Cultural Jihad

  Terrorism, violent extremism, is easily identified and labelled as a threat, or not.  The BBC, and indeed those in the Establishment, like to tell us there is a difference between Islam and Islamism, Islamism being mostly used to describe the violent extremists, not to be confused with ‘real’ Muslims, ‘Moderate’ Muslims…but of course the violence is just a tool, a tool that is used to further the aims of … Continue reading

Facts are sacred but thin on the ground

The BBC offers the most comprehensive guarantee. Politicians and lobbyists want to influence it more than any other news organisation because, despite occasional lapses, its reporters have earned the right to be believed. The corporation should be becoming the most important news institution not merely in Britain but the world. Nick Cohen likes the BBC, loves the EU…he thinks the BBC should be the goto source for reliable accurate news…but … Continue reading

The Doormat and the Matador

As the sorry history of The London Bombers shows, they have left us a country that cannot tell its own stories; a land so debilitated by anxiety and stupefied by relativism that it dare not meet the eyes of the face that stares back at it from the mirror. James Delingpole must be having a day off as he lets the BBC slip one past him like a Bullfighter distracting … Continue reading

Anti-Trump Trumpery

  The BBC quickly adopts the narrative of anti-Trump Muslims…a narrative faked up by a non-Muslim white man…the girl does not wear a hijab in normal life and the BBC does not provide us with any of the counter voices that criticise the image and the use of the hijab…the BBC is clearly excited by the anti-Trump ‘resistance’….echoes of the 1930’s and the French ‘Resistance’ no doubt for the great … Continue reading

Murray Minced….Hoist by her own Libtards

    The BBC has thrown Jenni Murray to the dogs as it warns her that she must not speak out in her private capacity on ‘controversial’ subjects that she discusses on the BBC. In their report on Murray’s allegedly ‘transmisogynistic’ [I try to learn a new word every day] comments about Transgender ‘women’ the BBC slips in a mischievous stab in the back…quoting Murray on Greer when Greer made … Continue reading

They don’t like it up ’em

The caller introduced himself as “Janne”, and asked her why a story about an attack on a security guard didn’t mention that a foreigner was allegedly behind the assault. “The truth has to get out there,” the caller says, according to an extract of the conversation published on the newspaper website. “Janne” blames Moroccan street children for the attack, although police are certain it was a local gang of youths. … Continue reading

Something of the night about the BBC?

  Marine Le Pen and the BBC….so similar in so many ways.  Le Pen’s National Front party is claimed to be anti-Semitic, an argument could be made that the BBC is similarly biased,  the NF cosies up to Muslims as does the BBC and both have a propensity for publishing photos they shouldn’t, or aren’t allowed to be published….Le Pen publishing photos of ISIS violence and the BBC transmitting sexualised … Continue reading


Looks like Dame Jenni Murray is about to join Germaine Greer in the unwanted by the BBC list. Broadcaster Dame Jenni Murray has been criticised for making “hurtful remarks” after suggesting men who have had sex-change operations should not claim to be “real women”. Writing for the Sunday Times, the Woman’s Hour host said “it takes more than a sex change and make-up” to “lay claim to womanhood”. LGBTQ campaign group Stonewall called … Continue reading