Weekend Open Thread

  The problem with the NHS?  It’s a funding issue, not millions more patients, and ‘some say’ the NHS is being deliberately run-down by the Government. Car sales down?  It’s because of ‘uncertainty due to Brexit’.  Trump?  A sex attacker just like Harvey Weinstein, an allegation made repeatedly on the Today show without a word of dissent.  Want to fly to America after Brexit?….not a chance…all flights will be grounded….#duetobrexit … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  The BBC described how the raging, embittered and resentful Remainer Lord [unelected] Adonis explained his ‘reasons in an excoriating letter’ for his resignation.  Trouble is, though the BBC presented his comments as rational and hard-hitting, they were far from that, being nothing less than a furiously frothy-mouthed, eye-swivelling, green-inked screed venting Adonis’s massive arrogance and frustration that he can’t have his way…a bit of a temper tantrum with teddy … Continue reading

The Unholy Trinity

From Kate Hoey in the Telegraph today: For a strong supporter of leaving the European Union like me, who represents a Remain-voting constituency, it is easy to be downhearted amid the Westminster -Establishment bubble, steeped as it is in metropolitan liberal journalism.  Most of my Labour colleagues seem to take their opinions only from the Guardian, the Today programme and Newsnight. The negativity of the reporting on the EU negotiations … Continue reading

New Year Open Thread

Israel to Abbas: No, Jesus was not a Palestinian A happy New Year to one and all and may this site become redundant as soon as possible….though I somehow doubt it will as the BBC starts off as it no doubt means to go on…with Giles Fraser on Thought for the Day telling us Christ wasn’t  a Christian [surely the first one] …he’ll tell us next that Muhammed wasn’t a … Continue reading

Weekened Open Thread

  Another Remain lemon goes Kamikazi for the cause as Lord Adonis, the unelected peer who owes his position to political patronage and privilege, resigns in order to, em,  further democracy, complaining that May has no popular mandate [other than a clear referendum vote on an historic turn out] to carry on with Brexit and he, as an unelected peer, will do everything he can to thwart that democratic vote … Continue reading

More Abbottacus type magic with figures

  97% of scientists support the theory [and it is a theory] of man-made climate change…due in the main to CO2. Except that is bunk based on a lie as we pointed out in 2015….. No expert on statistics but looking at this I would say the 97% claimed stat for scientific consensus on global warming is a crock…. Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature … Continue reading

Coincidence or plot?

  Interesting choice of main subjects for the Today show’s guest editors….we had Tamara Rojo interviewing George Osborne who took the chance to peddle his views on Brexit, then we had Prince Harry interviewing his dad who wittered on about climate change and then Obama who trashed Trump and social media, then we had Ben Okri on the Rohingya and Grenfell, and tomorrow it must be the turn of Lady … Continue reading

Curb your enthusiasm

  Great excitement!!!!……renewable energy production has overtaken coal!!!!!   Wow, you could have knocked me down with a feather as I heard the unbelieveable news from the doleful voice of the BBC’s devout high priest of climate change, Roger Harrabin, as he breathlessly intoned the good news in the manner of a Spanish Inquisition torturer insisting with dread enthusiasm that the earth is flat and that you must believe him and … Continue reading

If only everyone was a Democrat

    The BBC’s top story all day, and on its World page and of course on the US page, was its ‘Obama’ hatchet job on Trump on the Today show…following on from George Osborne [anti-Brexit] being the guest editor’s apparent choice of interviewee [for the life of me can’t think why a Spanish dancer should want to talk to Osborne]….guess the guest editors get some ‘guidance’ from the Today … Continue reading