Dirty little secrets being kept secret

  The sorry truth is that the virus of anti-Semitism has infected the British Muslim community It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call … Continue reading

Not wrong is he?

Nothing has changed in 25 years to ease my concerns about Islam It seemed to me that most Muslim leaders saw their role not in integrating Muslims in Britain, but in asserting difference and increasing their muscle. Many favoured sharia law trumping British law. They would not support Muslim membership of the Armed Forces if those forces were deployed against Muslim countries. They wanted it to be illegal to attack … Continue reading

The BBC’s Big Brexit NHS Lie

  From the Mail: MAKING OF A BREXIT LIE It’s an alarming refrain constantly repeated by Remainers, the BBC and the Guardian: that the Brexit vote has caused a staffing crisis in an NHS heavily reliant on EU workers. One problem – the story’s utter hokum, as this forensic investigation proves Daily Mail 11 Nov 2017 by Ross Clark WHO could not be worried by the news that the number … Continue reading

The Brexit Ripple Effect

We can have Brexit or the NHS. We can't have both, says @campbellclaret. https://t.co/n1bGaWozqu — The New European (@TheNewEuropean) November 11, 2017   Brexit is destroying the NHS…no more EU staff, disaster!….says melodramatic spin doctor Alistair Campbell…. The NHS was ‘the silver bullet’ the anti-Brexit campaign needed, ‘because it is becoming clearer and clearer that we can have Brexit or the NHS but we can’t have both’. Heed those words. … Continue reading

Midweek Open Thread

  Just lie back and think of the EU Anna…and don’t worry the BBC’s working on the fix……May out, Corbyn in and Britain’s problems will be over….coz we won’t be ‘Britain’ anymore…..just a region of the EU being milked of its riches to pay for the failed states that only joined to get the freebies…and of course keeping the unelected Eurocrats in the style to which they have become accustomed….and … Continue reading

On Yer Bike Richardson!

  Oh the irony as the BBC gives Bradley Wiggins a fair splurge on the frontpage…. Sir Bradley Wiggins says his life was ‘living hell’ during Ukad investigation Sir Bradley Wiggins said his life was “a living hell” during an investigation into allegations of wrongdoing at British Cycling and Team Sky. On Wednesday, UK Anti-Doping said there would be no charges over a “mystery” medical package delivered for Wiggins at … Continue reading

The History Channel…everything you know is wrong

  Five Live just had a chat [around 18:45..ish] with some expert on Iran who was obligingly completely on-message as he laid into Boris and told some whopping great fibs about what is going on….Tony Livesey agreeing with every word. The big lie is that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was arrested in 2016 for activities she carried out on her visit then, inside Iran.  She was not.  The BBC insist that Boris … Continue reading

Putin it about

  This post suggested that the BBC’s take on May’s warning to Russia about interfering in Western politics was more supportive of Putin than of May, which is remarkable given the BBC’s relentless anti-Russia propaganda as it tries to claim Trump was handed the Presidency by Russian hacking and fake news….though we did suggest a reason for the BBC’s new found nuance about Russia….Corbyn, a fellow traveller, if Russia is … Continue reading

Lett’s have some fun

Her Thatcherian nose quivered, as would that of a terrier scenting the breeze for sausages. Nothing to do with BBC bias but why let a brilliantly observed, brutally honest and less than flattering portrait of Soubry’s most recognisable character traits go without a wider audience?……. Old Soubry looked like she’d bitten a crab apple: QUENTIN LETTS watches pro-EU figures squabble in the Commons David Cameron often mocks the Leave campaign … Continue reading


    The BBC tries its ususal trick of trying to assert something without any context…here that the government is in chaos and flailing around in need of a big reshuffle.  When JRM suggesed otherwise and gave examples from history to illustrate that what is happening is just normal and that much is beyond any PM’s control the presenter, Stephen Sackur, wanted to shut him up telling him… ‘I’d prefer to … Continue reading