause of all the trouble in the world……so why not blame Bosnian Serb, Gavrilo Princip, for the rise of the Jihadis?
The link is clear…Princip kills the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, leading to the First World War, the rise of the Soviets, the rise of Hitler, the eventual creation of both Israel and Pakistan and Al Qaeda.
Hitler started the Second World War and lost. The Soviets then annexed much of Europe and started the Cold War which climaxed in their defeat in Afghanistan by Mujahideen supported by the West. The Mujahideen had morphed into Al Qaeda under the guidance of Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden wanted to invade Iraq and depose Saddam with his own Mujahideen…’He didn’t like him, and he told me he wanted to kick him out of Iraq, as he considered the Ba’th regime to be an atheist regime. He considered Saddam Hussein an atheist, and he hates an atheist’…… but was rebuffed by Saudi Arabia who invited in the infidel Americans to do the job in 1991…leading to OBL’s terminal case of the grumps against the world and his subsequent plots against the ‘Far Enemy’, the USA, with his creation ‘Al Qaeda’.
Meanwhile Pakistan created the Taliban as a proxy army to control Afghanistan which led to Al Qaeda having a Jihadi friendly training base and 9/11, and thence the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq by the West….then we had the Arab Spring, set in motion by a fruit seller, Mohammed Bouazizi, in Tunisia as the BBC always admiringly tells us , followed by mass uprisings and conflict in Egypt and then Syria.

‘Mohamed Bouazizi’s image has been used to inspire protesters throughout the Arab world’
Events in Syria led to the resurgence of ISIS….So Mohammed Bouazizi must be a good candidate for hanging the blame on for the recreation of ISIS in John Humphrys world.
ISIS is an off-shoot of Al Qaeda, and as mentioned Al Qaeda wanted to depose Saddam long before the US got boots on the ground in 1991…so Humphrys’ claim that ISIS and the current war in Iraq is a creation of the 2003 Iraq invasion has little basis in fact…ISIS was beaten in Iraq by the ‘Surge’, the same Surge that Humphrys always claimed would never work. ISIS retreated but rebuilt and used the violent carnage in Syria to recreate itself…..only to be driven out of much of Syria by another Jihadi group, al Nusra…..ISIS made the best of it and set out to take as much of Iraq as it could…taking advantage of the discontent felt by Sunni Iraqis towards the Shia lead government.
Humphrys also blames the 2003 Iraq invasion for putting the Shia Maliki in government as PM who then adopted policies that favoured the Shia that subsequently created that ISIS friendly discontent opening the way for the ISIS takeover.
But that is all to convenient and suits Humphrys’ own narrative. If you want to cast some blame for the Shia/Sunni conflict you only have to look at Saddam’s policy of crushing the Shia rather than integrating them. They now take their revenge. Humphrys also conveniently forgets the Shia Iran/ Sunni Iraq war.
Or you could go right back over a thousand years to the split in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shia.
Why doesn’t Humphrys go back to that time? Why does he stop in 2003? It suits his agenda.
What we have with Humphrys is a BBC journalist hijacking history, abusing his position to peddle his own fantasies with editors and producers too weak or too much on board the same narrative to stop him.
Trying to pin the blame for particular events on a single previous event is, as shown above, childishly simple to discredit and mock. No one single event can be said to be to blame for future events, any event is the cumulation of many, many historic occurrences that lead up to it. Cherry picking ones that allow you to spin a tale that you want to be true doesn’t make it so.
Just as Humphrys misled us about the start of the war he now misleads us about the subsequent fallout.
Good job we don’t have to rely on the BBC for the truth. Just a shame we still are forced to pay for this misinformation/tripe.