I caught Nick Clegg on the BBC this morning as he was given a free canter on how to further demoralise the UK’s wealth-creating sector. Using the much loved “excessive boardroom pay” meme, Clegg was allowed to claim – outrageously – that “the public sector can’t do ALL the heavy lifting” when it comes to re-balancing our economy. (WHAT?) No dissenting opinion came back so we can be sure the BBC gets quite excited about the idea of the State telling private companies what they should pay. Who says the USSR did not have some good ideas?
So, a power grab by an already bloated State is sanitised, presented by nice Mr Clegg as if it were the most reasonable thing in the world, and given clear passage by the BBC. Where is the voice arguing for less State intervention in private enterprise? Where is the voice pointing out that Government has no business telling any privately owned business what it should pay those who work for it?
We saw the farce of the Public Sector strike a few days ago now, with the BBC laying on the onions and violins every time some greedy trade unionist hit the spin button. It seemed then that nothing is so expensive that we can refrain from lavishing it on the Public Sector. But when it is the Private wealth-creating sector under the spotlight, well, it seems more wage austerity is deemed OK by the State Broadcaster.