You have to hand it to the BBC, if there is ONE subject which brings out their innate bias, it is that of Israel. Did anyone else catch THIS item from earlier today? Not once is the tricky issue of Palestinian terrorism brought up during the entire interview even though it is central to Israel’s need to ensure effective security. I also was interested in the way in which Obama’s one-sided kow-towing to Palestinian interests in treated as the right course of action by the BBC. Couldn’t help but wonder if Humphyrs had his Keffiyeh on when conducting this interview? (Also, can anyone tell me where the “West Bank” is? Could this refer to Judea and Samaria? Just wondering….) The Fatah representative was allowed to get away with murder, plus ca change.


Did you share my misfortune in listening to this item on the BBC this morning?

Dhimmi David Miliband was in full flow as he explained how we don’t show enough respect to the Muslim world and that the modernisation afoot in Islam is not being given due recognition. Really? The bit that sickened me MOST was when Miliband got to insert the usual “There’ll never be peace until Israel and Palestinians are reconciled by the former allowing the latter to create their own little terror State” mantra, claiming that on 12 September the world was united in support of the USA. Not in the Palestinian territories, Mr Bean. They danced with joy as the Towers fell, you misrepresenting clown. Furthermore, Mr Bean then adds that he was impressed by Obama declaring that we are not at war with Islam. Fine. But that does not stop a significant section of Islam being at war with us, does it? Miliband gets the softest of rides possible in this interview and I suppose so long as he denies reality then that will continue.


I see the BBC is running the news that slow Joe Biden, Obama’s trained attack poodle, has told Israel that “it must” accept a two-State solution if the “conflict” with the Palestinians is to end. This entire BBC article is written entirely from a pro-Democrat position – which is at least a minor change since it’s normally written from a pro-Palestinian POV. These days, with The One, ascended into power, these positions are now virtually identical. Mind you, check out the imagery used to ensure sympathies are directed in the right direction, natch! As ever, the BBC shies away from referring to the Islamic terrorism that the Palestinians are so partial to indulging in. If you want to know what is happening in Israel, just avoid the BBC.

So Long, Sheriff

Another poisonous piece from the Man from Laramie. Another immature puerile stream of puke; clumsy, artless, biased and inept. He got so carried away with his description of Palestinian hardship seasoned with lashings of sentimentality that he almost forgot to add the obligatory token reference to eight years of inconvenience from a few irritating home-made rockets. Apart from that brief allusion, he neglected to include any smidgeon of a clue that there could be any reason whatsoever for the aforementioned multiple hardships, other than Israeli beastliness.
A gushing description of tunneling activities brimmed with awe and admiration for such industriousness. Clearly emphasising that their purpose was the importation of essentials and small luxuries, he added, perhaps a tad mockingly, that the Israelis “claim” weapons are also smuggled. He should have checked that out or he would have found it’s a bit more than just a claim.

Cowboy, it’s time to hang up your boots and ride into the sunset. Your resignation would probably be accepted, with or without the token reluctance.




Total dead: 1,166 (1,434)
Fighters: 710-870 (235)
Non-combatants: 295-460 (960)
Women: 49 (121)
Children under 16: 89 (288)



I divided this “article” about discrepancies in “casualty” figures into two.

A = Putting Israel’s case.

B = Putting Palestinians’ case.

Although there were about 55 more words reporting Israel’s case, the article still seemed biased against it.
How, I thought, could this be? Having separated them, (by “scientifically scrupulous” method of scrutiny by “agenda-driven bigot” ) I noticed that A was sprinkled generously with scare quotes while B had only one set which related to directly reported speech.
I counted twelve sets of inverted commas altogether, a ratio of 11-1. 

My survey.
Total words in article 630Representing Isr (Pali) = 304(249)

Total sets quotation marks = 12

Isr /Pali quote marks = 11 (1)

Direct speech = 0 (1)

Reported / Indirect speech = 4 (0)*

Gratuitous scare quotes = 7 (0)**

*”It is generally considered incorrect to use quotation marks for paraphrased speech where they may give the impression that the paraphrasing represents the actual words used.”

**”to indicate or call attention to ironic or apologetic words.

Lobby in Hotel

200 people attended a glittering celebration at the Kensington Royal Garden Hotel the other day. Nearly forty of them were journalists, including senior journalists from the BBC. The function was laid on by Arab Media Watch, or the pro Palestinian lobby, as a fundraiser and a gesture of appreciation for sympathetic coverage of Gaza. This is a mirror image of the Jewish lobby, but, unlike that sinister satanic cabal, this one is obviously considered respectable and above board by the BBC. So for that reason I suggest we take some of the excellent advice they offer on their website since it has clearly been so effective. There is a handy list of contacts, hints on letter writing, tips on how to pressure the media to present your case, and a useful guide to ‘where journalism often goes wrong when dealing with violence’, entitled “Misrepresenting Violence.” That one should be forwarded to Jeremy Bowen immediately. It was published in 2002 but he might not have seen it.
There is also a page explaining some factual errors, for example the myth that Hamas is out to destroy Israel. They supply proof of this on two counts.

A) How could they do it with such inferior weaponry?
B) They have offered a ten-year hudna. What more could they do?

Please note amended figures. Not all 36 were from the BBC! Apologies. Everything else still stands, bilge or not.



I listened to this interview with Nicholas Young, chief executive of the British Red Cross, on “Today” this morning. He was on to argue for more financial help for Gaza and to ensure that those pesky borders aree opened up to allow for the flow of all that “humanitarian aid” which the inhabitants of this moral sewer require. It’s interesting to listen him get through the interview without having to even once deal with the fact that the genocidal Jew-killers in Hamas rule Gaza and that Hamas are directly responsible for borders being closed and for IDF military intervention in Gaza ! It’s almost as if the Red Cross and the BBC deliberately obscure the reasons for the condition in which Gaza finds itself! But that could never be….could it?


My thanks to B-BBC contributor George R for pointing out this little gem. I suppose the fact that ONLY 400 BBC employees protest in favour of Gaza relief is the really shocking statistic. It would be very interesting to see the names of all these stalwart advocates for Jihad relief. Any evidence of similar protests by BBC staff in favour of Israel?


I was reading through this article on the outcome of the Israeli election. Can you guess to whom the BBC gives the last word ? 😉 It’s also funny to read BBC veiled disapproval of a “horse-trading” PR system which they know will lead to Benjamin Netanyahu becoming the next Prime Minister in preference to their own favourite, Livni.