I listened aghast to this 5 minute paean to the ritual humiliation of Her Majesty the Queen otherwise known as the Irish State Visit. Royal Correspondent Peter Hunt demonstrated a lamentable lack of objectivity, parroting the government propaganda line that this four day event has been transformational.

Included in the interviews was one with a certain Jackie McDonald, a self styled “Brigadier” in the loathsome terrorist group, the UDA. That organisation slaughtered hundreds of innocents and has been (and remains) up to its scrawny neck in every form of criminality. Mr McDonald was invited into the Queen’s presence as proof of how we have all “moved on” (except the victims and their families) Sanitising terrorism is at the heart of what was being celebrated in Dublin and yet no voice is allowed on the BBC to explain this perspective.

Hunt talked of the Queen’s magnaminity – written for her, of course, by Hague’s F.O. wordsmiths. He seemed to overlook the total lack of contriteness on behalf of the Irish President who managed to neatly avoid saying anything that was even remotely like an apology despite the fact her Government funded the IRA, gave sanctuary to the IRA, Lord Mountbatten was killed in the Republic, and even most recently, the Irish Government was partly bailed out by the UK. No apologies, No word of thanks or appreciation for Osborne’s largesse – and he BBC’s hordes of “analysts” all flown over to Dublin at our expense simply missed these dimensions to the story since they do not synch with the narrative THEY want to put across.  This past few days has been the coronation of the corrupting Belfast Agreement – a process which inverted common decency, saw convicted murderers set free, and saw the IRA installed in the government of Northern Ireland. This is tres chic in political circles and the BBC has been to the fore in evangelising for the process. Yet not ONE country around the world has chosen to follow such a loathsome process – I’m sure the BBC are puzzled at this. I’m not but then again I’m not a BBC stool pigeon.