Journalist and author Dave Hill

, writing about the Molly/Misbah case on the Grauniad’s commentisfree, links to my piece below about the BBC’s blinkered coverage of this story, saying: For some, the whole affair has been just the latest excuse to damn Islam wholesale and with it all Pakistanis and even to vilify the child. (Whatever you think of the point made by the original post here, the lowlife on the comment thread will sicken … Continue reading

A chorus of disapproval

I’ve always thought one of the most effective ways to show the BBC is biased is the collective laugh of disbelief or roar of disapproval. Three bloggers for you: Dale, Fawkes and some Prague fellow. All aghast at the extent to which the BBC is keeping quiet on the flames of political scandal licking ever closer to the PM himself. Iain Dale sums up: “Britain’s premier current affairs interview programme … Continue reading

BBC Views Online are currently reporting Tory rebuked for ‘cripple’ email

. The story is that last September a Conservative activist sent an email to the Conservative leader of Bradford City Council referring to the leader of Bradford Labour Party as a ‘cripple’ and a ‘reptile’. A mischief-maker then posted a copy of the email to the leader of Bradford Labour Party who is, needless to say, less than pleased with it. So, Person A sends an email to person B … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading


I’m a little pressed for time at the moment, but I prefer blogging to working can just spare a moment to post some links. Some are things I have seen around the internet, some are emails from readers. “Like Dresden, But With Cows.” – the escalating bovine security crisis in Somalia is covered by House of Dumb My old barber is as biased as the BBC – Daniel Finkelstein in … Continue reading

Last Friday, BBC Views Online published an article beginning:

Call for faith-based NHS services The NHS should provide more faith-based care for Muslims, an expert says. Muslims are about twice as likely to report poor health and disability than the general population, says Edinburgh University’s Professor Aziz Sheikh. Ostensibly based on an article in the British Medical Journal, Should Muslims have faith based health services?, BBC Views Online quote Professor Aziz Sheikh at length. Near the end of BBC … Continue reading

On Saturday Laban wrote about BBC Views Online manufacturing a report

where they claimed that “a row has erupted” about a museum display, complete with some pseudo-official sounding quotes from a university professor to back up their claims. It turned out that the academic in question is a well known Marxist and SWP activist, though the BBC omitted to mention this, even though they knew full well about him from their own website! After this manufactured ‘row’ was exposed here and … Continue reading

My old barber is as biased as the BBC

, writes the ever erudite Daniel Finkelstein in today’s Times. Here’s an excerpt: Which brings me to the BBC. Unlike a lot of columnists, I like the BBC. I think its reporting is generally excellent, its news programmes are of high quality and its foreign correspondents are usually both brave and illuminating. Although the corporation can be high-handed in dealing with complaints (the theory that if both sides complain they … Continue reading

Time for another spot of comparing and contrasting:

Last week, BBC Views Online, reporting on the case of Molly Campbell/Misbah Rana, told us Misbah’s mother in custody offer, including the following quotes from Misbah at a press conference in Pakistan: However, Misbah said she wishes to have nothing to do with her mother. The girl said: “They say I have been abducted. “This is not true. I am living with my father and I don’t want to go … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading