Katabasis has been doing some excellent genuine research about BBC journalism. Using the churnalism search engine – which correlates journalistic content on the MSM to press releases – he has found that, despite the £1bn a year it costs to keep BBC news in business, the boys and girls at the corporation are a tad lazy when it comes to originaility. Put bluntly, they are dab hands at cut and paste jobbies. Not only that, they do it twice as much as any other media outlet. And surprise, surprise, they just love using material from prime eco fascist sources. Katabasis notes:

– The BBC is by far and away the worst offender for simply repeating whatever the Environment Agency claimed in its press releases.Out of the 393 articles where “significant” churn had taken place, the BBC were responsible for 44%. Likewise for the 49 articles that had “major” churn (meaning in most cases they were almost complete cut and pastes of the press releases), the BBC was responsible for 30.6%.

Put another way, the BBC is the world leader in recycling press releases from the most climate alarmist arm of government, because that’s what the EA is. Of course, it’s run by that Blairite, nice Baron Smith of Finsbury, so in the BBC mindset, what’s on offer must be true. The good baron’s framework of eco fascism, which the BBC so slavishly follows, is here.

The latest Climategate emails map out the inecestuous relationships that BBC correspondents have with the climate change “academics” who laid the foundations of and are perpetuating the climate change frenzy. The research by Katabasis shows brilliantly that, without doubt, BBC journalists are straining their sinews to peddle indiscriminately their wares. They don’t give a stuff about its veracity: all that matters is the alarmism.