Good to hear on the BBC (2 mins) that ‘Israel continues to bomb Gaza in defiance of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who has called for an end to Israeli airstrikes.’
Nicky Campbell talking to an Israeli military spokesman earlier in the day (09:41) was busy making equivalence between the Israeli government and the terrorist organisation Hamas.
After asking if the Israeli airstrikes might be described as a ‘barrage of aggression’ he suggested ‘some people might think‘ that as well as Israelis living in fear perhaps Palestinian children are also living in fear at the moment because of those airstrikes asking ‘What would you say to those families?’.
He went on to say there is a [fair] comparison between civilian deaths.
But there isn’t. You cannot separate out the intentions of the various State actors. Hamas deliberately targets Israeli civilians whilst Israel does everything it can to avoid civilian casualties.
Campbell seems to think that Israel should not defend itself and should sit back and shrug off any amount of bombardment….philosophising that violence only begets more violence.
All very easy when sat in the comfort of a radio station in the safety of the UK.
The relative safety of the UK I should say…because Nicky Campbell has been traumatised by violence here… reported by the Mail today.
‘I was spat on because I tackled litter yobs’, says Five Live host Nicky Campbell
Nicky Campbell has revealed how he was left ‘extremely upset’ when litter louts spat on him outside his home.
The Radio 5 Live Breakfast host was verbally abused and ‘showered’ with spit when he confronted the gang of yobs for ripping open bin bags and kicking rubbish all over his street.
Speaking for the first time about the emotional impact of the attack in Clapham, south London, he said he had to be comforted afterwards by his wife Tina.
‘I asked them very politely to put [the litter] in a bin and they covered me in spittle all over my hair,’ he told this week’s Radio Times.
‘I walked back home and then I went upstairs and had a shower and lay on the bed.
‘I called Tina and she came up and I talked to her about it and I was extremely upset.
Although the incident occurred in 2011, it appears from Mr Campbell’s comments that it has had a lasting impact and remains in the forefront of his mind.
The shocking encounter happened just weeks after the father of four found himself having to chase a burglar from his property.
After being alerted by the family’s golden Labrador, Maxwell, he jumped out of bed naked at 5am to confront the thief who was trying to steal his £600 bike from the garden.
At the time Mr Campbell said: ‘I ran downstairs, opened the back door and flew out with Maxwell beside me.
‘My body parts were dangling in the wind. I just wanted to get him. I was pumping with adrenaline.’
However the burglar fled the property empty-handed. ‘If I’d caught him I don’t know what I’d have done – probably hit him,’ Mr Campbell added.
‘Or maybe I would have tried to sit on him naked until the police arrived – that would have traumatised him for life.
‘Something primordial took over…’
Interesting how a bit of abusive language and being spat at can have a lasting impact on the traumatised Campbell…and how he just wanted to hit a burglar.
Guess Campbell applies a different standard for Israelis who have been under attack by Muslims for over 60 years, living under the threat, once again, of annihilation.