Europhillic Beebies at it again

. Richard North at his EU Referendum blog caught a live one: ‘Nick Clarke, interviewer for BBC Radio 4’s World at One, ran an outrageous puff for the EU constitution on today’s programme. But what really gave the game away was Clarke’s own comment. Interviewing John Bruton, now the EU ambassador to Washington on the “positive” aspects on the constitution (which, incidentally, included to the “right” to withdraw), the egregious … Continue reading

You can’t pass on dirt and keep your hands clean.

Sleep on it, they say. Sleep on it and you’ll feel calmer in the morning. I did and I don’t. Yes, I’m talking about the BBC peddling conspiracy theories about Diego Garcia and the tsunami again. Again because I find it more disturbing the more I think about it, and because I have a few more links to add. Actually, this is going to tie into one of the most … Continue reading

When has it become the BBC’s mission to spread innuendo and conspiracy theories?

That was the first line of an email from a reader. He or she then directed me to this: “Why did US base escape tsunami?” After outlining a current conspiracy theory about the tsunami mysteriously sparing the US base in Diego Garcia, the BBC article says: Is America a power for good or ill in the world? Was there a malign hand at work, or has America’s role in the … Continue reading

“The BBC is a perfectly closed system of thought.”

In a lengthy speech on media bias, Melanie Phillips examines the awful consequences of biased reporting regarding Israel and Iraq. The speech runs to 17 pages in a pdf document on her website. Here are her observations on the BBC. But probably the greatest single reason for the obsessive and unbalanced focus on Israel,along with the irrationality over Iraq, is the hostility and prejudice of the BBC’s reporting. Unlike newspapers, … Continue reading


To: Orla Guerin and Barbara Plett

From: Truthlovers Everywhere

RE: Unreported tsunami news

It has come to our attention that the tiny state of Israel is doing yeoman’s work in the tsunami disaster effort. Unfortunately, very few people would have heard this, for you have not reported it! You and your colleagues received a press release (Dec 27) to this effect. Where are your reports? This is not looking good. Ms Guerin, since you are a lover of truth, please note the following … Continue reading

Key Indonesia aid airport cleared

– according to BBC News Online and the BBC One O’Clock News today. What neither of these unbiased, impartial BBC productions manage to mention in covering this good news is the role of US Navy personnel and equipment from the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the removal operation – as anyone who’s been watching Sky News this morning would know all about, with film of the removal operation and … Continue reading

In other news…

A couple of BBC news stories, both on and offline, caught my eye this morning – both have been admirably fisked already by The Candidate and by Marc at USS Neverdock. The BBC stories and their fiskings are as follows: BBC: Army restricted ethnic recruits The Candidate: Army restricted ethnic recruits… probably As The Candidate says, the story, as presented by BBC News Online, makes an unsupported logical leap – … Continue reading

Winners & Losers 2004

, shown on BBC2 last Thursday, was one of a surfeit of humorous end-of-year review shows, this one being notable for its pimping of the official BBC world view. Described in the BBC’s own listings as “a light-hearted romp through the 50 Winners and Losers of 2004 from the world of entertainment”, the programme, presented by Dermot O’Leary, was mostly amusing, but, unsurprisingly, they managed to slip in a few … Continue reading

Revolutionaries with RP accents

* – the ever astute Michael Gove had an interesting opinion piece in The Times last week. Here’s a chunk to whet your appetite: The leftish bias in Radio 4’s content manifests itself subtly, yet insistently. Voices from the far Left such as Linda Smith and Jeremy Hardy are introduced on the News Quiz, or given their own shows, in a way which gives no clue to their political shading. … Continue reading