Ashley Pomeroy notes the Beeb’s disgust with the emancipation of the huddled masses of the estates from sharecropping by that wicked Thatcher – or the right to buy.
On the left is the news report from the time – read it and weep at how neutral-ish it seems compared to now.
Look at the blue boxed editorial – and wake up:
“Many people who bought their homes under Thatcher’s “Right-to-Buy” scheme are now struggling to pay for the upkeep of their properties which are no longer maintained by local authorities.
The controversial scheme has also dramatically reduced the number of available council homes and there is now a huge shortage of social housing across the UK.
Since the introduction of the scheme in 1980 there have been major changes to the size of the discount tenants are eligible for. The maximum discount is 60% of the home’s value or £38,000, whichever is greater.
In many areas of the UK the scheme has been abused and there are now strict regulations about when tenants can resell their property after purchasing it at a discount.” (emphasis added)
If they can’t keep up the payments, they can always sell.
Pity the poor local authorities – forced to lay off slack bloated civil servants who batten off the working taxpayer when the work of telling tenants what colour to paint their homes dried up. I suppose those local authority workers probably did help stem the tide of pebble dashing and gnomes, marks of aspirational Thatcher voting Little England in White City.
This whole lack of affordable housing malarky is pure nonsense – sure housing is expensive in the UK, but the great majority of people do have somewhere to live. “Social housing” is just another euphemism for soaking the working middle class to subsidise those who slacked off at school.
“Abuse” would appear to be what my aunt (who works two jobs) did with her ex-council house – mortgaged it to buy an apartment in Spain. Oh these poor workers, seduced in their false consciousness by the wicked capitalist system…when will they learn that their betters in Islington have worked out how best they should live?