Following up on Laban’s post from last Saturday

, I watched the first of this week’s Panorama programmes, the one about Weekend Nazis, and was thoroughly unimpressed. It was a weak and ineffectual edition that achieved little beyond undermining the reputations of Panorama and John Foghorn Sweeney for genuine investigative reporting. In short, a small number of people get a kick out of dressing up like Nazis and play-acting second world war battles at a show in Kent … Continue reading

Catching up on my reading, I see that Mr. Not A Sheep

has had a much needed one–two (two links) at Abd al-Bari Atwan, Editor in Chief (no less!) of Al Quds Al-Arabi (it’s all Greek to me, but it means ‘Arab Jerusalem’, nice and subtle) – “Barry” Atwan to his friends at BBC News (and Sky News too). It seems those dastardly truth telling jews at Memri have had the cheek to translate some of “Barry’s” Arabic pronouncements into English – … Continue reading

Now you see it, now you don’t

– covering Malaysia’s 50th anniversary BBC Views Online style. Good old News Sniffer! Updates: There are now four versions – see the list on the left at News Sniffer. Martin comments that it’s worth reading the related Have Your Say thread, sorted by reader recommendations, to get a real (rather than a Beeboid) insight into the reality of life in Malaysia. Laban has written about this at greater length on … Continue reading

Peter Horrocks, Head of TV News at the BBC

, following his recent outspokenness against the BBC’s work on a planned day of Planet Relief propagandagrammes (see below), writes on the BBC Editors Blog that the BBC has No line on climate change: BBC News certainly does not have a line on climate change, however the weight of our coverage reflects the fact that there is an increasingly strong (although not overwhelming) weight of scientific opinion in favour of … Continue reading

“Just How Bad They Are …”

Who says the BBC is full of moral relativists ? “Outrageous Wasters sees a crack team of eco experts on a mission to transform Britain’s most wasteful households … Joanna, Dan and Andy descend on a household of wasters to assess just how bad they are based on what they see in the house, by ‘interrogating’ them and from the evidence of a waste diary that the family has compiled. … Continue reading

Daily Mail columnist Richard Littlejohn has joined in

the widespread criticism of Wednesday’s Snooznight Special interview of David Cameron (see posts below), asserting that If BBC reporter Stephanie Flanders speaks for Britain, I’m a gnu – flaying Stephanie Flanders for her patronising response to the idea of a marriage tax-break. Here are a couple of excerpts: “Have you ever met anybody who gets married for £20 a week?” she sneered. “If I decided to go home and get … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and contribute comments on this … Continue reading

In my earlier post about last night’s Snooznight Special

I noted that BBC Views Online’s instant reaction to Cameron’s 45 minute Newsnight interview was to big up on the Immigration ‘too high’ – Cameron line (a truly shocking notion to the Guardianistas at White City). Now, courtesy of Iain Dale, we have a first-hand account of BBC Radio 4’s Toady programme shopping around their Conservative (sorry Beeboids, Tory, facking Tories!) contacts list looking for someone to agree with their … Continue reading

Last night’s Newsnight Special with David Cameron

being interviewed four-to-one by Gavin Esler, Michael Crick, Stephanie Flanders and, who was the fourth one? Oh yes, Mark Urban, was an underwhelming experience all round. Gavin Esler was typically tedious as he repeatedly tried to put the word ‘swamping’ into Cameron’s mouth when discussing the record high levels of immigration, legal and illegal, into the UK over the last ten years. Stephanie Flanders was as seductively haughty and posh … Continue reading