Move along, nothing to see here

It has been suggested that if everyone on the planet consumed as much as the average US citizen, four Earths would be needed to sustain them. The average American, says GFN, uses seven global hectares, compared to a global average of 2.7, according to the most recent GFN figures (based on data from 2011). It’s this figure of seven global hectares that allows Wackernagel and his colleagues to calculate that … Continue reading

Health warning

The BBC broadcasts a ‘controversial’ point of view but unlike so many others this one comes with a health warning… Don’t get such warnings about other ‘controversial’ views that the BBC agrees with such as this very, very frothy mouthed, eyeball-rolling rant against Brexit…  

What would Jesus do?

    Have a look at these two videos from ‘Not a sheep’, the first showing what the BBC doesn’t want you to see and the second that closing down of the debate in action…     Nolan in the second video is having no truck with people who dare to ring his show and suggest we control immigration much more strictly.  When one guy suggested it was madness for … Continue reading

Lessons learned?

THE LABOUR PARTY MANIFESTO 2017 Labour believes education should be free, and we will restore this principle. No one should be put off educating themselves for lack of money or through fear of debt. There is a real fear that students are being priced out of university education. Labour will reintroduce maintenance grants for university students, and we will abolish university tuition fees. University tuition is free in many northern … Continue reading

The loveable Leftie Luvvie

  Jeremy Corbyn said that he was bringing us a new politics, nicer, more polite, friendlier.  What we have got is in fact an outpouring of hate, abuse and threats, not to mention a rise in anti-Semitism.  The Left always uses the language of emotion and humanity to wrap up its appeal to the masses in offering us equality, fairness and justice for all.  The reality is that these fine … Continue reading

Mind the pay gap

  Have to laugh if this is true…the oh so politically correct BBC that lectures everyone else on equality, fairness and diversity is itself once again caught out…after having been ageist, sexist and racist before….from the Telegraph: The BBC will this week publish the salaries of its highest earners, which, according to insiders, will reveal a stark gender pay gap. The list of the top-paid stars will have “astounding omissions” that … Continue reading

Love conquers all

  Whatever next, May and Corbyn? or Shameless Milne and Julian Assange’s lawyer? I know we’ve heard a lot about Labour getting into bed with the SNP but…. Kezia Dugdale in relationship with SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth   Amused to see that whilst Guido is under attack from Hacked Off for printing the story about Shameless the BBC report about Dugdale is dressed up as being a report about reporting … Continue reading