David Cameron must have long regretted his liberal urges as he saw the beneficiary of his PR stunt/ethnic minority box ticking exercise run rampage, undermining the government’s foreign policy and subverting and emasculating its anti Islamic terror programme.
Baroness Warsi was more interested in promoting Islam than in doing her job….people will say ‘ah but she defended all religions‘…indeed she did…but in doing so her real aim was to ensure that Islam was allowed to maintain its customs and traditions not just in private but in the Public sphere as well…..she said.…’I’m Muslim, but all faiths are important to me. I think that in order to create a more just society people need to feel stronger in their religious identities.’
Stronger in their religious identities?….By promoting ‘all faiths’ she makes Islam stronger and more assertive of its ‘rights’ and demands….she knows Christianity is losing ground so supporting it is just a question of time……..as Islam is gaining and likely to keep on growing with immigration and a high birthrate….and so likely to be the dominant religion demographically quicker than you might think…politically it is already the dominant religion with the media and politicians running scared of it.
Warsi’s narrative is the same line the Islamist MCB takes…a rather paradoxical approach to integration…if you want Muslims to integrate they must be allowed to form their own unique and separate societies in which they can practice their beliefs unhindered by local laws and social norms….a parallel society…a mini-Pakistan, or several mini-Pakistans, within Britain.
And she had some pretty rum bedfellows working alongside her.
The BBC however doesn’t make mention of any of the doubts about her loyalties and her dubious contacts. The BBC is more concerned with airing her attack on the Government for its measured approach to Gaza….
Foreign Office minister Baroness Warsi has resigned from the government, saying its policy on the crisis in Gaza is “morally indefensible”
One interesting phrase from Warsi is this:
Lady Warsi’s resignation letter says government policy is “morally indefensible, is not in Britain’s national interest and will have a long term effect on our reputation internationally and domestically”.
It’s that ‘domestically’ we should be concerned about. Is she threatening us with yet more ‘outraged’ Muslims angry at ‘our’ foreign policy? That after all is the justification, so often supported by the BBC, for Islamist terror attempts.
Just why do Muslims get so ‘angry’ about Gaza and yet, like Warsi herself, turn a blind eye to the same or worse in Muslim countries?
Why has Warsi not resigned over the government’s handling of Syria or its failure to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Middle East?
It seems Muslim Warsi is only concerned with Muslim suffering when caused by Israelis.
It seems that the BBC refuses to go down that road and challenge her on her views and loyalties.
It’s not as if the questions haven’t been asked many, many times……
‘Hopeless’ Warsi ‘resisting’ David Cameron’s fight against extremism
Baroness Warsi and the demons of hate
Baroness Warsi and the OIC
Baroness Warsi was over-promoted, incapable and incompetent