Hijab Hitjob

  For days the BBC gave prominence to a story that a Canadian girl had had her hijab cut off in an Islamophobic hate attack.  Turns out this hate attack never happened….the BBC did report this surprising revelation but blink and you’d miss the retraction, it’s vanished from their pages unless you google it….the BBC doesn’t think it worth filling its pages with stories about Muslims lying about hate attacks…after … Continue reading

Far Right in the Far South?

  The BBC and its ilk created the Far Right…it is a monster of its own making that would have no traction and support if the dominant liberal Establishment were not intent on throwing open the borders regardless of what the majority of the population think.  Immigration and negative reactions to it are purely a white problem, only Whites are racist…everyone else loves migrants…no? Ask black immigrants in South Africa … Continue reading

Illegal and Documented Bias

    John in Cheshire links to this in the comments: Mexico Continues To Interfere With Immigration Enforcement Efforts The Mexican government is showing no signs of stepping away from its aggressive diplomatic campaign to help its citizens living and working in the United States evade U.S. immigration law enforcement agents. In Texas, the Mexican Consulate in El Paso announced this week that it would extend through March a program … Continue reading

No more please, you’re killing me!!!

  Had to turn off the radio this morning as, on the one hand, somewhat enraged that the BBC presenter made no attempt to do his job and question what was being said and in fact not only went along with it but positively agreed with the thoughts being expressed going on to add his own comments to reinforce them…but also it was so funny, funny/ridiculous, and beyond any rational … Continue reading

Insidious Insinuation

  Two Republican Senators [one and two] say Trump did not make the infamous comments claimed by a Democrat…and of course Trump denies it himself though admitting ‘tough’ language as he questioned the need to keep the borders so open.  The BBC is still not quoting them and giving their denials prominence such as the one below…. Perdue said, “The gross misrepresentation was that language was used in there that … Continue reading

Toby or not Toby?

    Thanks to StewGreen for this:  [hilariously ironic….on [BBC Money Box] Lewis’ Twitter description of himself….’Unregulated, unlicensed, and unequivocally for free speech and a free press’….unequivocably for free speech…unless……] So it wasn't "the one-sided caricature from his armchair critics" but this stunning revelation in Private Eye about Toby Young that would surely have got him sacked. He attended a recent secret eugenics conference with neo-nazis and paedophiles (c) Private … Continue reading

Not the BBC News

  Some interesting nuance, balance and measured comment from the niece of MLK…..she is a Trump supporter #despitebeingblack…… "President Trump is not a racist." ~@AlvedaCKing niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Anyone that knows @POTUS @realDonaldTrump would never believe the lies being spread by Democrats & the mainstream media! ????#FakeNews #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder pic.twitter.com/hheG6zYMtt — GEORGIA DIRT ROAD ???? (@GeorgiaDirtRoad) January 13, 2018    

The Last Laugh?

  John Humphrys’ last laugh?     Humphrys: “Ah… Can you hear me Sopel?” Sopel: “Humphrys, I can hear you.” Humphrys: “Good, slight change of subject — first question will be how much of your salary you are prepared to hand over to Carrie Gracie to keep her, and then a few comments about your other colleagues, you know, like our Middle East editor and the other men who are … Continue reading

News Inquizition

    Oh dear, it started so well. Last week we had a proper right-wing comedian on the News Quiz, which the liberal lefty comics seem to think is their private club, and he was a bit of a star and got a few cheers from the audience and some good write-ups.  Clearly too popular and that had to stop. So who was on the BBC’s list for the job … Continue reading