All Trump would have to do is express a preference for Vodka for the BBC to accuse him of being in the Russian’s pocket. Meanwhile, other news outlets report this but the BBC doesn’t seem much interested. Does not fit into the narrative you see… Hillary Clinton’s team members met with the Russian ambassador during the election as well as Donald Trump’s, the Kremlin spokesman has alleged, as he set … Continue reading

Andrew Neil’s car crash interview       ‘Steerpike’ at the Spectator says Louise Mensch has a car crash interview with Andrew Neil.  I would suggest it is Neil who has the car crash as he keeps getting his facts wrong and continually misunderstands what Mensch says about Putin and Breitbart…she says she believes Putin had Breitbart murdered but she does not have any evidence…she is not saying that she has evidence of that, … Continue reading


      We do not expect you to trust us It is in the nature of an open collaboration and work-in-progress like Wikipedia that quality may vary over time, and from article to article. While some articles are of the highest quality of scholarship, others are admittedly complete rubbish. Also, since Wikipedia can be edited by almost anyone anytime, articles may be prone to errors, including vandalism. So please … Continue reading


Between 2010 and 2015, the Department [of education] and local authorities created 599,000 new school places at a cost of £7.5 billion The government estimates that it will need to create 420,000 additional places between 2016 and 2021 – 231,000 in primary schools and 189,000 in secondary schools. The Department has responded positively to start to meet the challenges it faces in relation to the quality and capacity of the … Continue reading

Hypocritic Oafs

  While millions of tourists make their way safely across Australia, some shocking exceptions highlight the need for caution in the wilderness So a judge warns women that getting drunk makes you vulnerable to rape attacks and the judge is denounced by the usual suspects [Labour]….no such denouncements for people warning backpackers to be careful in Australia [in the Guardian] in case they get raped.  Are the warnings not suggesting … Continue reading

The BBC’s Budget Budget Reporting

First…When Dick Nobinson called Hammond ‘Spreadshit Phil’ was he drunk, did he do it for a bet or was it purely a cynical joke to amuse his BBC buddies and those in Labour who wanted Robinson to be their PR guru?  I’m guessing the last one. Now to the main issue, the BBC’s so-called reporting of the Budget.  The BBC’s top economic editor, Nihal, speculated that Hammond was vilifying the … Continue reading


Looking forward to the BBC giving this as much publicity as the OTHER petitions that so excite it! MPs are set to debate whether to abolish the TV licence fee, used to subsidise the BBC, after a petition calling for it to be axed passed the 100,000 signatures mark. The petition calls for the mandatory fee of £145.50 per household per year to be ditched, arguing that it is too expensive. By law, … Continue reading

Lazy, Partisan ‘Journalism’

  The BBC reports… US housing boss Ben Carson calls US slaves ‘immigrants’ 7 March 2017 Last updated at 03:13 GMT Ben Carson, the secretary of housing and urban development, has compared slaves to immigrants, on his first day in his new job. In a 40-minute speech to staff, he praised immigrants who worked long hours to build a better future for their children. “That’s what America is about. A … Continue reading