Guest contributer hippiepooter writes:-

“Hewie’s in my manor!

Caught his report on Spain’s General Strike on News24 tonight.

He concluded his report informing us that the Spanish Government (centre-right Partido Popular) will announce its austerity measures tomorrow.  “The fear is this country, already in recession, will be locked in a downward spiral”.  Whose fear exactly Gav?

The Partido Popular achieved an overall majority in the general election in November last year.

In regional elections in Andalucia a couple of days ago PP recorded its best ever result, getting the largest vote for the first time, falling just short of an overall majority.

It’s vote in Asturias was also up nearly 2% on the previous year’s regional elections.

Somehow this failed to get a mention in Mr Hewitt’s report.

The fear in Spain, Mr Hewitt, is that union wreckers are going to make the crisis even worse with their stupid strikes. “


Biased BBC contributor Alan notes….

“The BBC in conjunction with another media group and the British Labour Party are conducting a secret campaign to silence if not destroy a rival to their political views and commercial interests……

I might suggest such actions are probably illegal, certainly go against the spirit of the BBC Charter and in silencing any voices they don’t like they destroy democracy and in effect set up a one party state…regardless of who is in power the only voices of influence will be the BBC’s and its fellow travellers.

The BBC’s Panorama programme dug up a 10 year old story and have presented it as ‘proven fact’ when they have as yet shown not a shred of evidence to back up their central claim……Murdoch is plotting his revenge….
‘Rupert Murdoch plans to “hit back hard” following allegations that one of his companies used hacking and piracy to sabotage rival TV competitors.
A BBC Panorama documentary accused NDS – a News Corp subsidiary – of leaking information which allowed ITV Digital’s services to be accessed for free.
“Seems every competitor and enemy piling on with lies and libels,” Murdoch wrote on Twitter.

Chase Carey, News Corp’s chief operating officer, issued a statement condemning “the BBC’s inaccurate claims….The BBC’s Panorama programme was a gross misrepresentation of NDS’s role as a high quality and leading provider of technology and services to the pay-TV industry.”.

“Panorama presented manipulated and mischaracterised emails to produce unfair and baseless accusations.’

“Wow what an integrate twisted tale of events!”

Remarkably the investigative powers of the police, the prosecution service’s authority and the judicial system have been co-opted by the BBC for a trial by television.

The BBC have launched yet another attack on their commercial and political nemesis, News Corp, claiming in a Panorama programme, ‘Murdoch’s TV Pirates’ (
that his company was behind the commercial destruction of ITV’s ‘OnDigital’ service.

The allegation was based solely on the word of a computer hacker with nothing substantial to corroborate his words.

Panorama claims this is ‘the biggest Murdoch hacking scandal of all…’piracy was the killer blow for the business…there is no question’…..a secret operation inside a Murdoch company hacked down the competition.’

and yet there is no proof…let alone a legal ‘trial’.

Panorama claimed to have emails that were a smoking gun but the ones shown certainly revealed no evidence that Murdoch’s company had authorised the piracy and release of the code for OnDigital’s subscription card….the emails in fact are so innocuous (so far) that Labour’s Tom Watson has put out a Twitter appeal for help reading them:

RT @tom_watson: Australian Financial Review needs help with crowdsourcing a review of some interesting emails!…

Good to see Tom Watson and the BBC working hand in hand again.

These emails were ‘obtained’ by the Australian ‘Financial Review’….

‘The Financial Review has published thousands of emails from an archive of 14,400 emails held by former Metropolitan Police commander Ray Adams who was European chief for Operational Security from 1996 to 2002.’

‘The emails, which come from several different folders within that drive – thus there is some duplication – were passed to The Australian Financial Review by an anonymous source. The Financial Review has undertaken its own inquiries to verify the emails.’

You may want to ask why all this has come to light now…this suggestion that Murdoch’s company was involved in ‘piracy’ was made in 1999 and went to court in 2002…so strange timing…suddenly a ‘key witness’ appears after 10 years silence and a load of emails also appear simultaneously.

Panorama claimed that a court case brought by Canal Plus regarding card hacking failed because Murdoch bought out the complainant company….but the emails actually disprove that….as News Corp were after the company long before:

‘Date: 2/2/2000 10:27:20 PM Subject: FW: Industrial Espionage Article

Enclosed is a scanned article sent by Arieh Moller – taken from the Sunday Times about a case of Industrial Espionage conducted against the British Aerospace company by the French Secret Service. ?

Bearing in mind News Corp.’s attempt to join forces with Canal+ which failed
because the French didn’t want ‘foreigners’ controlling Canal+… – and in light of the recent industrial espionage case we’ve had in China -? this can be an interesting example of nationally endorsed industrial espionage – to show relevant NDS personnel… ‘

also this from the Guardian in 2002:
‘For its part, NDS says the whole piracy claim is an outlandish fabrication. A statement from Abe Peled, the company’s president and chief executive, last night said the counterfeiters had simply targeted an inferior technology and succeeded without any help from anyone.
He suggested that Canal Plus is in commercial trouble and revealed that the French firm had approached NDS before Christmas suggesting a merger, adding that the French had been trying to poach the NDS employee accused of leaking Canal Plus’s code.’

Panorama also hides some other interesting titbits:

OnDigital was launched when David Cameron, now UK prime minister, was head of communications at Carlton Communications, the ITV franchise owner….the same man who launched the anti-Murdoch Leveson Inquiry (and now has been hit by the Murdoch Times for ‘cash for access’…ha ha)

It also merely called one Steve Hewlett a ‘media analyst’…but he is presenter of Radio 4’s Media Show and former director of programmes at Carlton Television.

He appeared this morning on the ‘Today’ programme where he stated that (v 1 hr 52 mins:
Piracy was an issue (in the downfall of OnDigital) but it is fair to say that there were other issues….it is very expensive to launch a digital service, there are high costs and high risks and ITV did not have the appetite for that risk….or the money. ITV also did not have any premium content that viewers wanted to watch (bit of a problem) and finally the shareholders could never decide on anything….he stated ITV Digital probably wouldn’t have worked whatever Murdoch did.

Panorama also failed to mention one of its star witnesses, computer hacker Oliver Kommerling, had been hired by Murdoch’s NDS, but was later employed by the rival Canal Plus who were complaining of piracy.

Panorama also fails to mention that a computer hacker and ‘witness’ named Jan Saggiori was a consultant to News Corp’s competitors, the French media group Canal Plus.

Panorama also claimed that it was impossible for anyone but a powerful organisation with unlimited funding to hack these cards….but this is not true…NDS was set up to catch people hacking such cards….indeed the ITV OnDigital card/Canal Plus card was revealed to the world by Canadian ‘pirates’ who offered $1 million dollars to anyone who could hack another card….’In April 1997, the Canadian pirate dealers were offering up to $1million for a top-flight hacker to crack the DirecTV NDS card.’

These same Canadian hackers smuggled two Bulgarian hackers, Plamen Donev and Vesselin Nedeltchev (known as Vesco) into Canada under false papers, then into the US, where they had hired the University of Montana physics lab to crack the P2 card (a Murdoch card).

So Panorama’s programme rests on very dodgy ‘facts’ and the evidence of a man who we don’t know whom he works for now, nor do we know his motives for making these claims.

The whole programme was clearly constructed to try and tie this into the phone hacking scandal, and seemed more intent on proving this meant Murdoch was not a ‘fit and proper’ person to hold a broadcasting license.

The Today programme summed up the attitude with Sarah Montague getting to the point she had been desperately working towards….’What damage do these allegations do to News Corporation?’

Steve Hewlett obliged with the reply that this indicates a ‘Broader cultural issue within News Corporation.’

i.e… they are not ‘fit and proper’.

As in another failed case against Murdoch the impression is what counts….’In the event, the allegations never stuck. But the mud did.’

This of course would be a massive coup for the BBC and the Left. The BBC would love to

Question Time LiveBlog 29th March 2012

Tonight Question Time comes from Portsmouth.

For those who don’t know, TheEye did some time at the Royal Naval Hospital Haslar and stood for  election when living in the Gosport constituency next door. TheEye  stood up to be counted in that part of the world…. DV has done so too so we are both immune to armchair political warriors. Much as I loved the Gospit and the enthusiastic  Navy wives I will echo the immortal words of Dick Tuck when he lost in California in 1966 “The people have spoken, the bastards.”

It is easier to quote the BBC today:

David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Portsmouth. On the panel: the comedian Alexei Sayle, shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander MP, children’s minister Sarah Teather MP, conservative Anna Soubry MP, and the columnist and chair of the National Trust Sir Simon Jenkins.

The odd and rather strange bloke gets the first nod and the lady from the majority party in Government gets fourth billing? Ah, make your own minds up.

Your Moderators line-up consists of David Vance, David Mosque, TheEye and John Ward. For those who don’t know – JW has been unwell in a serious way and I’d like to welcome him back. Good luck John. Best wishes from B-BBC.

It’s a 10:30pm kick off and afterwards we will suffer the maddess that is This Week

Don’t forget to look for Blue Nun Bingo updates on David Mosque’s website dedicated to the game.


Biased BBC contributor Alan notes;

“You can only wonderwhere all the Muslims have gone from the BBC airwaves……they havevanished….the government starts talking of allowing gay marriage and there isnot a single Muslim voice that I have heard on the BBC. Today we had a Sikh, a Quaker and Christians but no Muslim. 
Curious that the normally so vocal Muslims are staying so quiet….can it bethe BBC has decided not to draw attention to another of the Islamic beliefsthat may be contentious whilst happily castigating Christians particularly fortheir anti-gay stance?

And listening to the radio news during the day it was hard to tell who had beenshot outside the school in Toulouse today…..’A gunman has shot dead a teacherand three children at a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse.’ That doesn’t necessarily mean they were Jewish.

The BBC told us it was people outside a Jewish school….not Jews. But theywere quick to tell us that the soldiers that were shot last week were NorthAfrican or Muslims….’All three – of North African and Caribbean origin – wereshot by a man on a scooter.’ A reporter from the BBC started saying ‘shooting of Jewish children’ butchanged it to a ‘shooting outside a jewish school’. Editorial line to edit out the ‘jewishness’ of the victims? It’s a minor detail but odd not to say Jewish children were killed.”


As you know, for reasons out of our control, the comment threads are disrupted. I appreciate the irritation this brings, not least to me since it is annoying that I can’t see all your many excellent points. However patience is required over the next week until we permanently fix all this nonsense. In the interim, I will continue posting and trust that those who can comment will comment and that we show some stiff upper lip until the fix comes in. I hate it when the blog itself becomes the topic of posts but I want to keep you up to date.


The latest greenie wheeze to spend tens of millions of our hard-earned cash is a nutcase scheme to build 100 £200,000 towers to counter the effect of an alleged planetary emergency’ of warming in the Arctic circle. British greenie fanatics now claim the seawater-spraying towers are required to prevent a build-up of nasty methane. The idiots involved previously wanted a fleet of £20m ships built to do the job, but now they say the emergency is so advanced that only the 100 towers will save us. Precise costings, it transpires, have not been carried out – money is clearly no object when you are saving the world from the public purse.

Richard Black, of course, is on the case like a rat up a drainpipe. He admiringly and without qualification outlines the nutty academics’ case, and embellishes the urgency of the story by repeating the greenie mantra that the Arctic ice is vanishing so fast that there will be none left within a few years. This fits with the totally unfounded long-term BBC frenzy on this topic: here, they predicted the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013. But no matter, Mr Black – in your quest so spread alarmism, we know here that any nutter scheme and any distortion will do.


B-BBC contributor Alan writes… 

” We serve nored-coats here.”

The BBC no longer bother to provide links to most of its output on the Todayprogramme…..however they seem to find the energy and time to link to storiesthey themselves ‘connect with’ intellectually and emotionally….here SarahMontague interviews Dr Margaret Evison whose son died in Afghanistan and who isall for withdrawing the troops from there.

The BBC has been relentless in the past few days since the death of 6 Britishsoldiers in pressing the case for the troops to be withdrawn. It has dragged inevery known opponent of the war and limited the voices of those who say weshould finish the job as best we can.

The BBC is essentially using the bodies of the dead soldiers as politicalfootballs, props in their war against the War. Coffins used as soapboxes topush a political agenda. I don’t think that the dangers and struggles of theaverage squaddie in Afghanistan ever crosses the mind of the well paid staff ofthe BBC…except when they make a mistake…then suddenly the BBC is onto them,hounding them and condemning them from their comfortable studio with its coffeeand croissants and the Guardian for the quiet moments.
‘Yes, makin’ mock o’uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap.’

Yesterday we had the Today presenters drew on the spirit of the old BBC ’68ers’manning the barricades and fulminating against the war….one on the TodayProgramme actually came up with the old Vietnam call to surrender…’ becausehow do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam?’ updated forAfghanistan.

Today Sarah Montague plumbed new depths inferring that Margaret Evison’s son’slife was wasted on a lie…she asked at the end ‘Do you think his life wasthrown away?’

An insensitive question to ask a mother whatever the mother might think….butespecially because you might have the suspicion that Sarah Montague has not asingle concern about the death of any soldier what so ever.

Such suspicions might be why most soldiers have the profoundest disregard forthe BBC and their coverage of Iraq and Afghanistan, that being expresslyagainst the wars and the way they have been conducted by the troops.

An ‘Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool – you bet that Tommy sees!

The BBC’s coverage has scared politicians away from making the essentialdecisions and prevented them sending in the necessary amount of troops andequipment to complete the job quickly.

Far from preventing casualties that coverage has increased deaths and injuriesand turned the war into an endless stalemate as politicians are pressured intonot making an all out push to finish the job.

Dr Margaret Evison might want to ask why her son did not have the resources orthe troops to support him in sufficient numbers? The answer is media pressurenot to escalate the war.

In other words the likes of Sarah Montague, as with the US media duringVietnam, are intent on producing defeat out of victory.

After we left Afghanistan to its own devices when the Soviets withdrew the samemedia filled the airwaves and the pages of the Guardian and New York Times withtales pointing the finger of blame for the Taliban takeover at the West forhaving ‘abandoned’ Afghanistan.

Today the same media demand we ‘abandon’ Afghanistan….and quickly.

‘How little the world would look moral without forgetfulness. A poet might saythat God made forgetfulness the guard he placed at the threshold of humandignity.’

In the BBC world where terrorists are freedom fighters and British troopsmurderers, where locking someone up in Guantanamo bay is a human rights crimebut cutting off Ken Bigley’s head is an act of self defence against Westernaggression, where burning the Koran justifies multiple murders but the Biblecan be thrown in the bin and Christianity mocked and derided…..forgetfulnessis a convenient tool to maintain the pretence of common decency and humanitytempered by rationality and reason….when the reality is the BBC have slumpedinto a morass of immoral judgements and self debasement based on the newcultural ‘relativity’ combined with the malignant guilt about being white andWestern.

It would be fascinating to see a study on the detrimental effects of the BBC’scoverage on the war and any resultant casualties that could be attributed tothat coverage just as we might like a similar study done to cover the conflictin the Middle East and the resultant anti-Jewish sentiments that arise becauseof the enormous negative reporting about Israel from the BBC….ah, yes, we’vehad that haven’t we…it’s called the ‘Balen Report’….only for some reasonthe BBC don’t want you to see it.

So how many Troops and how many Jews have died because of BBC News?

‘Dr Evison said she saw the cultural and social pressures as well as “therevenge culture” in Afghanistan and “realised what British Army areup against”.
She said that her son “died for his soldiers” but “the largerpolitical picture is more complex”
“A soldier’s death should be for a just cause”, she said, “andpeople are doubting whether there is a just cause”.’

 ‘Tommy’ 2009 version, which acknowledges Rudyard Kipling, ends:

O then we’re just like ‘eroes from the army’s glorious past.
Yes, it’s “God go with you, Tommy,” when the trip might be your last.
They pays us skivvy wages, never mind we’re sitting ducks,
When clerks what’s pushing pens at ‘ome don’t know their flippin’ luck.
“Ah, yes” sez they “but think of all the travel to be ‘ad.”
Pull the other one. Does Cooks do ‘olidays in Baghdad?
It’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, know your place,”
But it’s “Tommy, take the front seat,” when there’s terrorists tochase

. An’ the town is full of maniacs who’d like you dead toot sweet.
Yes, it’s “Thank you, Mr Atkins,” when they find you in the street.
There’s s’pposed to be a covenant to treat us fair an’ square
But I ‘ad to buy me army boots, an’ me combats is threadbare.
An’ ‘alf the bloody ‘elicopters can’t get in the air,
An’ me pistol jammed when snipers fired. That’s why I’m laid up ‘ere.
Yes, it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, “We ‘ave to watch the pence”;
Bold as brass the P.M. sez, “We spare them no expense.

But I’ll tell you when they do us proud an’ pull out all the stops,
It’s when Tommy lands at Lyneham in a bloomin’ wooden box!.


Today ran an item this morning marking the 75th anniversary of the publication of Orwell’s “The Road to Wigan Pier” (8.22am). As you may gather from images used on these pages I am a fan of Orwell’s work  but was surprised to hear one of the two gentlemen being interviewed claim that conditions in the working class parts of the north of England are NOW as bad as they were in the 1930’s. What? Big Brother ruthlessly using a literary event to pursue a political agenda.