Biased BBC personality of the year

This coveted annual award is held in high esteem by the News Community . Rules – no actionable defamation ( no lies ) Should be a beeboid but the can be an honory  biased swamp member . You can make other rules up but despite provocation please stick to the ‘no naughty words’ policy. nominations will close according to events.

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes of the BBC is named…

…but is unlikely to be shamed since it’s doubtful he has any shame. About 6 months ago I Googled for an old video attack on Israel by Wingfield-Hayes – which struck me as particularly vicious at the time and still does. I put it in ‘Favourites’ for future reference and went back to it today. But lo and behold, the video snapshot faded after a few seconds and I was … Continue reading

Start the Week Thread 19 November 2018

The Far Left BBC , as a matter of editorial policy , suppresses negative stories about Muslims – rape gangs , terrorism and intimidation Promotes anti brexit stories undermines Judeo -Christian religion with its pro Islam propaganda approves of the drive to limit freedom of speech by criminalising what it does not like and will only approve its version of Britain using our money to do it . as part … Continue reading