BBC balance severely askew

(but you knew that). What is it with them? As our Canadian friends pointed out (see below post), they ignored a press conference at which the current and fully elected President of Iraq stated that ‘civil war is out of the question and… the Iraqi people will not accept [for] a civil war to take place’ in favour of Mr Allawi, the former President’s comments about civil war being emblazoned … Continue reading

Sparklingly good post

concerning Iraq from a blog unknown to me. Canadian, apparently. I really wanted to make something like this argument but didn’t have the energy. A taster: ‘Long story short; the former PM declares civil war. No matter how tentatively he does it, the BBC jumps on the story and whips up a bold headline. On the same day, the current President declares that there is no civil war, citing the … Continue reading

And you thought the BBC didn’t have advertising breaks.

A reader called Dina writes: Hi, I just wondered if anyone else watched the programme on BBC2 on Friday 17th March about called “The Family that Walks on All Fours”? I watched this expecting it to be a scientific documentary about the curious anomaly of a rural Turkish family who have several mentally handicapped children who walk on all fours, like monkeys. The programme started well. About half way through, … Continue reading

Distinguished scholar David Pryce-Jones meets the modern BBC

: ‘The BBC is an integral part of Britishness, is it not, part of the national heritage, synonymous with fair play, and respected for it, especially by foreigners who resent that their news media are essential tools in the hands of the regime. Well, here is a personal anecdote to illuminate reality…‘ Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.


Clive Davis, Times columnist and blogger wrote this article for the Washington Times: “Public service broadcasting, some honesty from the left?” (Hat tip: Rachel and USS Neverdock.) Melanie Phillips discusses a Newsnight programme that had some schlockhorror relevations about secret collusion between the Israelis and the British in, er, the 1960s. (Hat tip: Archduke.) This article in the New Statesman is by the producer of the programme, so I assume … Continue reading

I can’t help thinking

that the moral relativism and non-judgementalism of BBC foreign affairs reporting is spreading to Home News. Here’s a news report which seems to miss half the story. “Police said two men had entered the pub on the Langworthy estate, which was packed with fans watching a Manchester United game, and opened fire. The bodies of the two victims, who are both believed to be 27 and from Salford, were found … Continue reading

The things I do for you people.

I copied down by hand one of today’s Ceefax stories, currently running in the world news digest page 142 (page 2 out of 6). I had to wait for it to cycle round to the right page twice because I couldn’t write fast enough. After all that I found that the entire Ceefax story was merely the first four paragraphs of this web page. Dispute hits UN rights watchdog A … Continue reading

“Charter will force BBC to back Britain”

says the Sunday Times. THE BBC is to be forced to promote British citizenship and a sense of community under a new royal charter to be unveiled this week.It will redefine the purpose of the BBC, entrusting it with a far wider brief than its established mission to “inform, educate and entertain”. You might think that I’d be cheering. I don’t know what the opinion of my co-bloggers will be … Continue reading