The Pitts

  A supposed journalist, Jack Pitts from WalesOnline, who doesn’t want to talk to one of the most controversial figures in the UK even though he is happy to write stories about him behind his back and libelling him as being ‘Far Right’……astonishing…a story turns up on your doorstep and you turn it down.  Journalist or gossip columnist? Definitely one for IPSO if not the courts….thanks to Mice Height for … Continue reading

BBC Journalists are pro-immigration extremists and racists

  Who are the extremists, those who want to allow immigration but also to control it in order to make it manageable so as to ensure better integration and that services are not overwhelmed, or those who work to smash national borders, loyalties, ethnicity and cohesion by throwing open the borders to allow in absolutely anyone and everyone who wants to come here? The BBC, and the EU, are the … Continue reading


Seen this? The number of senior BBC managers paid more than £150,000 has risen, despite assurances the figure would fall. A National Audit Office report said there were 98 people on that salary level last year, up from 89 in 2012. The BBC said reductions in the overall number of senior managers mean some staff now have more responsibilities, which has been reflected in their pay. It’s the “special funding model” which … Continue reading

They’re not laughing now

  The celebs who packed out the audience and were laughing so hard in 1997 aren’t laughing so loud now as the joke becomes reality, Littlejohn aside…let’s build that wall!!!…       Shame coz they need something to laugh about as their richly diverse and cosmopolitan lives are being devastated as one of their fave ethnic foods is being sabotaged and is off the shelves… Houmous crisis hits supermarkets … Continue reading

Red Widgets for Deliverance

  The Red Wedge celebs are out in force for Corbyn, all the usual suspects and no doubt there will be many a comedian amongst them…some aiming to be funny, some not. It’s just as Billy Bragg once admitted, that when a Tory government comes along its like putting lard balls out for the birds…they all come flocking…the birds being the lefty right-on bunch who get gainful employment from the … Continue reading

Minority Report

  It’s, we’re told, a brave man who predicts the political future…but the BBC give it a go anyway. On Saturday Jim Naughtie signed off his report on the French election with the thought that it was ‘rather scary’…meaning of course the possibility that Le Pen may surprise everyone.  Today we had Hugh Schofield telling us that we ‘shouldn’t be fearful of a Le Pen victory…because she won’t win.’  Any … Continue reading

Corbyn Chaos?

  In a prevous post we noted that Corbyn was spouting a new line on nuclear weapons, that he wouldn’t use a ‘first strike’.  This gives the impression, no doubt intended, that he may use nuclear weapons in response to an attack…when everything he has said in the past has suggested he would not, under any circumstances, use nuclear weapons.  This new position by him was completely accepted by Marr … Continue reading


The BBC’s fake news agenda is in full flow during the French Presidential election. Last night, the BBC chose to run with poll forecasts showing Macron in the lead even as the actual results showed Le Pen in the actual lead. Then, when Paris – that most enriched of French cities – came in for Macron, the BBC switched to actual results! Lamentable pro Macron bias. This morning it has … Continue reading