An eagle eyed Biased BBC reader picks up on has been doctored so that it reads “The Africans risking it all on the Egypt-Israel border” This is what is originally said,,,,

‘Shot on sight, The Africans risking it all to cross into Israel’

The actual story was about Egyptians shooting Africanimmigrants:

In his sparsely decorated apartment, Yahya Mohamed Idris,a refugee from Darfur in Sudan, explains how he risked everything trying to moveto Israel. “I decided to go to Israel because people who wentbefore told me the situation was much better over there,” he says. “I left my country looking for safety and securitybut in Egypt I found harassment and more problems. “Work here is difficult and they throw stones andtomatoes at me on the street. They curse at me and call me ‘the black’.” “While we were crossing the border they openedfire,” Idris recalls.”We surrendered and sat on the ground and theystarted beating us and shooting all around. My wife fainted and the kids werescreaming.” At least 16 sub-Saharan African refugees and migrantshave been shot dead at the border this year. Many others suffered injuries.

Warnings ignored

“This is a common problem. When people try to crossthe border to Israel, the Egyptian security shoot and kill them,” commentsAbdalla Hanzal, who works with a refugee support group.