Another day on the BBC and another example of eco-wackery. This time, ladies and gentlemen, I offer you artificial trees. The underlying premise, of course, is that mankind is to blame for “climate change” – that is settled science, right? Listening to Professor Hoskins is really quite frightening and yet this is what the Royal Society is thinking. I wish they didn’t bother.


Did you catch this interview with Matt Prescott, director of campaign group Ban the Bulb? Fawning. It’s eco-loons like Prescott that IMPOSE their agenda on the rest of us and I would have thought that the BBC could have found at least ONE person to come on the programme and put the alternative view that banning “traditional” lightbulbs is both draconian and entirely ineffective at”fighting” the climate change chimera which so concern Mr Prescott.


I happened to catch around 10 minutes of the Clive Anderson hosted “Unreliable Evidence” this evening which considered the following…

“Are our environmental laws robust enough to save the planet for humankind? The Climate Change Act 2008 commits the UK to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, but can this be legally enforced? What law and penalties are available to force industry, individuals and even the government to reduce their carbon footprint?”

The bit I heard was a disgraceful exercise in Internationalist leftism and Gaia worship and one can see why Mr Anderson is so beloved by Auntie.


I see the BBC has been shilling for the folly of the construction of hundreds of massive wind farms around the UK this morning. This follows the news that the final section of Europe’s largest onshore wind farm is coming on stream as plans are under way to expand it. The £300m Whitelee development on Eaglesham Moor, in East Renfrewshire, is made up of 140 massive turbines.

Vested interests and the eco-loons consider the defacing of our wonderful British coastline a small price to be paid to help reduce those pesky carbon emissions and their mythical relation to climate change and I heard it said this morning that an area equivalent to the size of Wales would need to be converted to Wind farms if we are to hit Government targets in terms of renewable energy. It is a disgrace that the BBC does not provide equal space for those who believe that Wind farm technology is far from appropriate, far from being environmentally constructive and far from being efficient. This is not science, this is propaganda.