Midweek Open Thread 26 September 2018

The staff of the Far Left BBC will be preparing to sing the internationale at the end of their party conference today . BBC 2 is to be rebranded – presumably to a picture of the Test Card . A black American comedian has gone off to tell jokes in prison for 10 years …… and talking of prison — the Tommy Robinson show trial is about to start …enjoy?

Start the Week Thread 24 September 2018

The Far Left BBC has a busy week ahead to promote its biased anti British view of the world. The Far Left Labour Party Conference, the Tommy Robinson political retrial , the evidence of a woman attempting to prevent President Trumps’ Supreme Court nominee by alleging indecent assault from 36 years ago. And I haven’t even mentioned the BBC Remainer propaganda . So an easy week for us to evidence … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 22 September 2018

The Far Left BBC has , like the rest of us, become a spectator to the Brexit negotiating- unable to give any true account because of its continuing bias. With less than 190 days to go the BBC Project Fear ratchets up even further making the ‘off’ switch even more attractive . On a different tack – The rival bids for Sky have gone to auction on Saturday to be … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 7 September 2018

Predictably the far Left BBC has embraced the anonymous article about President Trump which claims he has to be undermined from within his own administration . So there is resistance  from Swamp dwellers across the pond in parallel to those frustrating Brexit here . As Mr Rees Mogg MP wrote in an open letter recently – we are hopefully heading for a WTO Brexit from the EU  – not a … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread 3 September 2018

Tough times for the Far Left BBC. Its favourite political party is busy getting a civil war going and the party it hates is busily trying to stop conservatives joining the Tory Party. So as Parliament returns we can expect the BBC  to be in full bias mode – 12 days later the MPs go on their holidays again for the last Conference Season before we leave their EU. On … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread 1 September 2018

So the Far  Left anti Semitic BBC has to find a way to report on the anti Semitic goings on in their favourite Far Left political party – Labour . What are its options? Ignore, look the other way ; decide that there is a more important issue or attack the victims of Labour Party bullying Meanwhile Far Left BBC reporters in America will be lining up to condemn President … Continue reading