Our dreams died because the BBC lied

    The BBC continues to try and scare the young about Brexit with stupid stories…maybe that’s why they are completely in the dark about the real world…the real world that isn’t suddenly shut off when Brexit happens whatever BBC journalists and Remainders tell them and they seem to believe….. Young people fear for futures in Brexit Britain, says study More than two-thirds of young people in the UK have … Continue reading

Remain in the Juncker Bunker

  Guido has been doing the maths and shows Nick Robinson is peddling pro-EU messages in bulk… Data Guido has been hidden away in a dark room, crunching the numbers to see whether our top broadcast journalists really are impartial on Brexit. Yesterday we analysed Robert Peston’s relentlessly negative Twitter feed, categorising his tweets as having either a positive sentiment about Brexit (not many), a negative sentiment about Brexit (82%), … Continue reading


  Nelson’s Column…it’s gotta go right?  Nelson supported the continuation of slavery so a statue celebrating his famous, historic and momentous victory over Napoleon’s fleet at Trafalgar must be torn down to satisfy the wishes of a black activist, Afua Hirsch, who is trying to make a name for herself by cheerleading for cheap stunts attacking Britain’s culture and history. If the basis of her claim is that Nelson supported … Continue reading

Liberal Bigotry

    The BBC has been up to its old tricks of censoring programmes that send out the ‘wrong’ message….and even politicians have started to take note that the BBC is not a force for good, not a force for uniting Britain, not a force for maintaining social cohesion and stability…it is in reality a racist, anti-white, anti-British, pro-terrorism, pro-EU, pro-mass immigration extremist organisation that spreads hate and division….just look … Continue reading

Plumbing the depths, or not.

  The BBC always presents the EU’s position on Brexit as reasonable and measured…the EU wants to get on and negotiate a deal that is sensible and beneficial to all….and yet we all know, can see from the Eurocrats’ own words, that that is far, far from the truth. Last week the BBC sensationalised a ‘leaked’ Home Office report from the time when May was in charge there [under Cameron … Continue reading

Pants on Fire

  Millions have taken part in a pro-Brexit vote demanding that Britain leaves the EU. https://t.co/SJEOYVi5ER — James Cleverly (@JamesCleverly) September 9, 2017 Thousands have taken part in an anti-Brexit march demanding that Britain remains in the EU #PeoplesMarch4EU https://t.co/GugQ4IoDdn pic.twitter.com/0bv9xtGmw2 — The Times of London (@thetimes) September 9, 2017     The Remainders are out in force still spinning for their masters in the EU.  We had Lord O’Neill … Continue reading

Soul Catholic

    On a similar note to the hysteria about Paul Hollywood dressed as a German soldier we have Jacob Rees-Mogg outed as a fascist anti-abortionist and homophobe who is anti gay marriage….because he is a Catholic. Curiously I haven’t heard the BBC mention the Pope once in any discussion…or rather in the outpourings of hate towards Rees-Mogg as in the News Quiz programme in which he was nastily villified … Continue reading