The Prodigal Son Returns…To Jail



The BBC’s adopted son, Moazzam Begg, has been arrested by anti-terrorist police:

Ex-Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg arrested by terror police


Can we expect the BBC to bring out Jimmy Savile’s old caravan and park it in the car park again as they must have done the last time Begg was incarcerated and his father became a constant fixture on the airwaves demanding his innocent son’s release.


Of course being arrested doesn’t mean you are guilty…let’s face it Begg admitted he attended a terrorist training camp before his stay at Guantanamo..and yet the BBC campaigned for his release loudly and often.

Whilst in the training camp in Afghanistan Begg said he “… met men who seemed to me exemplary in their faith and self-sacrifice, and seen a world that awed and inspired me.”

Guantánamo files leaked in 2011 reveal that the Department of Defense had secretly concluded that Begg was a “confirmed member of al-Qaida,” and that he had been an instructor at the Derunta training camp, as well as having attended the al-Badr and Harakat aI-Ansar training camps



Good old BBC…always ready to promote those who would do us harm…..

A letter from Guantanamo: In full

Lawyers for the British Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg say they have received the first uncensored letter from him in two-and-a-half years.

Mr Begg, 36, is being detained at the US military base without trial. Three other Britons also remain there.

The letter, seen by BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, claimed he had been tortured, threatened with death and kept in solitary confinement.




The BBC, ever ready to attack the intelligence services whilst ignoring terror:





The case of Binyam Mohamed is the clearest example yet of the dark and dangerous moral terrain that British intelligence walked after 9/11, not least in its relationship to its closest ally.

British intelligence was never involved in directly torturing Mr Mohamed nor were they in the room when he was, but they were involved in a wider process that has led to serious allegations being levelled.


Moazzem Begg and friends owe MI6 and MI5 an apology






DisHarmany And Disarray



The BBC long ignored the Daily Mail’s revelations about Harman and Co at the NCCL.  The BBC didn’t investigate the claims and only began to ‘report’ the story when Harman made her defence.

The BBC on the other hand has been quick to report a story in the Times about Tory MP Peter Bone.

Curious what catches their eye.


Having said that Newsnight did put the boot into Harman……




Harman tells us that…..

“I think if there is anybody who has over the years supported indecency it is much more the Daily Mail than it is me and that’s the frank truth of it.”


Of course it was the Daily Mail that introduced 24 hour drinking, or a free for all gambling regime where gambling machines were as addictive as ‘crack’,  or engineered the destruction of the economy or put young Brits on the ‘scrapheap’ preferring instead to import millions of cheap labourers.

Sorry no, my mistake…it was in fact Harriet Harman’s very own Labour Party that did that.



Unfortunately for Harman it’s not just the Mail that recognises she may have something to answer for…here’s the Telegraph in 2012:

How Hattie’s friends defended paedophilia

By  Politics Last updated: October 19th, 2012

‘….attitudes towards paedophilia in the 1970s were bizarrely relaxed – and not just in Catholic presbyteries or BBC dressing rooms. This was the era when activists on the radical Left lobbied long and hard for changes in the law to reflect a more “enlightened” attitude towards sex between adults and minors.’

The National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), which – in its evidence to the Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1976 – had said the following:

“Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage… The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.”

In 1977, months before the future deputy leader of the Labour Party took up her post, the NCCL was quoted in the Evening Standard on the subject of the infamous Paedophile Information Exchange, the “information” in question being disgusting pictures of children involved in sex acts which members would pass to each other in plain envelopes. “NCCL has no policy on [the Paedophile Information Exchange’s] aims – other than the evidence that children are harmed if, after a mutual relationship with an adult, they are exposed to the attentions of the police, press and court,” said a spokesman.


Perhaps that attitude informed Harman’s take on photographs of children being OK…as long as there was no harm to the child…..but…..

“Our amendment places the onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the child was actually harmed,” she wrote.


So she thinks there is no prima facie belief that such behaviour is harmful and so should be allowed to continue unless proved harmful?


Very relaxed and liberal.


Also from the Telegraph, 2009….not a paper that Harman can try to dismiss as ‘puerile’ :

Harriet Harman under attack over bid to water down child pornography law

Harriet Harman’s political judgement has been called into question after it emerged that she once advocated the watering down of child pornography laws.




Whilst Newsnight did a reasonable job that hasn’t continued throughout today…None of the actual claims about the NCCL were aired in detail, instead we had Harman’s denials and defence and her tweeting of a Daily Mail story in a desperate attempt to throw a bit of mud back……





This is the actual Mail story in its Television and celebrity news section……

Inside Courtney Stodden photo album: Teen bride as an innocent 12-year-old… posing with sisters in first bikini shoot


Personally, having read the Mail for years, I can’t say I’ve ever noticed it urging us all to go out and chase young girls in bikinis.

However, make of it what you want but if it is ‘titillating’ and the ‘sexualisation of children’ as Harman claims, and the BBC has repeatedly repeated that for her, then what to make of this from the Left’s own progressive little rag, The Huffington Post  (prone to publish plenty of revealing photos as Guido reveals….and yet no disparagement from Harman just as she does as she dumps on the Sun for its page 3)…..


The Huffington Post devotes a whole section to little Courtney…..



And look…they report the same story that the Mails does about the girl:

Courtney Stodden: Young Photos Before She Was Married

Follow Video , Courtney Stodden , Courtney Stodden At 12 , Courtney Stodden At 13 , Slidepollajax , Young Photos Of Courtney Stodden , Celebrity News

A new batch of photos became available today that were taken when Courtney was about 12 or 13, her mother Krista Stodden told Celebuzz.

While some of Courtney’s poses in these older photos are still suggestive, there is no denying that she actually looks like a teenager. One of the photos is of Courtney with her older sisters Ashley and Brittany in a hot tub, who their mother says are both married with husbands their own ages.


The Huffington Post publishes photos of Courtney Stodden when she was 12 or 13 and link to the same picture that the Mail reproduced:

Courtney Stodden Before She Was Famous


Why no outraged feminist fury from Harman?


Other Media publications aren’t averse to a bit of ‘titillation’ either…the Guardian celebrating Kate Moss being the ‘object of our gaze‘  and ‘turning heads’ since she was 14…..

Kate Moss at 40: supermodel still turning heads after 25 years

Croydon-born beauty has been the object of our gaze since she was 14 but shows no sign of losing her place at the top



and the BBC isn’t averse to using her, though older (19), in its own celebrity news where we see that a half dressed, drinking and smoking Kate Moss is…

Kate Moss: Crazy, sexy, cool


Link via  a proxy server as this BBC Worldwide site not available in UK:




The BBC has been ‘pouring’  over Harman’s story all day…and yet manage to shed little light on the issues.

Sheila Fogarty said she would be keeping a close eye on what would no doubt be the dominant news story today.….and yet not much of interest came forth despite the underwhelming, lacklustre efforts of John Pienaar to explain things…..just the usual repetitions of Harman’s denials and counter smear against the Mail….but as shown above that’s a classic case of hypocrisy from Harman…shame the BBC gives it so much credence.


This BBC report does little to enlighten us as to the ‘evidence’ that the NCCL did act in concert with the PIE….neither quoting from nor linking to any of the documents that are fairly damning for the NCCL and which the Mail has revealed in its own stories.

This is the best the BBC can do:

The newspaper initially accused her of having “tried to water down child pornography laws” during her time at the National Council for Civil Liberties

And that’s despite having the documents available themselves as Newsnight stated in the interview with Harman.


It does look like the BBC is doing a fine job, Newsnight aside, in covering up for Harman and downplaying the claims whilst highlighting her own claims about the Mail.

How times have changed when they tried to smear Lord MacAlpine without any evidence or bothering to talk to him personally…but then he was a Tory.


The BBC should really check what the real people think:

Harperson Squirming Like A Stuck Pig




And Guido reminds us:


Harman: “No One Should Be Complacent” About Historic Abuse






US Islamophobe of The Year?



Guess who?


Barack Obama has been named 'Islamophobe of the Year'



Not a peep from the BBC….who were happy to report his ‘Nobel Peace prize’

US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Committee said he won it for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples”.


Guess not everyone agrees……



Reporting on the ‘awards ceremony’, the IHRC stated in a press release: 

“Obama came in streets ahead of a gallery of fellow rogues which included other prominent politicians including French President Francois Hollande – cited for his country’s invasion of Mali – and the British Home Secretary Theresa May for a host of sins including extraditing Asperger’s sufferer Talha Ahsan to the United States, stripping Muslims of their citizenship, and most recently thinking about applying “anti-terror” ASBO-style punishments for British Muslims who are merely “suspected” of so-called terrorist activities.”




“If it’s news, it’s news to us”

Jeremy Paxman Newsnight



Paxman has a general sneer at the world of the Media:

The Invention of News by Andrew Pettegree

The news – noisy, self-important and often pointless?


I wonder if he meant those lap dogs at Cardiff University who provide the BBC with so much academic cover for their bias when he said this?…..

Reporters in rehab (now often posing as professors of media studies) have endlessly tried to define precisely what constitutes this thing “news”.


Ah those terrible Murdoch/Dacre tabloids…

One newspaper tycoon after another has got rich by alarming us with tales of neighbourhood cannibals, killer diets and secret Liberal Democrat tax plans.


Paxman questions this conclusion by Alain de Botton:

News “now occupies a position of power at least equal to that formerly enjoyed by faiths”.

Paxman says: ‘The plain fact is the news is nothing like religion. It does not propose the existence of a supernatural being. It does not lay down rules for life.’


Unfortunately that’s precisely what the new priesthood of the media, the Leftwing media in particular, does do…they set out to preach, and regulate how everyone should lead their lives.


Paxman  tells us…..De Botton’s cure for the indifference that afflicts so many of us when confronted with tidings of some awful human tragedy far away is for the news to be less preoccupied with accuracy and more with advocacy.


Well you know….that’s pretty much a description of the BBC’s news output now….more advocacy than accuracy.


Paxman continues:  ‘The machines clank away noisily but not necessarily to any great purpose. It matters not very much whether anything important has happened, the TV and radio bulletins will make their self-important appearance at the designated hour and at the designated length. The newsreaders’ ponderous sobriety demands our attention. But why should we give it?’


The news – noisy, self-important and often pointless?  asks Paxman……well he should know.



The March Of Progress



Houses are being built across an ever more wide area of this green and pleasant land…on the green belt, in flood plains and now in National Parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty.

The BBC isn’t interested in the real reason all these new homes are ‘needed’.

Because they would then have to admit that there is at least one downside to immigration.


This morning on ‘Today’ (2 hrs 43 mins) they had a look at new relaxed planning laws enabling people to build homes in National parks….but not a mention of why there is such a need to concrete over Britain.


Perhaps the dreaded Daily Mail can help out…or rather The House of Commons Library…you’d think the BBC might report something they said…but no…..

Two cities the size of Leeds needed to house influx of new migrants as officials fear migration will drive up house prices

  • In next decade, migrants ‘will be responsible for 629,000 new households’
  • Wave of people coming to the UK could drive up house prices

The House of Commons Library predicts that from 2011 until 2021 a further 1.4 million migrants will flow into Britain.

The House of Commons figures – based on data from the UK and EU statistical agencies – show the huge impact of Labour’s open-door immigration policy.

By 2046, an estimated 494 people will be squeezed into every square kilometre of England compared with 411 now and only 374 when Tony Blair took power in 1997.


“If it’s news, it’s news to us”.




Manufacturing The Age Of Consent



The BBC has long ignored the links between the NCCL and the Paedophile Information Exchange…or rather its links to certain members of the Labour Party….it is quite apparent that the NCCL knew precisely what PIE stood for and yet still allowed itself to be persuaded that PIE was a persecuted minority in need of the NCCL’s protection.

It is also clear that the NCCL actively worked in support of some of PIE’s aims as shown below in its attempt to lower the age of consent.

Harman, Hewitt and Dromey were intimately involved in the NCCL’s activities and cannot possibly claim not to know what PIE stood for…despite that Dromey now claims he fought assiduously against PIE….and yet PIE remained affiliated long after he left.


Today the BBC has decided to defend those members, helping Labour attempts to discredit the story (as the BBC did with the Mail’s report on Ralph Miliband…one all too true):

Deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman has accused the Daily Mail of running a “politically-motivated smear campaign” against her.

The newspaper has reported that a group she used to work for had links to paedophile rights campaigners.

The National Council for Civil Liberties forged “close links” in the 1970s and 1980s to Paedophile Information Exchange, it claimed.

But Ms Harman dismissed the “horrific” and “untrue” claims.


The BBC of course does nothing to investigate the claims and just provides a platform for Harman and Dromey to deny everything and claim they are victims of a political smear.


The first I heard on the BBC was on the Victoria Derbyshire show today (53 mins) in which she said ‘some commentators [unnamed] say it is a witch hunt and hysteria’.

Note her very careful wording that attempts to dismiss the story and claims there is a need to break through to the truth…to get to the origins of these [patently false] claims by a right wing rag.

She then brought on the Labour supporting Mirror’s associate editor, Kevin Macguire who said the Mail was probably wrong and guilty of bullying, intimidation and playing politics….but Harman and Co should come out and say so if that is the case.

No attempt to investigate the truth here either by the BBC.



So let’s have a look at some history and inconvenient truths that the BBC doesn’t want to dwell on…..


‘An awareness and acceptance of the sexuality of children is an essential part of the liberation of the young homosexual,’

Campaign for Homosexual Equality  1975

Patricia Hewitt was a member of the CHE.


Lord Smith….head of the Environment Agency is……

Vice-Chairman of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality.


A connection he didn’t seem to want to publicise widely.


February 2009

Lord Smith of FinsburyCHE is delighted to announced that Lord Smith of Finsbury has agreed to become one of our Vice-Presidents. As Chris Smith he was Britain’s first openly gay MP and he’s currently Chairman of the Environment Agency.




A few months later…….

Pink News tells us that in July 2009 this happened:

The Campaign for Homosexual Equality has been disaffiliated from human rights organisation Liberty, allegedly over a motion which called for a time limit on reporting child sex abuse.

The contentious motion read: “We urge the government to introduce a Statute of Limitation which would debar any criminal prosecution in respect of alleged child abuse unless the matter was brought to the attention of the police within five years of the complainant reaching the age of majority.”

The group has claimed that in cases of historic abuse, evidence or acknowledgment of an accused man being gay can damage his chances of acquittal due to homophobia and confusion between homosexuality and paedophilia.

Liberty said…...”In particular, your motion on child sex abuse is also clearly contrary to the objectives of Liberty”


And remember this hero……

Peter Tatchell: Not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.

‘The positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to non-Western cultures. Several of my friends – gay and straight, male and female – had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy.

‘While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.’



This is a submission by the NCCL in 1976 to Parliament urging changes to the age of consent…..which is surely in support of those who want to have sex with underage children…..paedophiles in other words….10 year olds were fair game it seems…as long as they ‘understood the nature of the act’…………so not really a ‘smear’ by the Daily Mail….


Damning: On page six of the document it is argued that 'a person aged 14 or over should be legally capable of giving consent' and the age of sexual consent cut to ten 'if the child understood the nature of the act'


Here we can see the dates when the Labour trio were involved:

Former health secretary Patricia Hewitt was general secretary of the NCCL from 1974-83, Harman was its legal officer from 1978-82 and Dromey sat on the group’s executive committee for nine years, between 1970 and 1979.


During those years, the NCCL built links with PIE and lobbied parliament on behalf of its agenda. Close relations between the groups were apparently founded on the shared principle of social and sexual progressiveness.


PIE members maintained that sexual relations between children and adults did not harm the former.


In 1978, Harman claimed that sex abuse images should be given back to paedophiles by police who had seized them because doing otherwise would be censorship.



PIE was only disaffiliated in 1983…long after Dromey left.


The Guardian in 2012 ran this charming exercise in rebranding paedophiles as victims….

In 1976 the National Council for Civil Liberties, the respectable (and responsible) pressure group now known as Liberty, made a submission to parliament’s criminal law revision committee. It caused barely a ripple. “Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in with an adult,” it read, “result in no identifiable damage … The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.”

The reclassification of paedophilia as a sexual orientation would, however, play into what Goode calls “the sexual liberation discourse”, which has existed since the 1970s. “There are a lot of people,” she says, “who say: we outlawed homosexuality, and we were wrong. Perhaps we’re wrong about paedophilia.”

Social perceptions do change. Child brides were once the norm; in the late 16th century the age of consent in England was 10. More recently, campaigning organisations of the 70s and 80s such as the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and Paedophile Action for Liberation were active members of the NCCL when it made its parliamentary submission questioning the lasting damage caused by consensual paedophilic relations.






Harman says PIE ‘infiltrated’ the NCCL….that suggests a secret and clandestine operation….this suggests otherwise……

In the PIE Chairperson’s Annual Report for 1975-6, Keith Hose wrote that ‘The only way for PIE to survive, was to seek out as much publicity for the organization as possible…. If we got bad publicity we would not run into a corner but stand and fight. We felt that the only way to get more paedophiles joining PIE… was to seek out and try to get all kinds of publications to print our organization’s name and address and to make paedophilia a real public issue.’


This might also suggest otherwise…can Harman et al say they had no idea at all of the views of these people?…..

NCCL also set up a gay rights sub-committee at the same time, members of which included prominent paedophiles Peter Bremner (alias Roger Nash), Michael Burbidge, Keith Hose and Tom O’Carroll. And of course Walters and Locke were on the Executive.



The Daily Mail in December last year revealed the background to why PIE was accepted by the NCCL…..

‘The PIE somehow managed to convince feminists and the gay rights lobby that they had shared values and that we all belonged in the same club,’ recalls one feminist writer whose magazine was lobbied for support by the PIE after the Exchange won NCCL affiliation.

‘Anyone who spoke out against them feared being called a “homophobe”, which in Left-wing circles at the time was about the biggest insult anyone could throw at you. So they were invited into the liberal establishment.’

A PIE ‘information’ leaflet published at the time, called Paedophilia: Some Questions And Answers, shows how the organisation had managed to ally its cause to the gay rights movement.

‘Homosexuals are now widely regarded as ordinary, healthy people — a minority, but no more “ill” than the minority who are left-handed,’ it read. ‘There is no reason why paedophilia should not win similar acceptance.’

The NCCL — then under the chairmanship of Henry Hodge, the Left-wing solicitor who would go on to marry Labour MP Margaret Hodge — appears to have bought this argument hook, line and sinker.

‘The PIE was also being picketed by the National Front, so a lot of people also supported them on the basis that our enemy’s enemy had to be our friend,’ says the writer. ‘It seems terrifyingly simplistic now, obviously, but that was the political context.’



It doesn’t take long to dig up such information.

The BBC obviously either can’t be bothered or believes there is something to hide.


Here is a page from PIE’s manifesto in 1975 which proposes that there be no age of consent…in other words almost any child over the age of 4 (under 4 and it still wouldn’t be a ‘criminal’ matter) could be a victim:



This manifesto was widely available and handed out at various conferences for 50p a go.







The Green Hush Continues At The BBC


The Daily Mail notes:

Surprise, surprise, the BBC has ignored our expose of Labour’s links to a child sex scandal. QUENTIN LETTS imagines its reaction if those involved were Tory



No surprise there really….but what else has the BBC ignored?

The BBC is very green and promotes everything so tinged…even hated Tory politicians with ‘vested interests’ that conflict with their duties but who promote the green agenda.

The BBC happily ignores or downplays any problems associated with renewable energy and related political policies….the massive failure of Germany’s green policies and the crippling  costs involved barely merit a mention when they should be front and centre on the BBC as of enormous importance and relevance.

However the BBC doesn’t have to go to Germany for such reports of industry being crippled by green energy policies…they can look much closer to home:

UK factories shut down to avoid high power costs

Cripplingly high power costs are forcing some of Britain’s heavy manufacturers to shut down their entire operation at peak times, with furnaces cooling and workers shivering in cold, darkened offices.

Executives say this “third world” scenario is becoming more frequent, as companies try to avoid using energy at peak times, when costs can rise 300 fold under the unusual rules of Britain’s power market.

Mark Broxholme of Tata Steel said its specialist division, which makes alloys used in aircraft and cars, shut down between 4-6pm every day last week. When it accidentally operated during a half-hour peak time period, the cost was £1m.

“It costs us £27 to boil the kettle [during a triad]. We end up telling our workers to sit in the mess room together to keep warm because we can’t afford to keep going,” Mr Pedder said.

“It is a crazy system and it is getting worse. The government talks of keeping the lights on but they are already going out for heavy users.”



The BBC could look much closer to home but doesn’t.


A story about industry having to shut down due to Green taxes and the BBC ignores it.

Any possibility that the BBC’s news agenda is driven by its own politics?




FoodBanks For Thought


Today investigated Foodbanks:

Half of food bank referrals ‘due to benefit changes’


Apart from it being just another chance to bash the government on the apparent ‘Standard of Living Crisis’ one little claim stood out made by Justin Webb….he told us that it was ‘fair enough to politicise foodbanks if it meant we got answers about the issues…issues of course as defined by the likes of Justin Webb.

‘Fair enough to politicise’?  Not a phrase you hear often, or at all on the BBC normally… is usually the other way round, the BBC complaining bitterly about ‘politicisation’.

For instance…when Eric Pickles said the Government had been wrongly advised by the Environment Agency he was instantly vilified for allegedly starting a ‘blame game’…Victoria Derbyshire said it was ‘puerile point scoring’….the claim being that we should be looking at dealing with the floods first and then look at who was to blame.

No such qualms about foodbanks though.  (And remember this: The Foodbank Is Born)


And indeed no such qualms when it comes to people who point the finger of blame the other way concerning the floods.

This morning, and indeed all day, a letter from a ‘group of leading environmental and planning experts’ made headlines on the BBC.

Wonder if they were co-ordinating with anyone?

‘In an open letter, they urged the prime minister to adopt a clear strategy for future flood prevention.

The call came as shadow chancellor Ed Balls said a Labour government would make investment in defences a priority.’


We were told this morning that the floods were a ‘legacy of not addressing the problems…and that we need long term sustainable investment….and that there was too much finger pointing.’

Justin Webb then finger pointed, wondering ‘Should this Government should have behaved differently?’


Which is odd…because that is precisely the issue Pickles was addressing when he said they had been badly advised by the Environment Agency…and should have acted differently…and you will note the Environment Agency doesn’t get a name check in Webb’s blame game.

Curiously the Landscapers etc say:

‘In the Environment Agency are people experienced in addressing these problems, as there are among the members of all our organisations. We need to mobilise that joint expertise.’


Weren’t the EA the problem?


So who is to blame?  Government or an agency run by a Labour peer who advised Government?

It looks like the BBC is only interested in finger pointing when the finger points in a certain direction.

It’s only ‘fair enough to politicise an issue‘  when it helps their case.