
Two Israeli policemen have been killed and a third wounded in a shooting attack near a sacred site in Jerusalem. They were shot by three Israeli Arabs close to the compound known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary). Police chased the attackers into the site and shot them dead. There has been a wave of stabbings, shootings and car-rammings of Israelis predominantly … Continue reading

Urban Bungle

EU leaders willing to compromise on freedom of movement, says Tony Blair — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) July 15, 2017   Craig at Is the BBC biased? [lol] points out this sceptical Tweet by Mark Urban concerning the Blair Bluff…Mark Urban clearly hasn’t got the corporate memo about keeping up the anti-Brexit barrage of lies, misinformation and scaremongering….on the carpet Monday morning….. I haven't seen any evidence this … Continue reading

Anti-social media

French election: Is online far right a threat to democracy? The French far right may be tiny on the institutional stage – the National Front (FN) has only two MPs – but on online platforms it is a giant. Often collectively called the “fachosphère” (from “fascist”), websites denouncing mass immigration and Islam have seen spectacular growth in France over the past 10 years. The most popular among them dwarf the … Continue reading

Brexit of Mass Destruction

    What did Chilcott say about Blair?  He wasn’t being entirely honest with people, not being ‘straight with the nation’.  Seems things and people haven’t changed as Blair tells one of the biggest lies of his career and the BBC, knowing it is a whopper, gives him headline space and the top spot on the Today show.  Go figure. Blair, according to the BBC headline, and note there are … Continue reading

The problem with the BBC

  Anti-white, anti-British, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Tory, anti-open discussion and closed borders, anti-Trump, anti-Hindu, anti-Israel, anti-the right leaning press, anti-anyone who has any thought that does not conform to the BBC’s world view. Just what is the problem with the BBC? One symbol of that problem might be the fact that the BBC rushed out to employ James O’Brien, a man who doesn’t let the facts stand in the way of … Continue reading

The Great Replacement

  “Every now and then, every time we have a conference, every time we invite a speaker, they [the media] always come with the same accusations: This speaker supports the death penalty for homosexuals, this speaker supports the death penalty for this crime or this crime or that he is homophobic, that he subjugates women, etcetera. I always try to tell them that it is not that speaker that we are … Continue reading

Want to fight Brexit? Have fewer immigrants   [Thanks to Guest Who for the Tweet above] The BBC et al always demand that we take in more and more immigrants…more are better for the economy, for diversity, for cheap plumbers and nannies for BBC grandees.  The BBC is a bit of an extremist when it comes to immigration as it campaigns for open borders and limitless immigration into the UK without regard to the real, rather … Continue reading

Surrender or else

  This was at the bottom of the last post but some may miss it…but it’s worth seeing the wild eyed, foam-flecked collaborator that wants us to remain under the EU’s undemocratic boot… Probably one of the nastiest and utruthful films you will see on the BBC, hopefully. ‘Our country looks deranged, stupid, diminished, flaky, bringing on self-harm, something no-one voted for, a lab rat experiment by the crazies on … Continue reading

Balance, Brexit and the BBC

  Lord Hall Hall complained to his dinner party set that the BBC’s ‘balanced’ coverage of the referendum had lost the referendum for Remain because it gave too much credibility to the Leave campaign.  Now anyone who has seriously consumed the BBC’s coverage of the referendum will know that their coverage was nothing if not biased heavily in favour of Remain.  Makes you wonder just what sort of coverage Lord … Continue reading