Greenies want to control with jackboots, writs and taxes every aspect of our behaviour under the cloak of “sustainability”. This is chillingly illustrated in the latest offering in the BBC’s regular platform for fanatics, the Green Room. Here, a career agitator called Owen Gaffney, who works for the the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)- an international body so incredibly manipulative in its goals that it is beyond Orwell’s worst nightmares – argues that to save ourselves from “global change” (Newspeak that Orwell would have recongnised), we need to spend shedloads more cash, so that he and his barmy chums can:

…look at the risks of geo-engineering – intentionally manipulating the Earth’s climate by, for example, erecting giant sunshades in space, or adding small particles to the upper atmosphere to reflect heat away from Earth.

The architects of the new programme aim to go beyond the traditional boundaries of Earth-system science, and corral experts from other fields to tackle the technological, institutional and behavioural changes required if we want genuine global sustainability.

The scale of this challenge alone cannot be underestimated.

Note the way that Mr Gaffney so silkily talks about the need for “behavioural change”, in exactly the same way that the Nazis talked about “the Jewish question”. The BBC is giving these fanatics a platform as if what they are saying is respectable, objective, scientific fact. The reality is much more sinister.