The BBC’s Patrician Elite


That old anarchist has blown his cover now the shackles are off. 

Paul Mason has stuck the knife into the BBC:

A ‘patrician elite at the BBC is failing audiences’: Former editor claims  executives are more worried about ‘messing up’ than making interesting programmes

  • Paul Mason was Newsnight’s economics editor for more than a decade
  • He’s warned websites like Twitter could become ‘more believable’ than the BBC because they are more receptive to corrections from readers


The BBC is led by a ‘patrician elite’ that fails to listen to its audiences, one of its former editors has claimed.

Paul Mason – who was Newsnight’s economics editor for more than a decade – warned websites like Wikipedia and Twitter could soon become ‘more believable’ than BBC News because they are more receptive to corrections from readers.

‘To many people Wikipedia is news; Twitter is a news service. Our problem is when Wikipedia and Twitter become more believable than the BBC because they sound more authentic. Or because they are better peer-reviewed in real time: ‘that’s wrong, change it’. They are both subject to more peer-review than BBC output.’




The BBC And Ed Miliband In The Same Boat




BBC promotes ‘elitist’ view of sailing, says Sir Robin Knox-Johnston (from August)

“Come on BBC get that ridiculous elitist smear out of your thinking and support our young athletes in the maritime field.

“We were, at one time, a maritime nation but it’s impossible to engender interest in marine matters when our public broadcaster is so uninterested.”


The BBC ignored that….and only invited him in for an interview after Miliband’s little quip.


From the Telegraph (Reporting on Knox Johnston’s appearance on the Today programme):

During his address to his party in Brighton this week, the Labour leader argued that the economic recovery was only helping the elite, saying: “They used to say ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’. Now the rising tide just seems to lift yachts.”

But Sir Robin Knox Johnston denied the sport was as exclusive as the quip implied, insisting it had a broad appeal.

“It’s absolute nonsense. It’s not elitist at all.”

Sir Robin, who in 1968 became the first man to perform a single-handed non-stop circumnavigation of the globe, last month attacked the BBC for promoting a similar view of his sport and failing to give it sufficient coverage.

In a letter to Yachting World, he wrote: “It’s a sad reflection on the attitudes of our publicly owned national broadcaster that it can consistently refuse to provide coverage for one of the largest and most successful sports in the country.

“Without the oxygen of publicity our young sailors battle to find the sponsorship they need to compete at an international level.”



The BBC then published this after the Today interview:

Yachting ‘not just for posh people’

Sir Robin Knox Johnston, one of Britain’s most successful sailors and the first person to sail solo non-stop around the world, said people had got the wrong idea about the sport.

“I could run a yacht for less than it’ll cost you to watch a football team for a year,” he said.



Note they make absolutely no mention of his reference to the BBC’s part in demonising yachting as ‘elitist’ in his interview in August.




I had the misfortune to watch this classic piece of bullying from Alastair Campbell on Newsnight last evening. In my view, Maitlis let Campbell control the “debate”, she permitted hectoring, outrageous allegations and vicious ad hominem. Why? Because Campbell was saying what the BBC believe. I had an exchange myself with Campbell earlier today on Twitter. I suspect he is not a fan of me or this website.

Len McCluskey Tells Us The Daily Mail Was Correct



The BBC did another little puff piece in Ed Miliband’s favour:

Do people get their politics from their parents?

For some reason the lead in photo was this:

Statue of George W Bush and George HW Bush


That aside they come to the conclusion the Ed Miliband apple fell quite far from the Marxist family tree:

“There’s a volume of literature that says the more politicised your parents are, the more likely you are to become a politically engaged adult – but you’re also more likely to abandon your parents’ views,” he adds.

If true, this implies the best way to pass on your political opinions to your offspring is to keep quiet about them. In the Miliband household, this evidently wasn’t an option.


However also in Ed’s defence they perhaps foolishly linked to a speech by Len McCluskey:

Unite general secretary Len McCluskey once joked that Ralph Miliband “spent his life trying to convince our movement that there was no possibility of a parliamentary road to socialism, while his sons have been loyally putting theory into practice, and proving Ralph right”.


It was of course the Ralph Miliband Lecture.


It was foolish because it allows us to see exactly what McCluskey intends and where he gets his inspiration from….no need to guess…Ralph Miliband.


And who is the major donor to Ed Miliband’s Labour Party funds, who controls many Labour MP’s, who allegedly tried to rig the Falkirk elections?

The Unite Union.


This is how he started off:


‘Let me start on my subject, working-class politics in the contemporary world, with a quote from Ralph Miliband:

“All concepts of politics, of whatever kind, are about conflict──how to contain it, or abolish it.”

Let’s not pretend that we are “one nation”, or that we will become one without the conflict that Ralph Miliband placed at the heart of politics.

So if we are on a march towards “one nation” and ultimately “one world”, it is a road that leads through struggle and conflict.



What sort of Democracy does McCluskey believe in?  It would seem the power of  union militancy, strikes, ‘direct action’ and protest….

Guess he doesn’t mean to go down the road of bothering with elections if he can’t fix the candidate list.

He tells us exactly what he means by Democracy….


We are taught to believe that democracy is the cornerstone of a modern civilised society; but our Lords and Masters want to define democracy, limiting us to an ‘X’ on a Ballot Paper every 5 years.

This is not my definition of democracy.

They tell us strike action, civil disobedience, direct action and protest are all somehow unpatriotic.

Our history tells us they are not.

That is because our rulers are deeply afraid of Ralph Miliband’s assertion that politics is about conflict.


There will be those here tonight waiting to hear my message to the Labour Party.

Well I won’t disappoint. Here it is:

Put simply, workers need a voice, and they should not be taken for granted.

Whatever the upshot of electoral politics, working-class politics must grow and develop, based on the socialist education Ralph Miliband called for.



So let’s get that straight….McCluskey, Ed Miliband’s paymaster, the one who calls the tune in the Labour Party, is demanding they adopt Ralph Miliband’s Socialist Vision?


Strange that whoever in the BBC plucked out the one quote that they thought would be useful to Miliband but ignored the utterly damning 90% of the speech.


In other words the Mail was right to raise Ralph Miliband’s politics…they could have an enormous baring on events.

Hilarious….The Dark Side of The Daily Mirror’s Fascist Past


Many in the BBC frequently denounce the Daily Mail for having supported the Blackshirts, and proclaim it a right wing paper…..not so keen to similarly denounce the Mirror for the same past errors:

On Monday, 22 January, 1934 the Mirror ran the headline “Give the Blackshirts a helping hand”. The paper went one further than the Mail, urging readers to join Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, and giving the address to which to send membership applications. 

The Mirror’s Sunday sister paper, then known as The Pictorial, followed up with a Hello!-style picture essay showing uniformed blackshirt paramilitaries playing table tennis and enjoying a sing-song around the piano while off duty inside the Black House, Mosley’s barracks-cum-dungeon on London’s King’s Road.


The now editor of the Daily Mirror declares that this is irrelevant…there are no relatives of Lord Rothermere running the Mirror now…..

 The thing is the Left have always used the ‘smear’ of the Daily Mail’s ‘flirtation’ with Fascism as a stick to beat it with….not just now as a reaction to the Mail’s attack on Miliband…so it is hypocritical of them to now claim that article ‘offends the British sense of fair play’ when they have been doing exactly the same thing for years now.


Even the Guardian must be in two minds about all the fuss after publishing this in 2011:

Don’t damn the Daily Mail for its fascist flirtation 80 years ago

The Mail was not the only paper to carry articles supporting Oswald Mosley‘s blackshirts. The Daily Mirror did too.

In January 1934, he wrote – under his own byline – articles that appeared in both the Mail and the Mirror. The former was headlined “Hurrah for the Blackshirts”. The latter was headlined “Give the Blackshirts a helping hand.”




The BBC Appeased Hitler And Now Appeases Islamic Terror



Nicky Campbell is having a phone-in about the Daily Mail article that stated the Marxist Ralph Miliband ‘hated Britain’.  (just an aside…Ed Miliband wants to give 16 year olds the vote…and yet he says we must dismiss the youthful, 17 year old, writings of his father in his diary as the foolishness of that youthfulness!)

The same Ralph Miliband who wouldn’t support Labour Party because he thought that Labour would always betray the working class…guess he was right there.

Campbell raises the fact that the Mail in the 1930’s had given Hitler and Mosley’s Blackshirts some support.

Ironic that the Left attack the Mail for denouncing Miliband’s politics….by themselves denouncing Mosley’s politics…doesn’t Mosley have relatives who would be ‘hurt and offended’ by such outrageous ‘smears’?


The BBC itself was more than ready to appease Hitler  and look the other way as he rampaged across Europe.

The BBC went so far as to bar Churchill, ‘The Voice in the Wilderness’, from the airwaves in case he upset Herr Hitler.

Churchill said that the war was the easiest war to have avoided if the Allies had stood up to Hitler’s earliest manoeuvres.

In other words the likes of the BBC ensured that a devastating world war happened.


Lloyd George appeased Hitler…wanting to sign a peace with him…so much so that the Sunday Pictorial, then a mass circulation paper, ran a headline:

‘We Accuse Lloyd George!’

And who can forget the highly influential book ‘The Guilty Men’, published in 1940, which attacked British politicians for their appeasement of Hitler…destroying the reputations of Chamberlain and Baldwin….one of the authors of the book….Labour’s Michael Foot.

And of course there’s Labour’s Oswald Mosley…the leader of the Fascist Blackshirts in Britain….could the Daily Mail criticise his politics now?



And just as the BBC appeased Hitler it now appeases Muslim terrorists…or militants as it likes to call them.

Remember this:

The making of the terror myth

Since September 11 Britain has been warned of the ‘inevitability’ of catastrophic terrorist attack. But has the danger been exaggerated? A major new TV documentary claims that the perceived threat is a politically driven fantasy – and al-Qaida a dark illusion.  (From the Guardian…in 2004)


The faces of that ‘Dark Illusion’ one year later 7/7/2005:



The Guardian was talking about this BBC programme which was a highly political attack on the ‘Neo-Cons'(ironically originally Marxists) and the War on Terror…it tells us that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist:

The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear

‘The nightmare vision of a uniquely powerful hidden organisation waiting to strike our societies is an illusion….Wherever one looks for this al-Qaeda organisation the British and Americans are chasing a phantom enemy.’ 

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.

At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.

Together they created today’s nightmare vision of an organised terror network.


The Power of Nightmares, broadcast at prime time, which sought to prove that, in the words of its producer, the threat of global terrorism, “is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services, and the international media”.


Adam Curtis, the film maker was desperate for it to be true, that Al Qaeda didn’t much so that he would deny it even if a bomb went off…as of course many did, and are doing now:

“If a bomb goes off, the fear I have is that everyone will say, ‘You’re completely wrong,’ even if the incident doesn’t touch my argument. This shows the way we have all become trapped, the way even I have become trapped by a fear that is completely irrational.”



Great that the BBC should think that it can, rather than report the news, seek to alter the news, to make the news itself, by interfering in the political process and to change the course of history by broadcasting its own propaganda.

The Daily Mail prints what is essentially a credible assessment of the effects of Ralph Milibands political beliefs and all hell breaks loose…the BBC broadcasts a highly political intervention in an attempt to actually change events by falsifying facts in the hope that they can the Public’s perceptions who will then pressurise governments to change course.


Nicky Campbell this morning was castigating William Hague for possibly supporting Al Qaeda, that non existent organisation…he asked…

‘Do you acknowledge the strength and danger of the extremist groups?


Funny how times change…now the BBC is attacking the politicians for possibly lending support to Al Qaeda rather than for attacking it.


But of course Al Qaeda doesn’t exist…so no do I know..because the BBC told me it doesn’t…it’s a myth, a phantom, a fantasy, an irrational fear.

 Just like Marxism it seems.




Hi Folks! Here’s a brand new shiny Open Thread for you. It’s the day of Cameron’s big speech at #CPC13, wonder how the comrades will cover that one? And what about the partial close down of the American Government – I believe the Panda cams are off in Washington zoo, that is how serious it has become and how reckless those evil GOP politicians are. Then we have Netanyahu daring to cast doubt on the intent of Rouhani. I am sure the BBC will cover these, and other issues, with their usual neutrality. Enjoy.

The BBC’s Marxist Makeover



As far as I can tell, and I’ve heard quite a lot from the BBC today on the subject, Ed Miliband has been given an uncritical platform to ‘defend’ his father and to present himself in a manner designed to garner as much sympathy…and very cynically, votes…as possible.  


Miliband’s own article in the Mail was not purely a defence of his Father but a subtle distancing of his own politics from that of his father…somewhat ironic in the circumstances….he complains that the Mail is traducing his father’s beliefs…and then disowns them himself:

My father’s strongly Left-wing views are well known, as is the fact that I have pursued a different path and I have a different vision.’

A case of Miliband junior not coming to praise his father but to bury him and his Marxist ‘vision’?


What was the other hypocrisy of Miliband junior?


He claims that…The Daily Mail sometimes claims it stands for the best of British values of decency. But something has really gone wrong when it attacks the family of a politician — any politician — in this way.


But the Mail article was an attack on his politics not ‘the family’, and  Miliband himself cynically brought his father into the politics in his own speeches…

If Ed Miliband wanted his father to be off limits, he should have kept quiet about him


…and his wife into the frame with those photos of the couple kissing for the cameras.


Not only that but he had nothing to say when the BBC et al ran stories investigating his father’s politics when he was running for the leadership of the Labour Party in 2010. Here is the BBC Newsnight programme, dodging Marxism, but giving Ralph a nice little puff

He had nothing to say because it was a puff piece moving swiftly over his father’s ‘Marxism’…telling us that it wasn’t really the ‘Bad’ sort.


It is curious that Ed Miliband should be so furious about the Daily Mail article on his father’s beliefs which was headlined:

 The man who hated Britain: Red Ed’s pledge to bring back socialism is a homage to his Marxist father. So what did Miliband Snr really believe in? The answer should disturb everyone who loves this country

Miliband claims that ‘there is no credible argument in the article or evidence from his life which can remotely justify the lurid headline and its accompanying claim that it would ‘disturb everyone who loves this country….build an entire case about him hating our country on an adolescent diary entry is, of course, absurd.’

No ‘credible evidence’? Apart from the fact he was a hardcore Marxist.

Miliband claimed the case is based solely on one diary entry….but of course it isn’t…as said it was based on the well known beliefs and values of his Marxist father.

Miliband’s father may well have appreciated the safety, security, job opportunities and comforts of Britain but he was working to dismantle that and replace it with Communism.

 All in all Miliband’s response was a highly political and manipulative piece that far from defending his father seemed more intent on winning votes.


But let’s have a look at what the BBC doesn’t like to dwell on…probably because much of Marxism actually finds favour in the corridors of the BBC…read on and tell me you disagree.


So what does Marx tell us about his aims and beliefs? 


The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Working Men of All Countries, Unite!



Family, religion, morality, nation states, nationality…all to be abolished with the aid of violent revolution by the armed Proletariat.

Would such beliefs and intent  ‘disturb everyone who loves this country’?


Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience. 

That the development of the proletariat in nearly all civilized countries has been violently suppressed, and that in this way the opponents of communism have been working toward a revolution with all their strength. If the oppressed proletariat is finally driven to revolution, then we communists will defend the interests of the proletarians with deeds as we now defend them with words.

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.



Marxism is the basis for everything that many in the BBC hold dear as more from the Communist Manifesto makes clear:

Multiculturalism:  The nationalities of the peoples associating themselves in accordance with the principle of community will be compelled to mingle with each other as a result of this association and thereby to dissolve themselves, just as the various estate and class distinctions must disappear through the abolition of their basis, private property.

Anti-religious:  But communism is the stage of historical development which makes all existing religions superfluous and brings about their disappearance.

The idea that the West is too dominant:  Just as it [Bourgeoisie] has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has made barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on the civilised ones, nations of peasants on nations of bourgeois, the East on the West.

The horror of the Nation State:   The bourgeoisie keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property. It has agglomerated population, centralised the means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands. The necessary consequence of this was political centralisation. Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier, and one customs-tariff.

The radical Marxist agenda behind the Green movement:  The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Nature’s forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground – what earlier century had even a presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour?


Ralph Miliband always claimed to oppose Stalin’s methods but dodged a close analysis of them….‘he insisted that, whereas the controversy over the nature of the Soviet regime was “obviously of some importance…no conclusive answer to the question has ever been returned, or can be”

He also dodged the real meaning of Marxism, usng the same trick that Muslims do to avoid the truth about Islam and the meaning of the Quran…claiming:

‘The very term Marxist was a contested category, with no universally accepted criteria by which a Marxist could be defined.’


Interesting though that despite being a Marxist and apparently believing in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat he actually wanted the Dictatorship of the Intellectual:

‘…in his analysis of the role of intellectuals within the Marxist movement, he claimed that the “Leninist” injunction that intellectuals should “serve the people” was, in one sense, unproblematic. However, he argued that within the Marxist movement after Lenin’s death the interpretation of how the people were to be served had been increasingly redefined such that only the party leader, specifically Stalin or Mao, could decide what it actually entailed. The differences between Lenin’s party and those of Stalin or Mao were accordingly ones of degree rather than of quality: “Leninism was a political style adapted … to a particular strategy … Stalinism … made a frightful caricature of the style, and made of the strategy what it willed”.’


Guess old Orwell was right…Four legs bad, two legs good.




Had to smile at the way in which the BBC has contrived to eclipse today’s Conservative Party conference headlines by painting Red Ed as the victim of the evil Daily Mail. It appears that whilst Miliband is allowed to bring his father into the  political world, none may comment negatively on that renowned Marxist. The 5pm news ran it for 10 minutes – making sure we all view Ed with deep sensitivity. I mean, how DARE anyone suggest that someone who hated the Monarchy, property rights, our form of Parliament and our defence of the Falklands be considered bad for Britain when such views are virtually de rigeur in BBC circles? Your views on this manipulation today?