Ken Loach…Holocaust Denier?

Ken Loach on ‘false’ anti-Semitism claims by Labour MPs Some Labour MPs are making “absolute mischief” over claims of anti-Semitism in the party, in a bid to destabilise Jeremy Corbyn because of his backing for Palestinians, claims Ken Loach. The film-maker was suspicious of the “false stories of anti-Semitism”, which had surfaced since Mr Corbyn became leader. He told Daily Politics presenter Jo Coburn that: “All history is our common … Continue reading

Stand the Liberal Mosque Guard Down…False News News

Altrincham mosque stabbing: Surgeon attacked in ‘hate crime’ – BBC News   Muslim stabbed outside mosque…’s being treated as a race attack. Oh hang on….after a day of constant headlines yesterday about a racist attack the BBC went quiet today…this story is now buried on the Manchester regional page…not the frontpage, not the UK page, not the England page…….you have to dig hard to find it…not a race attack after … Continue reading

Cage Fighters

  Oh dear, the BBC is trying to explain away a little local legal difficulty for the Director of the extremist Islamist group of the BBC’s favourite Muslim goto voices… Why Cage director was guilty of withholding password Just why is the BBC devoting so much  time and energy to helping this group of Islamists linked, amongst other things, to Jihadi John? Only recently Cage was denounced as pro-terror … Continue reading

Birds of a feather

    The BBC is quick to call the AFD ‘Far Right’ and racist based on the fact that some members of the Party have made racist comments… Alternative for Germany was founded in 2013 as an anti-euro party but later turned its focus to immigration and Islam. It called for a ban on minarets and declared Islam incompatible with German culture. Several of its candidates have been linked to … Continue reading

Mufti Merkel

Retweet if you agree with me: NO MORE ISLAM.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.NO MORE. — Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) August 17, 2017   Tweeting "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" isn't a plan to stop terrorism. What's the actual proposed solution here? Deporting 40m+ people from Europe? — Benjamin Zand (@BenjaminZand) August 18, 2017   The BBC are aghast…the AFD in Germany [the ‘Far Right’ AFD…ie anyone who opposes Islamisation] have taken 13% of the … Continue reading

Corbyn steams on

    Corbyn reckons his star is rising…or rather the steam….but rising from what? Marr interviews Corbyn in a pretty lightweight effort that revealed more about Marr than Corbyn who just waffled on about justice and equality whenever asked a question that might prove tricky. Marr told us we faced a big choice….whether to essentially stay in the EU, inside its ‘force-field’, or head out into the world and ally … Continue reading

People dying due to Brexit…hopefully!

      Clegg gets madder and madder as so many Remoaners seem to be….he can’t wait for older people to die off… Second Brexit referendum needed because Leave voters are dying off, Nick Clegg suggests Mr Clegg, who was deputy prime minister in the coalition government, said the “high point” of support for Brexit had passed because “the oldest voters voted for Brexit in the largest numbers” while the … Continue reading

Universal Values or Multicultural Bigotry? You Choose

  Always eye opening when you start to zone in on a single BBC reporter and your every thought about their ilk is confirmed as they reinforce the stereotype of what a liberal, holier than thou priesthood is seen as. I made a video about how scary the world is and how none of us know what we're talking about – just to perk up your Monday. — Benjamin … Continue reading