Mid-Week Open Thread

Tory MP Victoria Atkins fled Twitter due to the abuse she received and the BBC immediately headlined its bulletins with this breaking news….the same BBC that helped do so much to encourage the abuse of and disrespect for politicians, not only with its satire but with the vicious demonisation of Thatcher and Tories in general….and now it’s Trump in the firing line…literally.  Much as the body parts of long departed … Continue reading

Not feeling the love

    This perfectly illustrates the bubble BBC journos live in as the People’s Republic of Islington inhabitant Daniel Sandford seeks a bit of love and sympathy for his problems…imposed by his Labour council based upon the green climate change agenda as promoted and championed by his own employer….not a lot of love forthcoming in the comments…lol… Islington’s new diesel surcharge means that when there is no space in residents … Continue reading

Dementum on the march

    One has to laugh doesn’t one?  The BBC rattle on about abuse on social media and it has to sack one of its own for wishing death upon Zac Goldsmith… BBC Sack Zac Threat Presenter The BBC has sacked a radio presenter who told Tory MP Zac Goldsmith that a death threat sent to an 80 year-old Brexit-supporting constituent “should have been addressed to you”. Then again the … Continue reading

Votes for Men

Why has everyone forgotten about male suffrage? While the story of female suffrage is taught at school from a young age, few people today know the long and gruesome history of how men won the right to vote, says Neil Lyndon There is a reason why our view of this history is as biased, one-sided and prejudiced as the account of the Eighth Route Army that was taught to Chinese … Continue reading

Playing Muslim

Just another Muslim playing the victim and the Islamophobia card. Sue at Is the BBC biased? noted that a Muslim had written a piece in the Guardian, where else BBC beside?, claiming that no-one had called the attack by Darren Osborne a ‘terror attack’.  His starting point was a Times report… Why was the accused, Darren Osborne, described as a “jobless lone wolf”? Why was he not immediately branded a … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread

  ‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’ Remarkable what a few bombings, throat cuttings and drive-over murders can do, by fortuitous mischance, for the Muslim community, which of course condemns utterly the terror attacks…but still, eh, why not reap the benefits as the red carpet is laid out with everyone bending over backwards … Continue reading

Cabbages and gangmasters

  The BBC is up to its usual tricks as it disparages and patronizes British people whilst talking of the wonders of the hard working Slav…or is that slave? In this video the BBC stages a scenario engineered purely to show British workers in a bad light whilst telling us how vital and hard working foreign workers are.  What we get is a bunch of ‘soft’ office worker types, mostly … Continue reading

Copulism….’F**k the People’

  We’ve all heard of ‘Populism’, the word used to describe, demean and malign, those ‘deplorables’ who dare to vote for anything that the highy educated, clever, articulate, rational and sensible beings that waft along the corridors of the BBC deem unacceptable and beyond the pale. Populism is of course merely another word for democracy.  The BBC et al dismiss it as exploitative politicians with evil intent conning people to … Continue reading

Leave or Go

  The BBC is only now allowing us to know that the real problem with the Brexit negotiations and the establishment of a single, strong, compelling and assertive policy for Brexit is the stay-behind Remainders in the Cabinet who do all they can to disrupt and sabotage the negotiations.  The BBC narrative had always been about ‘disruptive’ Leavers, Boris in particular, who was targeted viciously by the BBC for every … Continue reading

Weekened Open Thread

  A salacious and very dodgy dossier on Trump produced by a man who was ‘desperate’ to stop him being elected and paid for by the Democrats was pretty much accepted as ‘fact’ by the BBC that had to be unproved rather than proved.  A massive and extremely damaging exposure of US intelligence material by Snowden , who was quite likely a Russian spy and not a whistle-blower, was championed … Continue reading