Hair today, gone tomorrow

  Melania Trump issues her first official White House photo portrait and the Left goes into a frenzied attack, the BBC included with  its bizarre critique of it branding it fake and emblematic of the Trump Presidency. Any coincidence that the day after someone in the Obama entourage slips out a ‘natural’ photo of Michelle Obama casually dressed and with her hair as nature intended to great applause from the … Continue reading

Building on Sands?

‘The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.’   The new Today editor coming from the Evening Standard?  A Remainder who doesn’t like Trump or immigration control[despite recognising the damage mass immigration has done…see below] No surprise there then. [Let’s hope the new editor of the Evening Standard does not become Today editor in time].  Will she as editor of the Today programme give Humphrys … Continue reading


Steve Bannon is moved from his temporary position on the National Security Council and. – bang – in goes the BBC. The comrades prefer to characterise this as as Bannon “losing” his seat and adds for good value…”Critics have branded Mr Bannon – who once managed populist, right-wing Breitbart News – as a white nationalist.” A bit like critics branded Obama a Kenyan, eh BBC? Meanwhile, on the substantive issue … Continue reading

Patriotic Rebels and The Far-Left Le Pen

  This will get the right-on rabble on Twitter twitting…the BBC seems to be giving the ‘Far-Right’ an almost fair hearing in an article on the ‘Alt-Right’ and a profile of Marine Le Pen…and in fact down-playing the so-oft alleged Far-Rightedness of Le Pen and those of the French ‘Alt-Right’….Read them for yourself… a pretty fair look at the various movements that are labelled of the ‘Right’ [mostly due to … Continue reading

BBC’s anti-Trump messaging continues apace

  Who is going to deliver the Dimbleby Lecture this year?…. Former CIA director to deliver 2017 Dimbleby Lecture The former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John O Brennan will deliver BBC1’s Dimbleby Lecture 2017. Brennan, who was chief counterterrorism advisor to Barack Obama, is expected to assess the future prospects for “security, stability, and disruption in a highly dynamic and technologically driven world”. Oh…the man who seems to … Continue reading

All humour aside

    The fantasy…. The reality…..   The BBC is in hypocrisy hyperdrive as it peddles the idea of the ‘perfect female image’ on its Newsbeat programme aimed at youngsters. The fantasy… The reality…   Clearly Melania Trump’s official White House portrait is so fake….no?  Not like her at all. Remember when the BBC attacked the Mail for daring to have a humorous look at the legs of our leading … Continue reading

Soros to see you go

  If only our government would take such a stand against the Saudi funding that pours into the UK universities and Muslim communities [Not to mention the millions that they channelled to the Clintons]… Hungary passes bill targeting Central European University Supporters have gathered at a Budapest university after MPs passed a bill which could force it out of Hungary. The 199-seat parliament head earlier voted 123 to 38 in … Continue reading

On the one hand…..

  The BBC just keeps on giving…..anything to do with Trump sets them off on a furious tirade of nonsense and abuse never mind the facts… Trumplomacy: Bromance with an autocrat When I was based in Egypt during the 1990s, we regularly got human rights reports about dreadful abuses in military prisons. What particularly sticks in my mind, though, is a report on what happened in police stations: even people … Continue reading

#Blacklivesdon’tmatter and Spanish Bull

Illegal incursion into #British #Gibraltar Territorial Waters by Spanish Navy patrol ship Infanta Cristina this afternoon. #BGTW — HM Govt of Gibraltar (@GibraltarGov) April 4, 2017     The BBC has certain narratives that it promotes….a couple of recent ones being that Britain is a nastier more racist place #DuetoBrexit and that Michael Howard [not PM] was a deluded fool for referencing the Falklands and the resolve Thatcher showed … Continue reading