Yesterday the BBC, in the shape of Victoria Derbyshire, was plugging the Mumsnet campaign for compulsory sex education in schools….targeting Free Schools and Academies…which immediately raises some suspicions as to what is really behind this….no mention of Labour…just a ‘group of campaigners’.
Justine Roberts, founder of Mumsnet, was leading the charge. Here is Justine Roberts, with Labour’s Yvette Cooper in September last year co-ordinating Labour’s childcare policies:
At this Resolution Foundation and Mumsnet event Yvette Cooper MP (Shadow Home Secretary and Shadow Minister for Women and Equality) discussed the Labour agenda for the future of childcare. Vidhya Alakeson (Resolution Foundation), Anand Shukla (Family and Childcare Trust) and Justine Roberts (Mumsnet) responded, providing insights into the potential policy responses Labour might choose to pursue. Yvonne Roberts (The Observer) chaired this event.
Labour: ‘Make sex and relationships education compulsory in schools and update teaching guidance’
By Yvette Cooper, MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford
7:00AM GMT 28 Jan 2014
Co-ordinating with Mumsnet? Note the date of Cooper’s meeting with Justine Roberts….
The future of childcare with Yvette Cooper MP
Date: 23 September 2013
Then look at this announcement
Yvette Cooper: Labour would update sex education to include ‘zero tolerance’ of violence in relationships
2:59PM BST 25 Sep 2013
Yesterday Justine Roberts is kicking off her campaign and today Labour are on board.
Not a coincidence I’d suggest.
Nice of the BBC to provide a platform for a Labour policy announcement, though forgetting to announce that it is a Labour Party policy.
And yesterday we also had a Labour front ‘think tank’, the Centre for Cities’, given priority in the news for its misleading story of ‘unbalanced’ growth as London booms and the regions bump along….this morning strangely enough the BBC was looking at how the regions are doing economically.
No doubt we can expect a Labour policy announcement on regional development and growth shortly.