Barnett or Barnum?

  If arrests are being made every day, if plots, radicalisation and attempts to head off to Syria are prevented every day, if bombs went off during Labour’s time in office…how is it ‘Prevent’ has failed and recent police cuts are to blame for the Manchester bomb?  How can a man who fought Gaddafi, his family given sanctuary in Britain, a Britain that helped get rid of Gaddafi, turn on … Continue reading


  The Wall Street Journal tells us that Salman Abedi thought Muslims in Britain were ill-treated and that he became increasingly religious… Abedi’s sister, Jomana Abedi, said her brother was kind and loving and that she was surprised by what he did this week. She said she thought he was driven by what he saw as injustices. “I think he saw children—Muslim children—dying everywhere, and wanted revenge. He saw the … Continue reading


  The New York Times was one of the rags that launched a highly critical attack on Trump claiming [probably falsely]  that he had disclosed top secret intelligence from another country without permission thus putting operations at risk as well as further co-operation. The NYT then publishes photos of the Manchester bombing without permission which have been leaked to it…and …the BBC reports on the NYT’s little faux pas… The … Continue reading

From Russia with Love

  A couple of things of note in regard to Trump and Russia…as yet absolutely no proof of anything…   And from Breitbart: Ex-CIA Director John Brennan Refuses To Say Whether Russia Holds Damaging Info On Hillary Clinton In testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, former CIA Director John Brennan refused to answer a question in an unclassified setting about whether the Russians possess damaging information on Hillary Clinton that … Continue reading

Burnham…slippery & two faced as ever

    Burnham was on the Today show this morning, admirably he refused to be drawn into making a political statement despite Mishal Husain trying to coerce him to do so.   However that’s where the good news ended as he went into a little rant about the bomber not being Muslim and that he didn’t represent the Muslim community.  Trouble is the bomber was a Muslim and his family was … Continue reading


True to form, the BBC Today programme was busy this morning making it clear that the real danger from the Jihad bombing of Manchester arena is  — yes, Islamophobia. They had an interview with a Muslim teacher from a girl’s school (sic) who warned us that one of her pupils (in Islamic veil) had been…shouted at! Oh no. Never mind 22 dead kids and their parents – no, the REAL … Continue reading

All You Need Is Love and 5000 Troops on the Streets

  It didn’t take long for the BBC to marshal the troops gathering together a veritable army of voices ready to spin us the usual platitudes and lies. The Today show rolled ’em out one after the other. There was Richard Barrett, ex-MI6, who told us we need to understand and engage with the Muslim community and understand what the intention was behind the attack….really?  After all this time we’re … Continue reading

Our Fault

A probable terrorist attack in Manchester…if it turns out to be Islamic terrorism who ‘enabled’ them? Nicky Campbell & Co are at the scene and sounding very concerned, talking to relatives and locals, giving out phone numbers…how long before that turns to condemnation…of the security services, of British foreign policy…the bomber a victim of racism, marginalisation and Islamophobia?  Remember these guys are the new Churchills, Mandelas and Ghandis  (© Mark … Continue reading

What possessed them?

  A Labour Party shadow cabinet member tweets this fake image [h/t Guido]…I’m certain the BBC can spell compassionate even if Trickett can’t….. And the BBC has its own failure of judgement…..on the same subject….. BBC criticised for ‘shockingly insensitive’ Ian Brady playlist A local BBC station has come under fire for their lighthearted ‘guess who it is from the songs’ game – in which the answer was Moors murderer … Continue reading