Rebel Media

  Two videos offering an alternate worldview to that offered by the BBC….the second by an ex-BBC/C4 journalist which looks at the rise of new media v the MSM [and here’s Douglas Murray on the ‘intellectual dark web’….’Thanks to the internet, millions now have access to views mainstream media considers ‘forbidden’….a thoughtful and honest voice trying to explain facts in an age which elevates feelings over facts. The same goes … Continue reading

EU and Remainers Tag-teaming with the IRA

‘We take back sovereignty and give it to Parliament so that Parliament can then give it straight back to the EU’ There’s plenty of double-talk, bluster and bombast about Brexit.  You might expect that from the politicians and hangers-on with their vested interests all trying to muddy the waters but what we don’t expect, or rather shouldn’t but do because we know the BBC, is that the BBC completely fails … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread

Blacker Dread, otherwise known as Steve Martin, is the subject of a BBC film, Being Blacker [March 12  BBC2]…a bit of a love story really, between the film-maker, Molly Dineen, and Dread.  Dineen didn’t want to ask him any awkward questions that might put responsibility for his troubles onto him as it might have come between them and they would have lost that ‘fundamental sense of friendship’.  So not a … Continue reading

Life of Albert

There I was minding my own business, came out of the mosque one Friday and jumped on a 54 bus to Pristina, all was kushty.  Fell asleep didn’t I…only missed my bleeding stop, next thing I knew I was in Syria.  Blimey, what a turn up.  My mum would have been pissed if she’d known.  Still, eh, when in Rome, so I joined an Islamic terrorist organisation….well, I had a … Continue reading

‘I am not a Commie Spy’

  Corbyn was a man who supported the jack-boot on the necks of the dissidents in places like Czechoslovakia, he did not support the dissidents who fought for freedom.  ‘For the many not the few‘….LOL.  Never mind, no-one need know as Aunty comes to cover up for him as it broadcasts a swathe of programmes that slip in helpful little pro-Corbyn messages. The BBC were having a pop at Billy … Continue reading

Liberal Clickbait

  The BBC loves the Blacktivists, the articulate, disgruntled and deluded Black race agitators like Afua Hirsch whose racial theories are not so far apart from Hitler’s own on racial purity.  The BBC exploits them and uses them like cannon fodder for its own amusement giving them massive airtime and publicity for their grievances and gripes.  But it is a dangerous game.  These are very politicised, motivated, angry, bitter, extremist … Continue reading

Gatehouse Institutional Bias

  Arthur Wagner, an AFD member who converted to Islam, is the subject of a Gabriel Gatehouse investigative report.  Gatehouse is very excited, a little too over-excited for a supposedly seasoned reporter.  It all seems a bit of a game to him rather than a serious report, almost as if he had already got a conclusion in mind and he was just going through the motions to add a bit … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  We know, because the BBC tells us, that Britain has no culture and thus no indigenous multiculture, thus the BBC likes to import the exotic inhabitants of far-off lands and bring them here as exhibits in some kind of open cultural zoo to be gawked at in amusement and delight by the natives who are all white, male and very boring. Hence we get daft comments from the simple … Continue reading

High exchange rates and low inflation…’unhealthy’ for EU

  From the Telegraph: The European Central Bank has expressed alarm over the surging euro, accusing the Trump administration of driving down the dollar to gain trade advantage in breach of global accords. Minutes from the ECB’s policy meeting in January flagged concerns that the overly-strong exchange rate had become unhealthy and “required monitoring”, with doves on the Governing Council clearly worried that the eurozone is still caught in a low inflation trap with no safety buffer against fresh … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  Agent Cob-Nut hasn’t come in from the cold yet, perhaps he’s stuck, maybe he can batter his way out with a blackpudding [no jokes about Di-abolical], or maybe he can just use it to batter his critics in the Press into silence…the BBC need have no concerns of course as he threatens ‘change is coming’….the BBC is happy to see change even if it means a Marxist, terrorist supporting … Continue reading