Can’t see the good for the wees

  Last night, @realDonaldTrump sat down with @piersmorgan in an interview for ITV, discussing everything from feminism, to Brexit, to tweeting from his bed… Did the interview make you see President Trump differently? The question @EmmaBarnett is asking #EmmaBarnettShow — BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) January 29, 2018   Trump does an interview with ITV, much no doubt to the BBC’s chagrin…certainly the Guardian seemed somewhat sneery… ITV Donald … Continue reading

Lord AdiEU in the slow lane

Andrew, are you really complaining that your views & those of others who want a second referendum are not heard on the BBC. Really?! — Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson) January 28, 2018 Ranty Remainder Lord Adonis is very upset with the BBC…..apparently they are pro-Leave and are the mouthpiece for the Brexiteers…..who knew? We don't 'accept' that the 'war is over' because IT IS NOT OVER! The fall of Singapore was … Continue reading

Marr by name….

  Why does it matter that Andrew Marr is such an appallingly bad, partisan and unchallenging interviewer?  The New Statesman tells us why it matters…ironically in praise of Andrew Marr….. Despite new challengers, Andrew Marr is still the king of the Sunday-morning politics skirmish The war among the UK’s television channels has shifted to new territory: now it’s Sunday-morning sofa skirmishes. These things matter because the Sunday-morning political programmes often … Continue reading

Liberal with the Bigotry and Hate

Sir David Attenborough on Donald Trump: ‘We could shoot him. It’s not a bad idea’ What alternative do we have? Do we have any control or influence over the American elections?’ the naturalist says before joking about an alternative solution. Thanks to Jerry Owen in the comments for reminding us of Attenborough’s incitement to kill Trump…and of course Attenborough’s not alone as we’ve noted before. The BBC’s Paul Wood, who … Continue reading

The (almost) complete history of ‘fake news’

  Just a week ago the BBC were investigating the history of ‘Fake news‘….. In record time, the phrase morphed from a description of a social media phenomenon into a journalistic cliche and an angry political slur. How did the term “fake news” evolve – and what’s next in the world of disinformation? It is, you may be surprised to hear, not a bad run down of how ‘fake news’ … Continue reading

Blowback for the Beauties

  It’s hard not to laugh and admittedly I don’t try too hard. The great and the good of the BBC who have been deriding and demonising Trump have had their pay slashed.  Coincidence? LOL.  They spend their time attacking the government about fair pay and equality and then find it is they who are lined up for a bit of that themselves…and it is one of  their own who … Continue reading

Brussels’ Touts

  When have you heard the BBC pushing the positives of Brexit and the real reasons for the vote to leave such as sovereignty and immigration being mentioned as positives?  When have you heard the negatives of staying inside the EU being discussed?  All we get from the BBC is an entirely negative view of Brexit, an emphasis on an economy doomed by Brexit using apocalyptic predictions from the architects … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  So Trump’s tax cuts benefit only Big Bad Business [a bigly lie from the BBC]…but also an hypocrisy for this is the anti-capitalist, anti-business, anti-elitist BBC that has done a complete volte face and now cheerleads for Big Business, bankers and the elite in the UK and is keen to hear and promote what these Big Businessmen, foreign and domestic, demand Brexit should be….so these businessmen, foreign and domestic, … Continue reading


  Only last July Lord Hall Hall was telling us that he paid his ‘talent’ so much because they are worth it and it is the going market rate, don’t pay it and there will be an exodus of talent……. “I completely understand that to lots and lots of people these are very large sums but we are a global broadcaster, in a very competitive market,” Lord Hall told BBC … Continue reading