The BBC is a strange creature. It is profoundly anti-Christian, in my view, and as detailed in these pages over the years, but yet it has a certain fondness for the Anglican Church just so long as that institution careens off in a nihilistic leftist direction. It has been fawning in covering the commentary by well known economist Rowan Williams in the FT this morning in which he backs the farcical “Tobin Tax”. On Today this morning it brought on that wholly fool Bishop of London Dr Richard Chartres (7.50 a.m.) who was made to essentially apologise for not immediately having gone on-side with the anarcho-communist rabble outside St. Paul’s! Chartres was an embarrassment who grovelled and in essence came out supporting “the ideas” of the protesters. So, with the St. Paul’s theological establishment dripping wet and opposing Capitalism, and with Rowan Williams doing his best to ruin our Banking system, a warm reception from the BBC is almost guaranteed. I would go further and suggest that just as the BBC has rotted away from within, embracing leftism instead of pursuing impartial reporting, so has the COE rotted away and St.Paul’s stands aloft as a glorious whited sepulchre.