Focus On The Hocus Pocus



The BBC Trust has confirmed why it is unfit for purpose having just published a review of its of its review of its science coverage:

Trust Conclusions on the Executive Report on Science impartiality Review Actions


When the BBC Trust is setting the BBC’s editorial policy on climate change and at the same time is the final arbiter on complaints should you wish to complain about the BBC’s climate change coverage it’s not hard to work out that you are not going to get an independent and impartial decision.


The Trust states that:In 2010 the Trust decided to review the accuracy and impartiality of BBC science coverage…….. The Trust commissioned an independent report from Steve Jones, Emeritus Professor of Genetics at University College London, together with content analysis from the Science Communication Group at Imperial College London.

Now Professor Steve Jones is far from independent being an ardent clmate change fanatic who owes his living to the BBC and so is unlikely to be impartial.
The BBC is busy brainwashing its staff to accept the line the wish to push:The coverage of science by the BBC continues to be a hotly debated issue.   The Trust notes that seminars continue to take place and that nearly 200 senior staff have attended workshops which set out that impartiality in science coverage does not simply lie in reflecting a wide range of views, but depends on the varying degree of prominence (due weight) such views should be given.
Just who runs those seminars?  They sound remarkably like the green ‘black propaganda’ seminars run by Harrabin and climate change campaigner Dr Joe Smith in their CMEP guise…with money from a climate change ‘communications’ group.Once again hardly impartial.Ironically the Trust says that:Audiences should be able to understand from the context and clarity of the BBC’s output what weight to give to critical voices...and yet the Trust itself is prescribing who and what is to be allowed on air….the only conclusion you can draw is that the BBC has decided no climate sceptics should be allowed any airtime at all.It goes on:

Judging the weight of scientific agreement correctly will mean that the BBC avoids the ‘false balance’ between fact and opinion identified by Professor Jones.


The trouble is the Sceptics aren’t just giving their ‘opinion’, their scepticism is based upon the science, or the lack of science.

For instance they proved that the infamous ‘Hockey Stick’ graph was wrong.   There is still no proof that CO2 is the driver of climate change.  There is no evidence to show that ‘extreme weather’ is caused, or even being generated, by climate change.  There is no evidence that the oceans are absorbing all the heat.  There is no science to show why global warming has paused for 17 years.

The ‘science’ proves absolutely nothing as of now…..which is why the climate change ‘communicators’ want to concentrate on ‘risk’…yes we can’t prove such and such but what if….?  We just can’t take the risk you know!


The Trust states that:

“This does not mean that critical opinion should be excluded. Nor does it mean that scientific research shouldn’t be properly scrutinised.”


Unfortunately it means precisely that…..Harrabin and Co are pushing one message and do not publish anything that goes against that message…the ‘inconvenient truth’.

The BBC is no longer a reliable and trustworthy reporter of the ‘science’, instead it has become nothing more than an organisation that has succumbed to political and green lobbyist pressure and compromised its own principles to sell the Public a line, it has become a PR outlet for the Greens.


That has become ever more important as other publications succumb to the green lobby pressure leaving people with few genuinely impartial and accurate sources of information.


Here is the Telegraph’s measured and knowledgeable comment:

BBC staff told to stop inviting cranks on to science programmes


The Daily Mail also seems to have surrendered its integrity and given in to either financial inducement or political pressure to change its tone when reporting climate.  Recently it has been far more ‘on message’ reporting events wihtout any hint of doubt or criticism.





n 2010 the Trust decided to review the accuracy and impartiality of BBC science
coverage. As the Trust noted at the time:
Scientific developments have the capacity to directly affect us all significantly.
Debates relating to everyth
ing from climate change to medical advances to DNA
technology feature prominently in our public discourse. And ethical, policy and
funding questions associated with science arouse strong emotions. As a
consequence they often strike at the core of sensitive
editorial issues. So it is vital
that the BBC’s audience enjoys science coverage of the very highest standards.
The Trust commissioned an independent report from Steve Jones, Emeritus Professor of
Genetics at University College London, together with cont
ent analysis from the Science

Communication Group at Imperial College London.


Gotta love the BBC’s endless profound propagandising for Palestinians. Three teenage Israeli boys are taken away and shot to death by Palestinians. Cue PR problem. Then, Palestinian boy is also brutally murdered. We don’t know by whom but the BBC were quick to make it pretty clear that it was by Israelis “in revenge”. Maybe this is true, and NO ONE would see this murder as anything other than obscene BUT the BBC are the guys who were sooooo reluctant to accept that Hamas killed the three Israeli boys. Now, a few days on, with Israel targeting Hamas in Gaza, guess what? Yes…Hamas are holding out a branch of peace….

“Hamas has offered to halt its rocket attacks if Israel stops its air raids on the Gaza Strip, the BBC understands. A source with the Palestinian militant group said Egyptian intelligence officials had brokered a potential ceasefire, after escalating clashes. Israel says sporadic shelling from Gaza has continued. Several rockets and mortars landed without causing harm.”

The Palestinians are ALWAYS the victims. Hamas and the IDF are presented as if they are in any way comparable – which they are not. And most importantly, Israel is always in the wrong.

Incontrovertible Proof Of Something



From the Guardian:

Murdered Palestinian teenager’s family says new footage shows his abduction

Video appears to bolster family’s claim that murdered teenager Mohamed Abu Khdeir was targeted by Israeli extremists


Despite the Guardian’s claim the video in no way ‘bolsters the families claim that he was targeted by Israeli extremists’…it is  impossible to determine who took him or exactly what went on from the video….like to know how the family know they were asking directions.



The Telegraph reports:

In the hours after his death, rumours appeared on Twitter that Mohammed had been killed by fellow Palestinians as part of a criminal gang feud or by his own relatives in a so-called honour killing amid unsubstantiated suggestions that he was gay. His family have dismissed such assertions out of hand and insist that he had no criminal connections or history of being in trouble.





Good Old Boys



A group of Muslim Asians attack and nearly kill two black non-Muslims.

The BBC have so far ignored the sentencing of the racist thugs in this country and are more concerned with the death of  a Palestinian in Jerusalem.  Can’t imagine them being so slow to report this if it had been a white right wing thug doing the attacking….only whites can be racist and Islam is the religion of peace.


From the Mail:

Racist thugs jailed for 36 years for battering two men almost to death with baseball bats because they weren’t Muslim



From the Spectator:

The Bradford head teacher who got it right on Islam and education

We should heed Honeyford’s warning, and recognise that what matters to Britain, as a secular nation state, is the extent to which the rising generation of Muslims can become British citizens first, and Muslims second, when it comes to defining their public duties.


Ray Honeyford Headmaster At Drummond Middle School In Bradford. Pictured With Asian Pupils. (received In Library 24/10/1984)




‘Three Down Six Million To Go’? ….. Yolande ‘death’ Knell Reports



The BBC has been repeatedly broadcasting an incendiary audio interview with relatives of the Palestinian teenager killed in Jerusalem as tensions between Israelis and Palestinians are ‘dangerously high’....a soundtrack that is almost certainly already on a Jihadi website added to video and pictures of Israeli or Western ‘atrocities’ against Muslims as a tool to both recruit new Jihadis and to incite more terrorism against Western or Jewish targets.

It must be a serious editorial misjudgement to broadcast what is nothing more than a highly emotive, provocative incitement against Israelis and any who support them.

The interview is one long ‘blood libel’ against all Israelis making provocative and inflammatory claims designed to whip up anti-Jewish sentiment as the Palestinians compare the Jews to Nazis and imply that the murdered Palestinian teen is just the start of a Palestinian ‘Holocaust’, a Jewish ‘Final Solution’ to deal with the Palestinians…. ‘one down, another 5 million Palestinians to go‘,  that the Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, plans to kill them all, that the Jews have stolen their land and now are stealing their kids and killing them.

They claim the teenager was just a child, a ‘kid’…but at age 17 he is the same age as the British ISIS member boasting about his Iraq adventure.…’a person claiming to be Nasser’s brother Aseel told BBC Wales he was willing to die for the cause.

The 17-year-old, who is also believed to be in Syria, told the Week in Week Out programme: “Jihad is obligatory.”‘


There seemed to be no rhyme or reason for broadcasting this so called interview which is little more than the usual ugly, racist Palestinian anti-Israeli propaganda.  It was first broadcast on ‘Today’ (08:10), then Derbyshire played it on her show but  made no comment…which begs the question played to what purpose, what was the intended reaction that the BBC wanted to get from the listener?  It was clearly intended to provoke some sort of reaction.  Undoubtedly it has been broadcast on other shows throughout the day and is available on the website as a stand-alone.


Perhaps The BBC’s Director General might like to get in touch with his lawyers to check if the BBC is guilty of promoting terrorism:

Terrorism Act 2006

(2) A person commits an offence if—
(a) he publishes a statement to which this section applies or causes another
to publish such a statement;

and (b) at the time he publishes it or causes it to be published, he…..(ii) is reckless as to whether members of the public will be directly or indirectly encouraged or otherwise induced by the statement to commit, prepare or instigate such acts or offences.


Should the interview be found on a Jihadi website to recruit jihadis and promote terrorism would there be grounds for a prosecution against the BBC who so recklessly broadcast something that directly or indirectly could encourage Muslims to join the Jihad against Israel and the West?



The BBC were slow to report the kidnapping of the three Israelis, but fast off the mark to report the death of the Palestinian and to ascribe his death as the probable result of an Israeli lynch mob.

The BBC is now painting a picture of aggressive, violent Israelis out to attack Palestinians in revenge for the deaths and continually make reference to claims like these:

Scores of Israelis had angrily protested in Jerusalem late on Tuesday, after the funerals of the three Israeli teenagers.

Ghonit Sela, director of the Human Rights in East Jerusalem Project, told the BBC further attacks were feared.

“We saw dozens of people walking in broad daylight in the streets, yelling ‘death to Arabs’, trying to attack Arabs.


or this

“The Israeli police are just here to protect the settlements,” said his friend, Saif. “The settlers come to attack us all the time. They try to push us over the edge. Especially in Jerusalem.”


The BBC’s Kevin Connolly has been reporting that Israelis have been inciting violence against Palestinians but fails to mention anything about Palestinian threats and incitement.


The BBC consistently fails to report the celebrations when an Israeli is killed such as these celebrations of the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers:



PA, Fatah cartoons gloat over teens’ kidnappings

Drawings in official PA newspaper and on Fatah facebook page appear to celebrate abduction of Israelis

Anti-Israel caricature on the Fatah Facebook page


children 3

This was photographed on the Temple Mount. These ‘Palestinian’ children and their teachers are celebrating the abduction of three Jewish teenagers by holding up their three fingers in what has become the viral sign of joy at the kidnapping.


kids three fingers




The BBC fails to report what the Palestinians teach their kids…the first video is interesting as it ends with the thought that once they have finished with Israel they will move on to Iraq and to the creation of a Muslim State without borders…someone has beaten them to it………




Open And Transparent



Amused to see Robert Peston complaining about Press freedom:

Why has Google cast me into oblivion?


This is coming from a man employed by an organisation that tried to shut down a ‘right wing’ news organisation that was a commercial and political opponent of the BBC.

It also comes on a day when the National Audit Office slams the BBC for its secretive ways:

Imagine that: the BBC is more secretive than anybody

The BBC is more prone to hiding behind commercial secrecy to withhold embarrassing evidence than almost any other organisation, according to public spending watchdogs investigating its costly failures.

The BBC’s willingness to deploy commercial confidentiality and individual privacy as reasons to keep back information put it in a league of its own, the head of the National Audit Office (NAO) said.


An organisation that spends £300,000 hiding a report into its activities in the Middle East perhaps has reasons to be secretive.


One thing to note…I have noticed that searching for BBC reports, even ones from a few days earlier, is becoming harder….BBC articles used to top the search pile but more often than not the Guardian seems to top the list and the BBC often isn’t there leaving you to alter the search terms until you hopefully dig something up….or go back through your history to connect directly to the link if you’ve read the article before.  Is that Google having a different priority for the BBC, or the BBC changing how articles can be linked to, or my own limited ability on the internet?

The BBC also seems to block access to older versions of reports…every time I have tried to use internet archives there is no link to anything but the most current version….meaning all those ‘mistakes’ and inappropriate interpretations of events are ‘vanished’.

Whatever the reasons, a technical glitch or the BBC ‘managing’ its news archives,  it does seem harder to dig up ‘old news’ from the BBC.



The European Union…Another Sykes-Picot?



You have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the BBC….so ready to blame Sykes-Picot and the ‘carving up’ of the Middle East regardless of ethnicity, culture and religion for the current state of affairs there…and yet so ready to encourage us, by hook or by crook,  to accept the oppressive hand of the European Empire erasing our nation states regardless of ethnicity, culture and religion.

How long before an Anglo-Saxon ‘ISIS’ declares its own Jihad against ‘Europe’ and demands its land and culture back?

Wonder if the BBC would be as supportive of those ‘militants’ as they are of the real jihadists?


Radio Four yesterday was cheerleading for Europe with yet another example of its use of a ‘discussion’ as a subterfuge to promote Europe rather than engage in a genuine debate….asking  ‘Would you be better off with Britain out of Europe?’

Remarkably, considering the weight of opinion against the European adventure,  the BBC found difficulty in getting EU sceptics to call in…as it admitted during the programme.

Not only that but some of the ‘callers’ you had to suspect were somewhat more than the average man on the street…’Hazel’ from Aberdeen seemed more likely to have an office in the Scottish parliament building whilst ‘John Butcher from Surrey’ (10 mins 30 sec)  would seem to be conservative councillor John Butcher, once a member of the Conservative Group for Europe…..but the BBC didn’t bother to tell us that and let him go on demanding the full costs of an ‘out of Europe’ vote be quantified whilst telling us that the approach to the referendum was fundamentally dishonest.


The presenter, Shari Vahl, gives the impression of being an enthusiastic EU supporter eagerly listing all the benefits of EU membership, as she sees them.

What isn’t gone into is the fact that the ‘European money’ that the EU so generously sends to us is in fact our own money once the EU has extracted a large wodge  that they take to pay themselves a nice wage, to provide themselves with a generous expense account and to gild their pension pot…what’s left funds Spanish motorways and white elephant airports  as well as some eventually finding its way back across the Channel to us.

We are told all that ‘European money’ will vanish, that businesses won’t invest here, that we won’t be doing any business with Europe, that all that useful legislation passed by the EU wouldn’t have happened if left to a national government, that ex-pats will be deported and should they be allowed to stay in their Spanish villas they won’t get health care anymore.

One of the few sceptical callers to get through took issue with all those points (about 12:36) ….and you could hear the sniggering from the studio….clearly they weren’t actually intending to have a genuine debate.

Another caller slipped through the net and said the majority of people wouldn’t think their lives would be effected in a beneficial way by membership of the EU...Shari Vahl countered with another caller saying he had a different point…clealry thnking he was a pro-EU caller…..the caller was an ex-fisherman who told us of the great fishing industry we used to have…Shari Vahl asked him what happened to that industry when we joined the EU…he said the industry was closed down.

Cue a rapid intervention from Shari Vahl demanding to know what would happen if we left the EU and then went back to the previous caller and said triumphantly ‘There you go, someone whose life has been effected by EU membership!’

Well yes, but not for the good….an industry was destroyed….hardly the beneficial effect the caller was actually talking about.


Shari Vahl was an impressively enthusiastic cheerleader for the EU becoming very animated with pro-EU callers, eagerly listing the apparent benefits of the EU that would either never have happened without the EU’s legisltaion or will be taken from us should we leave.

One of the things not discussed was what happens as the EU draws ever closer to becoming an actual federal state and not just a federation of sovereign nation states….Britain would then have to choose…it wouldn’t be possible to stay a fringe member of a such a state.

That is probably the most important and inevitable question as such a federal state is the intended end result of the European project.

The programme gave the impression of being a ‘debate’ with opposing pro and sceptic ‘experts’ and opposing callers, however the sceptics were few in number and treated with disdain or outright opposition and the whole programme gave the impression of being set up to promote the Dream as much as possible.

All part of the ‘education’ of the ignorant and foolish masses.




‘Let Us Wait Patiently’



A Palestinian teenager has been killed in Jerusalem.

Israeli Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said it was too early to draw conclusions as to the motive.

“We know of a boy who apparently was abducted and we see a link to the discovery of a body. This is still under investigation by the forensic labs and detectives,” he told reporters.

“Everything is being examined. There are many possibilities. There is a criminal possibility as well as a political one,” he added. “I am telling everyone, let us wait patiently.”



The BBC has already decided…..the teenager was killed by Israeli extremists in revenge for the killing of three Israeli teenagers by Palestinians.


Kevin Connolly reports (11:37) that ‘Most people, in the absence of evidence, are making a direct connection between this and the abduction and murder of the Israeli teenagers.’

Connolly goes onto make a spurious connection between what Netanyahu said and the motive for the killing….‘Now we don’t have the evidence to know that this is what happened but if you think about the words of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who described this murder as a despicable act….that implies he sees a political connection.’

Calling the murder a ‘despicable act’ and urging the police to catch the killers does not imply anything about the politics…that is purely Connolly’s spin.


Victoria Derbyshire shows her worth and asks…‘So it’s impossible to say what is behind the killing of this Palestinian boy but who might be behind it?  What do people say?’

More indepth, factual reporting from the BBC.

Connolly tells us that the Palestinians are pretty sure it is Jewish extremists…but, ironically, ‘It would be nice to know more before we make our political judgement.’


But that hasn’t stopped them laying this at the door of the Israelis.

The one o’clock news on R4 (3 mins in )tells us that this was almost certainly the work of Israelis and Connolly tells us that the boy was kidnapped early in the morning on the way to the mosque…his family say they saw it on CCTV from the father’s shop…it showed a car pull up and a group of Israelis get out and abduct the boy.


However that’s not what the BBC reported elsewhere when ‘live’ witnesses saw the whole thing and were close enough to hear the conversation…remember this is in a solidly Palestinian area, right in front of people in the street:

Witnesses said Mohammed Abu Khdair was abducted near his father’s shop in the Arab district of Shufat in East Jerusalem.

A relative said he saw two men approach the boy and ask for directions before bundling him into a car.

“While they were speaking to him, a car approached in which there was a third man,” Saeed Abu Khudair told the Reuters news agency. “Two of them carried him. He was small so he couldn’t resist.”

“Some men who were nearby saw what happened. They chased after the kidnappers’ car, but they couldn’t catch it.”



So two different stories already.  And it would be interesting to know how they knew they were ‘Israelis’ from the CCTV footage.  Good of the BBC to give credence tot hat story.


Almost no doubt in the BBC’s mind that this could be anything other than an Israeli killing…they are happy to keep pushing that ‘suspicion’ anyway regardless of the ‘absence of evidence.’  An equally plausible scenario is that Palestinians staged the abduction themselves.  It wouldn’t be the first time they have ‘sacrificed’ one of their own for propaganda purposes…to ‘blood-libel’ Israel……but no mention of any such possibility from the BBC.

Muhammed Al Dura was most likely killed (if killed at all) by Palestinian’s intent on blaming the Israelis and generating some anti-Israeli black propaganda:

The killing of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Durrah in Gaza became the defining image of the second intifada. Only Israel claims it was all a fake

One of the most evocative and shocking episodes of the second Intifada, the shooting of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy by the Israeli army, was staged. Indeed, Mohammed al-Durrah was not even injured in the incident.

Those, at least, are the findings of an investigation by the Israeli government, published today, which has described the case as a “blood libel on the state of Israel”.