“Sunday Morning Live” have been in touch and I will now be solely partaking in the debate on Israel. More precisely the question is; “Should Britain support a Palestinian State?” On the panel with me are; George Galloway and Milo Yiannpoulos and yours truly. It kicks off at 10am – I’m the blue corner. I think Galloway is being sponsored by Whiskas?


OK folks, just to let you know that yours truly will be appearing on Sunday Morning Live (BBC network 10am). I will be debating with George Galloway amongst others on the subjects of Capital Punishment and “Palestine.” I would welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have.

My views are as follows;

I support the Death Penalty and believe it is the appropriate punishment for those such as child-killers and terrorists. I believe the recent execution of Troy Davis in the States was overdue. I care more about the victims than the killers. A large number of ordinary British people share my view and I believe that our political representatives have failed in their duty to represent that view.

As far as a state for Palestine is concerned, you may as well wish for a State for Narnia. A/They already have a State called Jordan B/ After we have seen what they when they got Gaza, who in their right mind what offer them MORE Israeli territory? C/Theatrics at the UN, that bastion of institutionalised Israel-bashing, are a poor substitute for seeking peace. The truth is that the Palestinians are frauds who cloak their intent to erase Israel in contrived language aimed at getting liberal sentiment on side.