Biased BBC’s Alan asks;

“Is it possible thatthe BBC and the Labour Party are working hand in glove to attack the Coalitiongovernment?

Not just a chance meeting of minds and interests but a deliberately engineeredcampaign to bring down a government? 

Take the recent revelations by the BBC about Ed Lester’s payarrangements….why was he targeted?

We know the BBC has an intense interest in student loans having followed andbroadcast the student protests religiously and at great length.

Is it likely they chose Ed Lester deliberately precisely because he was runningan organisation that was part of a scheme that the BBC disagrees with andtherefore any bad news will damage that scheme?

Just how did they come to decide he was a target? Did they get a tip off froman interested party….a Labour member?

It is interesting how quick off the ball Labour were in demanding an ‘urgentquestion’ in Parliament.

Reminds me of the recent time when a charity published a report timed tocoincide with and support Labour questions.

Is the BBC co-ordinating with Labour?

Disappointing how political Margaret Hodge was on the radio today talking aboutthis….although the Public Accounts Committee was going to investigate thismatter it seemed she had already made up her mind of great wrong doings, andthe trail of guilt lead all the way to the top…government ministers areimplicated in this crime against the ‘people’.

Shame the BBC failed to tell us she was ‘Labour’ and had sponsored the 2004Higher Education Act which introduced tuition fees for students….wonder ifshe had any insider knowledge?”


Anyone catch Ed Miliband being “interviewed” by Andrew Marr this morning? Talk about sycophantic indulgence! Red Ed was allowed to rewrite political and financial history and then lecture the Coalition on effective economic policy. Marr seemed unwilling to pursue ANY angle that would give Miliband discomfort and the body language between the two was fascinating, with Marr as the all to obvious supplicant. From what I saw, Marr was basically doing everything possible to portray Miliband as the next PM which I suppose is the prevailing BBC ideology.


Arggh! Woke up this morning to the Today programme around 6.50am and who was on? Yes, it’s Universal Alistair Darling on. He had also been on Today in Parliament around 11pm last night. After the 7am news headline, on comes the lovely (!) Yvette Cooper to give us five minutes of Labour propaganda. Seriously, has the BBC gone into denial? I think we may need to send in some psychotherapists to help our dear Beeboid friends…..