I haven’t watched this yet:
Quitting the English Defence League: When Tommy Met Mo
…..but Douglas Murray has a write up in the Spectator:
‘When Tommy met Mo’ revealed how far we have to travel before Islamism is uprooted
Islamic extremism is not only a policing fault. It is also the fault of ‘Muslim leaders’ and others. It remains a melancholy fact that very few actual Muslim ‘leaders’ or individuals are willing to properly deal with the priorities we all face in the appropriate order. Many spend so much of their energies criticising ‘Islamophobia’ that they leave themselves only the occasional moment to nod to their disagreements with the fundamentalists in their own faith. If rather than spending 95 per cent of their time criticising the EDL and so-called ‘Islamophobes’ these people actually spent 95 per cent of their time not just criticising but actually stopping the extremists in their own religion and perhaps the remaining 5 per cent defending their religion against its perceived critics then not only might the primary problem be solved but we wouldn’t suffer such secondary problems either.
Murray notes this interesting reaction from a ‘moderate’ Muslim to a suggestion that the fundamental texts of Islam need to change:
There was a fascinating moment of congruence towards the end when Muslims and non-Muslims agreed on the need to tackle Islamic extremists. Then Robinson said that one of the things that Muslims must do is to tackle the problems in Islam’s foundational texts – at which point one of those Muslims who had previously been in agreement with him became furious with anger.
Which brings me onto this from the BBC:
Thinking Aloud and Muslim fundamentalism.
Muslims against Muslim Fundamentalism – Laurie Taylor talks to Karima Bennoune, US Professor of Law and author of a groundbreaking book which addresses resistance to religious extremism in Muslim majority contexts.
Once again the BBC discusses ‘Islam’ but practices a sleight of hand….redefining Islam as something not as it is actually described in the Koran and the Hadith but as whatever someone thinks it is….a spiritual religion of peace and tolerance….there is no single definition of Islam apparently.
If you know anything about Islam you will know that is impossible….there can be only one Islam. That is the whole point of the religion (and why Sunnis attack Shias and Ahmadis etc who aren’t considered Muslims). That was why it was revealed to Mohammed….because the Christians and Jews had corrupted their own scriptures and become divided into different sects worshipping God in many different ways….to his annoyance.
Therefore claiming Islam is whatever you want it to be, or that you can reform it, is nonsense.
Islam is what the Koran says it is.
Anything else isn’t Islam, and if you don’t follow the Koran you are not a Muslim.
Here is Karima Bennoune‘s lecture upon which the interview is based:
“Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here”: the human rights struggle against Muslim fundamentalism
It is interesting if you get over the obvious problem….as mentioned above…she claims to be a Muslim…but here denounces much of what makes Islam ‘Islam’.
First thing of note is in the introduction when Fundamentalist Islam is described as coming from the Muslim ‘Far Right’.
Bennoune herself uses this description and states that the Muslim Brotherhood are no different to the Greek ‘Golden Dawn’ party…except whilst the BBC issues ‘warnings from history’ about the Neo-Nazi Far Right in Europe they ignore or even cheerlead the Muslim Brotherhood’s extremism.
She claims that the Right in the West believe all Muslims support terrorism.
She claims that the Left think terrorism is blow back…a reflection of genuine Muslim grievances and is therefore acceptable.
But she says the real victims of that terrorism, the vast majority, are Muslims….and they are ignored by the West.
Is that true? Are they ignored? Not really…just look at the Left’s reaction to casualties in Iraq or caused by drone strikes….of course that is purely political point scoring rather than genuine concern for the actual victims…so perhaps she has a point.
She asks ‘why are all those Muslims who stand up to fundamentalism ignored by the West‘?
She says there is a failure in the West to understand what Islamism means for the human rights of other Muslims….and Islamism isn’t the same as Islam …of course!
That raises a question…..the Koran lays out the fundamentals of Islamic ideology….therefore is she saying the Koran and its teachings undermines human rights?
She must mean that….because she goes on to say that the problem is not just the violence but also the ‘moderate’ ideology being propagated.
She also lays into the West for supporting the Fundamentalists, in Afghanistan against the Soviets for example…but also for supporting regimes like Saudi Arabia which is spending huge amounts of money spreading fundamentalist Islam around the world…including of course the UK.
But of course she claims that Fundamentalist Islam is not the true Islam which is a religion of peace and tolerance.
And yet every word she utters denies that statement….she attacks what are established Islamic laws and values as ‘unIslamic’.
And that is the same position that the BBC takes.
Which is ironic because she does exactly what she accuses others of doing…by ignoring the true cause of the violence and intolerance.
It is curious that Tommy Robinson, who was basically reading from the same script as Bennoune, was denounced as an extremist…..and even now when he has said his marching days are over he is criticised for not renouncing his anti-Islamic fundamentalist beliefs…and yet they are the same beliefs as many of those held by those the BBC present as respectable, spiritual, true representatives of Islam…..as Douglas Murray noted…the reaction of a ‘moderate ‘ Muslim was ‘furious anger’ to suggestions of any fault with the Koran’s teachings.
The BBC wants to have it both ways…..’respecting’ what are essentially fundamentalist Muslims and their religion (whilst presenting them as moderate, normal, everyday Muslims) and attacking those like Robinson who criticise their beliefs, whilst at the same time bringing on other Muslims whom the BBC also claims are the true Muslims who wish to reform Islam…..some like Bennoune who are better described as ‘cultural Muslims’ and those conversely like Tariq Ramadan and Mehdi Hasan who are in fact fundamentalists posing as moderates and reformers in order to gain credibility and respectability in the West and be allowed a constant platform on the Media to win influence and spread their message.
So who are the True Muslims? Those in the everyday community who react with ‘furious anger’ to any criticism of the Koran, or those like Bennoune who are looking to strip the heart out of Islam?
The BBC will have to make its mind up one day and choose….is the Koran ‘Islamic’ or a fundamentalist Far Right text as Churchill claimed…not much different to ‘Mein Kampf’?…“the new Koran of faith and war: turgid, verbose, shapeless, but pregnant with its message.”
Does the Koran hold within its pages the values and beliefs of the Islamic ideology or not?
The BBC seems confused about that.
Finally she states that she has no truck with the term ‘Islamophobia’...criticism of ‘fundamentalist’ Islam is essential if extremism is to be tackled……hope the BBC are listening.