“anti-muslim” videos

The BBC quickly changed a blatantly incorrect headline which revealed their warped view of the world. Here’s the original headline: It now reads: “Trump account retweets incendiary videos.” The reason for this is that the videos most certainly were not anti-muslim videos, and didn’t criticise Islam or muslims in any sense. According to the BBC mindset, simply showing a muslim doing something bad is ISLAMOPHOBIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beating up a disabled boy is … Continue reading

Keep it in the family

  Labour MP Tulip Siddiq makes ‘threatening’ remark to pregnant journalist Can’t imagine the BBC not taking a look at Channel 4’s run-in with Labour’s Tulip Siddiq if she’d been, oooh, say Boris, or any Tory in fact, as she refuses, with menaces and deft playing of the race card, to help a Bangladeshi man who has been ‘vanished’ by the government there….a government led by her aunt.….she can’t help … Continue reading

Hold the frontpage!!!

  Whilst the BBC is still holding back on reporting that Corbyn is ‘more dangerous than a hard Brexit’ to the economy they have this important piece of news….. Prime minister’s convoy goes wrong way at roundabout The prime minister is filmed by a passer-by taking an alternative route to work as she leaves her Berkshire home. The Metropolitan Police said they will often close roads for people under their … Continue reading

Keeping the Momentum rolling

The EU benefits from being one of the most open economies in the world and remains committed to free trade. Over the next ten to 15 years, 90% of world demand will be generated outside Europe. That is why it is a key priority for the EU to tap into this growth potential by opening up market opportunities for European businesses abroad. One way of ensuring this is through negotiating … Continue reading

Nick Robinson…Enemy of The People?

    The BBC faithfully serves the devious needs of a foreign master, the EU, as it disseminates information that favours the EU world-view, and misinformation when it comes to those who oppose the EU’s ever-growing power and influence over our lives.  The BBC betrays not only its funding principles but the country it supposedly represents. Nick Robinson seems quite happy to put his name to that betrayal as he … Continue reading

Passing the buck

  The Iranians have released some of their ‘proof’ that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was training Iranian journalists when she worked for the BBC in the form of some of her emails.  The BBC will only admit that she worked for the BBC’s Media Action ‘charity’….which is, to be blunt, in fact an organisation that trains foreign journalists to subvert political regimes in their own countries…it is ‘soft power’ deployed by Britain … Continue reading

The Norwegian Model

[Polish Government video….with English subtitles…no irony that Tusk is doing the EU’s dirty work and tries to blackmail Britain into turning NI into an EU colony by default but opposes EU forced relocation of migrants to Poland…Brexit was in the main about immigration forced upon us by the EU.] Perhaps we should adopt the ‘Norwegian Model’…not for Brexit but for immigration and supposed asylum seekers who are anything but…..from the … Continue reading

Animals will suffer #duetoBrexit!!

https://twitter.com/Independent/status/932657308584300550   I’d read Guido’s tale of the Independent and various other media outlets spinning a gigantic lie about the government not thinking that animals are ‘sentient’ and can feel pain and suffering gaining a willing and gullible audience, including a large number of lobby groups and organisations, who hyped the story as much as possible.  So it was with interest I listened to the Today programme…first their ‘what the … Continue reading

Just to be clear

  So a Labour MP tweets Labour’s narrative on the budget and what is more surprising, perhaps, is that the BBC comes up with exactly the same narrative almost word for word. I had the misfortune to catch the first 5 minutes of Emma Barnett’s show.  It was more than eough, she’s always good value for money….this blog could run on her nonsense alone or what she calls ‘original journalism … Continue reading