Jeremy Whine’s knuckle-dragging on the oh-so-impartial BBC:

Throughout their coverage of last night’s local election results the oh-so-pleased-with-himself Jeremy Whine repeated, ad-nauseam, the oh-so-clever sequence in the clip above with such enthusiasm he seemed at risk of wetting himself with excitement. I wonder how many other groups the BBC would dare to depict thus… Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

Merry Times for the Good Ship B-BBC

‘Note to Biased BBC, you are getting under their skin. You will be pleased to know you are the recognised enemy.’ Well, funnily enough I feel the same way about them. Guido Fawkes was at the opening night of some We Media thing which the BBC is hosting, and has observations to offer. There are of course many reasons for not resisting the temptation to become an enemy of the … Continue reading

Rock/Hard Place

. Guido is his usual kind self to Nick Robinson over the genial political editor’s apparent defensiveness concerning the Prescott-monster with his Clintonesque escapades. Just as we are, Guido is ‘willing to give Nick Robinson the benefit of the doubt when he says “I’m not covering up for Prescott!”‘ The choice presented is this: either Robinson knows things and isn’t prepared to enlighten his employers, the public, or he doesn’t … Continue reading

Something Missing

Paul Reynolds has an article about terrorism experts ‘floundering about’ in an attempt to understand suicide bombers. He seems to think they are missing something: ‘I felt that the conference rather ignored some of the political influences on suicide bombers, like the world events -Afghanistan, Iraq, the Middle East, Chechnya, Bosnia and others – that provide a basic motivation for many of them.’ Well I am quite prepared to accept … Continue reading

And on the Home Front

, Guido Fawkes has a bombshell to give to Nick Robinson: ‘Nick Robinson blogs that Prescott’s mistress was “a bombshell” to his family and colleagues. Bullshit Nick. It was hardly a bombshell to the lobby or his colleagues. Trevor Kavanagh admits he knew of Prezza’s serial adultery, half the less connected Westminster village from the lowliest research assistant and up knew. If the political editor of the BBC finds this … Continue reading

Needs reported

Sorry, that should be ‘needs reporting’, but with the BBC’s reporting recently I seem to be experiencing tense confusion. The BBC report, most strangely, ‘US economy kept growing, Fed says’ in this report, and in the headline leading to it. Now, this is weird, because journalistic practise is generally to use the present continuous when some event is up to the present: US economy ‘keeps growing’, or maybe present simple … Continue reading

Civil War in Gaza?

I only ask because the BBC have reported ‘clashes’ between rival Palestinian ‘students’. Obviously the Beeb had checked out their enrollment details, or perhaps one could say it’s obvious they were just undertaking a practical module. The fact that the BBC describe the violence thus: ‘throwing stones and homemade explosives and exchanging gunfire’ suggests that it couldn’t really have been a harder term for the poor undergrads. They then say, … Continue reading

Off Topic Comments

We have this every few months. Last time, I remember, the debate in the comments was about whether Islam was a Good Thing or a Bad Thing. This time it’s the BNP. Email :“The threads at BBBC seem to be being hijacked by a few people interested in slipstreaming their support for the BNP under cover of discussing BBC bias. For example, the current thread has one correspondent who has … Continue reading

You Have To Admire The Today Programme …

The President of China is visiting the US – and the Today Programme’s first item after the eight o’clock news decides to focus on China’s attitude to human rights (RealAudio), which “is not exactly compatible with Western standards”. Would the BBC care to give us an example ? “One huge cause for concern is China’s fondness for the death penalty …” So let’s ask Ken Livingstone’s ex, Kate Allen of … Continue reading