Live Drive Or Cattle Drive


Radio For The Cattle:

‘Radio 5 Live Drive will seek to update listeners on the day’s developments, in an informal, accessible, manner, mainly through presenter interviews with correspondents or guests. Radio Five Live has a remit to inform less well-informed and less widely read audiences, so the amount and complexity of our coverage on the Drive programme is adjusted accordingly.’



The BBC at work….legally obliged to be impartial…….and yet…..

‘According to Israeli government figures, 856,000 Jews fled Arab countries in four years after the state was created in 1948. Officials say they lost billions of dollars’ worth of property and assets. A new government campaign aims to raise awareness of their plight. More controversially it aims to equate it with that of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees who lost their homes in Israel. It insists that both cases are part of the same core issue that must be addressed by any future peace talks. ‘


‘Controversial’? How is it in any way controversial except to someone who doesn’t want to diminish the Palestinian case?  And that’s surely not a BBC it?

Ahh….that’s why…..

‘Among the requests from both sides in the conflict is that we should more frequently recount its history in our daily journalism. We do not think daily news journalists have the time in their reports to go into such a level of detail, not least as there are two versions of the history.


The BBC’s and the Truth.


The BBC Narrows Your Horizons

Peter Hitchens was invited to be a talking head on Flanders’ ‘Masters of Money’ programme on Marx.

Here is his take on it: 

He tells us his opinion of Marx….‘Marx turns out not to have been the prophet of Lenin and Stalin, who hated God, wanted absolute power and needed a pretext for seizing it, but to have been the prophet of the Canton sweatshop, the computer age and the sweeping away of national borders.’

 And then what Flanders is interested in….‘Alas, Miss Flanders’s programme  is much more about whether Marx has anything to say about the current banking crisis. In my view, the answer to that is a resounding ‘Nope’.

There’s also a silly failed joke about how a ‘Marxist Broadcasting Corporation’ would have reported the events of the last few years, which looks to me remarkably like what the BBC has actually been doing.

See for yourselves on Monday evening.’


Rather  pointless asking if Marx can teach us anything because even a child would recognise that Marxism is a busted flush….just as a child rapidly spots the flaws in religion.


And just as Flanders may seem to have avoided the wider implications of Marx and his intended violent revolution the BBC seem also to have done the same with the life of Jesus in Marr’s ‘History of The World’.  missing out his life and teachings.  Wonder if they will do the same for Muhammed or Hitler?

‘Cavalier’ Marr is accused of ignoring Jesus while honouring Buddhism in his BBC history of the world.

Christians say the BBC is guilty of ‘a glaring oversight’ for excluding Christ.

Eight-part series contains only a handful of references to Jesus. 

A BBC spokesman said: ‘Andrew Marr’s History Of The World is not a religious programme nor a history of religion. The series tells the story of the evolution of civilisation.’


Must be inconvenient that Western civilisation was built on the values derived from Christianity and the authority vested in the Church….never mind, ignore the teachings of the founder of the religion…..what have they got to do with it? 


‘Mr Marr said the programme had decided to begin its history of Christianity with St Paul as he had been crucial to the transformation of Christianity into a major religion.’

Bit like doing a history of the BBC and missing out Lord Reith….and only starting from when it ‘really took off’ in the TV age.









So, did the BBC cover up sex crimes allegedly carried out by Sir Jimmy Savile?

The BBC shelved a Newsnight investigation into allegations that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused a teenage girl in his dressing room at Television Centre, it has emerged. The woman claimed that the presenter molested her when she was 14 or 15 after inviting her to recordings of Clunk Click, his 1970s BBC family show.

Newsnight tracked down several other women who claimed that Savile used his role on the programme to groom and abuse teenage girls. Reporters on the current affairs programme were also told of claims that two other celebrities, both still alive, sexually abused girls at Television Centre in the 1970s. The BBC had hoped to broadcast the Newsnight report in December, two months after Savile’s death, but bosses ordered that the investigation be dropped. Instead, the corporation screened two tribute programmes celebrating Savile’s lengthy BBC career as presenter of Jim’ll Fix It and Top of the Pops, and also as a Radio 1 DJ.

How’s about THAT then?

Unidentified Flanders’ Obbligato

Ever wondered where Flanders gets her more interesting ideas?

You know those whacky, just might work in  a month of sundays type ideas.

Here could be the answer……..The BBC’s favourite economist Paul Krugman lays it on the line…Not Plan B, or Z or X….but Plan UFO…..


Having watched the video can’t help thinking they’re here already.

‘It seems to be JK Rowling week on the BBC.’


We’ve heard a lot about the Muslim sex gangs in Rotherham and elsewhere and the failure to act by any of those in authority due to concerns about race and culture.

Part of that was of course that the girls were white and working class….they didn’t count quite as much as the nice daughters of the social workers or policemen or media who looked on and who decided to turn a blind eye.

Here a whole class of people has been betrayed and abandoned…to protect the authorities from claims of racism but also the ethnic communities that the sex gangs come from…especially as it turns out that it was particularly white girls being picked on as the Muslims didn’t want to attack girls of their own faith.

The BBC (and other media) must have also played its part in hiding the truth…there must have been complicity with the police and social workers in agreeing what would and would not be reported.

It is remarkable that any of those journalists who ducked the issue and agreed to censorship can now hold their heads up without any shame or remorse.

Maybe those responsible will be brought out into the open in 23 years or so as with Hillsborough.

Their behaviour is of course in stark contrast to that normally at the BBC where working class ‘victims’ of government cuts and inaction are meat’n’veg to BBC anti-cuts agitators with always a ready welcome in a warm BBC studio if you have a tale to tell that paints a doom laden scenario of how ‘cuts’ are affecting you.

Have a look at this, an interview with J.K. Rowling about her new book ‘Casual Vacancy’….dealing with class warfare, drugs and teen sex.

Rowling states that the book is essentially about a girl named Krystal…and it is asking ‘What are we going to do about Krystal?’ (and girls like her).

Clearly ‘Krystal’ is from the same sort of background as the real victims in Rotherham and the book raises all sorts of questions about ‘society’ and of course Middle Class attitudes.

The BBC laps it up….apparently the Guardian and the BBC were given privileged access to the book…so work that out.

However, apart from the interviewer, James Runcie, being a good friend of Rowling, he is pretty keen to bring out all these social issues and start insinuating blame.

I mentioned that Rowling says the book is asking ‘what can be done to help girls like Krystal’…the BBC decided the main theme was something different.

The casual vacancy is a vacancy for a post on a local council…and the majority Tory council want to fill it with a likeminded soul…in order that they can change local boundaries and remove a troublesome council estate from their responsibilities. Boo hiss! Nasty Tories.

Now that is part of the book (and it is a fiction by a lefty writer) …but despite the title it is not its main theme according to the author. The BBC begs to differ.


Funny how caring the BBC can be about the white, working class drug addled girls whose knickers are kept up purely by the power of their elastic in the eyes of the BBC and its ilk when it suits the BBC’s own agenda.


But the really interesting point was made by Rowling in which she said she was fed up with the point scoring and soundbite culture of modern politics…which she blamed on the ‘beauty parade’ that is democracy.

True enough….politicians don’t explain themselves well enough….hence we get working class youngsters refusing to take up student loans because of the fear of ‘debt’….conveniently highlighted by the Today programme this morning, always ready to take the government to task on behalf of the working class!

But who is really to blame?

The media…it is the media that sets the agenda…it decides who gets airtime, how much airtime and on which subject…it then decides the questions, and decides the answers…in the editing suite…if it’s live they can interrupt and cut you off or bring in another guest to quash your point or to take up time.

Politicians have very little say in what they can get over to the public especially in the face of a hostile interview…however subtle that hostility is.

The BBC also fails in its duty to educate….always ready to stake out a student protest about tuition fees but less ready to spend valuable airtime on the basics of informing them about the fees.

Jonathan Aitken stated that the BBC were poisoning the well of democratic debate….he was right…even if he did his own bit towards that himself.



From the BBC’s very own ‘Civilisation’ series by Kenneth Clark.

Seems that much has been conveniently forgotten since 1969 about the beneficial effects of a nice summer’s day (and it would seem about Christianity and the Church authority as well….keep watching)


The Great Thaw

There have been times in the history of mankind when the earth becomes warmer or more radioactive. I don’t put this forward as a scientific proposition but the fact remains that 3 or 4 times in history man has made a leap forward that would have been unthinkable under ordinary evolutionary conditions.

One such time was about 3000 BC when quite suddenly civilisation appeared…not only in Egypt and Mesopotamia but in the Indus valley, another was in the late 6th century BC and it was not only the miracle of Ionia and Greece, philosophy, science, art all reaching a point that wasn’t reached for another 2000 years, but also in India, a spiritual enlightenment that has perhaps never been equalled.

 And another was round about the year 1100, it seems to have effected the whole world, India, China, Byzantium, but it’s strongest and most dramatic effect was in Western Europe where it was most needed. It was like a Russian spring. In every branch of life, action, philosophy, organisation, technology there was an extraordinary outpouring of energy and an intensification of existence, popes, kings, emperors, bishops, scholars philosophers, saints, they were all larger than life, and incidents of history, our great heroic dramas or symbolic acts that still stir our hearts, the evidence of this heroic energy, this strength, confidence of will and intellect is still standing….[in the Cathedrals.]


Note the Medieval warm period and his assertion it affected the whole world.

Curious how that has all been forgotten by many scientists when cash handouts are in the offing for more research.


A Biased BBC reader brings this to our attention…

“Take a listen to this: especially at 4.00 mins in.  Lyse Douchet says that Ahmadinejad is “quite uncontroversial…quite Messianic…” as if that’s quite OK.  Does she realise the apocalyptic views behind his “being Messianic”? (Hint – he wants to wipe the country where another Messiah hailed from “off the face” of the Earth) Just imagine if the Archbishop of Canterbury were PM and did the same thing?