Terrorism is a small part of the problem?

‘It will be vital to challenge apologists for terrorism.’     Prevent Programme   Andrew Neil asks… Perhaps he should have listened to the likes of Tommy Robinson instead of showtrialing him at the behest of the Islamist Mehdi Hasan……they don’t need a reason other than you’re not Muslim….. Islam the religion, in Ms. Hirsi Ali’s view, is a Trojan horse that conceals Islamism the political movement. Since dawa is, ostensibly, a … Continue reading

The BBC…doing Russia’s dirty work for it

  After Trump’s strike on Assad the BBC contacted Peter Ford, a former British ambassador to Syria, and led with his views on many news bulletins today…that the gas attack was a false flag operation by Jihadis….without telling us that he is ‘a vocal critic of UK policy in Syria’ who also happily appears on RT with the Iran stooge George Galloway….how the hell did this guy get to be … Continue reading

Think Tanks on the BBC’s lawn

    A video of Jacob Rees-Mogg giving the EU what for and telling a few home-truths that the BBC doesn’t dare voice…he mentions the rise of  extremist parties [left included] but blame sit on the EU’s lack of democracy.  Pretty damning stuff. And here’s Simon Jenkins in the Guardian of all places giving a pretty accurate take on the BBC’s bias with a very revealing comment about Lord Hall’s … Continue reading

Trump’s stubby little finger prints all over this

  Why was BBC 5 Live News telling us that Britain, France, Germany and ….Israel supported the strike on Assad?  Why no mention of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Turkey?  Is the BBC feeding into the conspiracy theories…ISIS…the ‘Israeli Secret Intelligence Service’? Is the BBC deliberately trying to stir up Muslim anti-Western radicalism?       Trump is to blame for Syrian gas attack and no doubt will be getting … Continue reading

Treasured Values

  Another terrorist attack, motive unknown, but Sweden is determined that the values that it treasures, freedom, democracy and human rights, will not be undermined by Islam…er…I mean by ‘hate’….whatever that means… Stockholm attack: Sweden ‘will not be undermined by hate’ Swedish values of democracy and freedom will not be “undermined by hatred”, the country’s prime minister has said. Stefan Lofven said the whole country was in a state of … Continue reading

Kendall Scandal

Oh gosh…Pepsi has apparently hijacked the Black Lives Matter ‘iconic’ photo and exploited it to promote its fizzy drink….the BBC naturally were on the case.   First, almost certainly that photo was set up and the girl was not there under her own steam….likely someone trying deliberately to create an ‘iconic’ image.  And if anyone hijacked that image it’s BLM….done before and better…. Personally I prefer the real, authentic smack … Continue reading

Hair today, gone tomorrow

  Melania Trump issues her first official White House photo portrait and the Left goes into a frenzied attack, the BBC included with  its bizarre critique of it branding it fake and emblematic of the Trump Presidency. Any coincidence that the day after someone in the Obama entourage slips out a ‘natural’ photo of Michelle Obama casually dressed and with her hair as nature intended to great applause from the … Continue reading

Building on Sands?

‘The referendum exposed two nations. We need a one-nation figure to restore order.’   The new Today editor coming from the Evening Standard?  A Remainder who doesn’t like Trump or immigration control[despite recognising the damage mass immigration has done…see below] No surprise there then. [Let’s hope the new editor of the Evening Standard does not become Today editor in time].  Will she as editor of the Today programme give Humphrys … Continue reading


Steve Bannon is moved from his temporary position on the National Security Council and. – bang – in goes the BBC. The comrades prefer to characterise this as as Bannon “losing” his seat and adds for good value…”Critics have branded Mr Bannon – who once managed populist, right-wing Breitbart News – as a white nationalist.” A bit like critics branded Obama a Kenyan, eh BBC? Meanwhile, on the substantive issue … Continue reading