Arrogance and Accountability

Could Brexit cause holiday apocalypse? Brexit and Apocalypse in the same BBC sentence…who’d have thought….balance and impartiality…who’d have thought? Hotels, restaurants and tourism may face staff shortages The hospitality sector raises fears of potential economic damage if EU immigration is heavily restricted. Dover delays: Could they become the norm? Port of Dover boss warns backlog of HGVs could become normal in the absence of free movement of goods. It seems … Continue reading

Throwing rocks in glasshouses

  The BBC’s coverage of the Gibraltar business is sadly of a standard and form we have long come to expect as the BBC sides with the EU and Spain and blames Britain for the ruckus….and Michael Howard should be ignored because he is a former PM [Yep, I seem to have promoted Howard from leader of the Tory Party] who isn’t in government anymore….so why does the BBC give … Continue reading

The case of the missing murder

  So the BBC plasters an attack on an asylum seeker in Croydon all over the news relentlessly today…and yet…not a peep about an actual murder today… in Croydon…by two black men…. Croydon murder: Bjorn Brown, 23, dies in hospital after being stabbed repeatedly in south London street A murder probe has been launched after a young man who was repeatedly stabbed in a south London street died in hospital. … Continue reading

Uncle Tom Cobblers and not all

The BBC obviously doesn’t want to be name checked as an ‘Uncle Tom’ (©Sadiq Khan) for helping the Rozzers catch some boyz in the hood…..after looking at David’s earlier post I checked the BBC’s latest on the 17 year old lad beaten up by ‘racists’ in Croydon and the BBC doesn’t seem totally keen to help the police with their enquiries…no photo of the people the police hope to speak … Continue reading


One of the BBC’s most active areas is pushing the left wing narrative that the evil uncaring Conservative government is doing all it can to make the poor in our society even poorer. So when a poverty hustling propaganda group such as The Child Poverty Group come out with a new (coughs) “study” that shows hundreds of thousands of little waifs are being driven into poverty by Conservative Policy then you … Continue reading


Acts of violence against ANY person are to be condemned without reservation. However the BBC went into overdrive when a young “Asylum seeker” was brutally attacked by a gang a few days ago. At one point this led their UK news agenda. The comrades were doing all they could to slyly suggest that this defenceless young man was attacked by white supremacists on a way to a Brexiteer meeting. Today, … Continue reading

Trendspotting, Transgressing, Trendmaking

  I was interested to hear the BBC announce on the news this morning that many companies and banks were ‘deserting’ the Square Mile #DuetoBrexit.  Well some are setting up subsiduaries on the Continent but like Lloyds are not actually abandoning London which many think will remain the world’s financial centre….Lloyds only generating 11% of its profit from Europe. Jenni Murray is being hounded for her opinions on Transgender people…apparently … Continue reading

Beware the unholy, unhairy Muslim

Fort Hood Shooter Forcibly Shaved in Prison The Army psychiatrist/Muslim terrorist sentenced to death for the Fort Hood shooting rampage has been forcibly shaved….An Army spokesman stated that the beard is considered to be a security threat. China Bans ‘Abnormal’ Beards China has banned ‘abnormal’ beards as part of a major crackdown on what it sees as religious extremism in the western province of Xinjiang. The measure, which comes into … Continue reading