The BBC has been on its favourite hobby horse today….bashing the police. (08:33)
John Humphrys sounds shocked that of 2000 complaints against the Police only one may result in a police officer being sacked.
What isn’t apparent of course is the seriousness of the complaints which might have some relevance as to whether it merits sacking someone.
You could equally ask how many BBC staff are sacked as a result of complaints…and I’ll bet the BBC gets more complaints than the Police.
Humphrys goes into full on moral arbiter mode and starts to lay down the law stating that ‘We have a right to know what is going on in our police force….if they are doing something wrong we should know.’
Yes, he’s right.
So why did the BBC spend £300,000 hiding a report into BBC anti-semitism?
Do we not have a right to know how the BBC are conducting themselves…because the results of their actions could be quite devastating…..the existence of Israel, at the very least its peaceful existence, depends upon a true and accurate portrayal of events in the Middle East…..and that is not what we get from the BBC.
Such a scenario is plausible because it is happening…Israel is being delegitimised as a nation and therefore open to ‘morally justifiable’ attack by Muslims to ‘retake’ it.
Of course Israel is not alone in falling victim to media lies and attempts to radically alter people’s perceptions…as mentioned above the police are a frequent target of the BBC, as are Tories and often the Army…and now the Bankers.
Dominic Sandbrook in the Mail suggests that such vilification could result in a nightmare scenario where the mob takes over….as the Media plays its part in demonising all Establishment figures and inciting anger against them……
‘I would argue that — in an age when newspapers and television are dominated by outrage at bankers’ greed, the occupation of major financial centres by protesters and riots on the streets of Europe’s capitals — this Hollywood blockbuster has a frightening relevance that has little to do with the terrible crimes of a lone lunatic.
And the film’s British writer-director, Christopher Nolan, is not alone in giving artistic expression to the moral and political crisis threatening the West.
This week’s other big opening was the National Theatre’s brilliant new production of Shakespeare’s play Timon Of Athens, presented against a background of avarice and corruption in the City of London.
In scenes that uncannily mirror the plot of the new Batman movie, the mob storms the city of Athens.
The 99 per cent, it seems, will have their revenge on the tiny elite who held them down. Only a few years ago, productions like these would have felt strident and exaggerated. In the summer of 2012, however, they feel shockingly timely.
Thanks to the impact of endless scandals, the reputation of our political and financial elites has sunk to an all-time low.
For the first time since the Hungry Thirties, capitalism itself is in danger of becoming a dirty word.’
Highly dangerous stuff…it is right that people who are corrupt should be jailed and those who are incompetent or negligent punished but whipping up the crowd into a frenzy of anti-banker or anti-capitalist violence is not the answer…because it wasn’t Capitalism that failed, and we need Capitalism, even Lenin acknowledged that….it was greedy or reckless people that racked up the debts…including one Gordon Brown.
My car does not ‘fail’ if I drive it into a hedge…it is me that is repsonsible…the car is innocent!