
That article in the Sun is here. The Telegraph reports here. The Guardian is here. The Times is here. Meanwhile, the BBC reports the story in a slightly different way (‘Last Updated: Wednesday, 28 January, 2004, 08:44 GMT’, whole story pasted here to watch for stealth edits – emphasis added): ‘The Sun says the report came from someone ‘with no vested interest’ Lord Hutton is to deliver his long-awaited verdict … Continue reading

Friends Reunited

. I was interested when I noticed (thanks to a commenter) that the BBC and Human Rights Watch are reunited once again, because the BBC, HRW and we at BBBC go back a bit. Anyway, in their latest well-timed offering (HUTTON’s nearly upon us) they ask ‘why George Bush and Tony Blair did not try remove Saddam Hussein much earlier’, part of a finger wagging theme that the war must … Continue reading

Remember, you heard it here first – we made sure of that.

The BBC, with a chutzpah I can only admire has bought up all the Hutton Google links. None of that old-fashioned nonsense about an interested party to the enquiry maintaining a decent restraint from the BBC. UPDATE: Scott Burgess is in correspondence with the BBC about this. Also note Angie Schultz’s comment. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.

My amazement is unabating

that the BBC saw fit to go direct to the public with their account of the David Kelly affair and the Hutton enquiry in a 90 minute docu-drama on BBC1 last week. Hutton watchers and commentators, perhaps initially taken aback by the audacity, are coming up to speed on the issue. Anthony Cox at Black Triangle has been focusing on some interesting points, and put me onto an excellent article … Continue reading

Another cheap shot.

Those who don’t happen to think it’s a good idea for 16-year-old unmarried girls to have babies and contract STDs may have to put up with a bit of mockery and sexual innuendo from BBC reporter Richard Alwyn. He tries to claim that the abstinence movement is treading dangerously close to unconstitutionality with funding from the Federal Government under the Bush Administration. The tightrope that these groups must walk, however, … Continue reading

Humble pie hard to swallow

A Daily Telegraph reader writes: Re: Humble pie hard to swallow Date: 24 January 2004 Sir – The BBC deserved to see its audience share fall away during the Panorama special, which amounted to a no-holds-barred internal examination of the role of the corporation (and others) in the matter that is the subject of the Hutton inquiry. It was both disingenuous and discourteous to broadcast this piece, no matter how … Continue reading

What a corker!

The Panorama show last night on the Hutton Enquiry was riveting viewing. The most interesting part was where the unbroadcast interview with Dr Kelly was shown: ‘INTERVIEWER (SYNC) Are they an immediate threat? DAVID KELLY (SYNC) Yes, they are. Even if they’re not actually filled and deployed today, the capability exists to get them filled and deployed within a matter of days and weeks, and so yes, they’re a real … Continue reading